Monday, September 23, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Summary - Essay Example Below is the explanation of how the above factor could help curb the security problem. Crime Prevention through environmental design involves a combination of psychological and physical aspects of a security situation and then considering the two simultaneously. Security in areas say public zones, private or semi-private zones are best achieved by use of physical barriers like small fences or well-planned flower beds around them. These barriers along with some other symbolic barriers could also be used around sensitive data rooms to deter the entry of people into these rooms. The architectural designs have shown great efficiency in discouraging acts of crime in facilities. (Mlakar, 1999) Surveillance. Surveillance in any building or facility is very crucial as it help to monitoring people within it. The people may include the employees, visitors who, in this case, are strangers or even the security persons on the ground. Surveillance can assist to closely monitor individuals with a lot of secrecy and thus it’s recommended to install these devices at places where people cannot recognize them easily. This way, acts of crime will be identified easily as the individuals will be caught unawares. Monitoring becomes even most critical with increased number of employees. Monitoring cannot be accomplished in the darkness. Lighting, therefore, becomes another factor that goes hand in hand with surveillance. The brightness, intensity, and the number of lighting devices in and within a facility becomes of critical importance. Well-spaced, and glowing office lighting show good on cameras. Therefore, lighting offers the basis of any security situation in any given place. Outdoor barriers in a facility help to delay, obstruct, and or prevents cases of thefts and other negative security situation. The barriers include fences, perimeter barriers, and gates among other obstacles that prevent access to persons to some given areas. The

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