Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Male and Female Sexual Images and Portrayals Essay

Male and Female Sexual Images and Portrayals - Essay Example This "Male and Female Sexual Images and Portrayals" essay outlines the usage of sexuality of both genders in advertisement. The whole point of sexually idolizing the males and females in advertisement is for subliminal advertisement purpose where the sexual image is unconscious in an individual’s mind but it drives them to purchase the product being advertised in future or as soon as one sees the advertisement. The consumers purchase in order to look like the sexy male or female in the advertisement or intend to get such a sexy male or female as a companion once they have the product. This subliminal advertising is common in beauty products or other products such as cars. The sexual idolization of male and female in advertising is not bound to end soon. According to advertisers, the trend in fact is headed towards more â€Å"steamy† sexual idolization and this has already begun in some magazines. Some of the gender exclusive magazines such as playboy have product advertisements with completely nude photographs of models or celebrities. These images are meant to induce sexual fantasies to the target population driving them to purchase the products in large numbers, remain faithful to the brand and even advertise the products to their friends and colleagues through the word of mouth and by showing them the magazine photos. There is increased cut throat competition in each industry with each company trying to assign itself a position by outdoing each other and this is where innovative, creative and sexualized advertisements comes in.

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