Saturday, September 14, 2019

Person Centred approaches Essay

Understand the application of person centred approaches in health and social care. Person centred values must influence all aspects of health and social care, to maintain their individual rights, to give them choice, promote their independence and to keep their dignity and respect. When we are planning a care plan it should reflect the needs and wishes of the client keeping and maintaining their independence and maintain their rights and choices remembering that their needs and wishes change from time to time. Never make assumptions about a person, find out their likes and dislikes. Each person is entitled to make their own choice to have their say and a right to respect and dignity. Outcome 3 Be able to establish consent when providing care or support 3.1 Analyse factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent Our mental capacity is the ability to think and reason, to be able to understand how our choices affect what can happen. There fore a person who has had a stroke can not always understand the simplest of questions, someone who has dementia or has mental health problems may not be make the right choices for themselves. Evan someone who has poor communication skills with English not being their first language can lead to misunderstanding. 3.3 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established If consent cannot be gained you need to inform your line manager and record that consent could be achieved in their notes. Your line manager can consult with other professionals to help. In some circumstances people are assessed as being unable to give consent. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 outlines the circumstances in which another person can make decisions on behalf to the person who lacks capacity. In many circumstances it is useful to ask family members about the person’s preferences and wishes Outcome 4 Be able to implement and promote active participation 1.1 Describe different ways of applying active participation to meet individual needs Active participation is a way of working with a person that recognises the person’s rights to participate in activities of everyday life as independently as possible it focuses on their wishes and abilities designed to maintain their impendence making them an active partner in their care or support. By working this way we are involving the person in all aspects of their care and needs meeting their wishes and giving them choice e.g. what clothes would they like to wear, would they like a shower or a wash, what would they like for their lunch. The person then feels more valued and involved with their care it also helps to build the persons confidence. Outcome 5 Be able to support the individuals’ right to make choices 5.4 Describe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by others People have a right to challenge a decision that has been made about them. First make sure that the person fully understands what has been decided and by whom and what will happen making sure they fully understand what affect it will have on them. If the person doses not agree with this decision I would advise them on what steps to take to complain. Outcome 6 Be able to promote individuals well-being 6.1 Explain the links between identity, self image and self esteem Self image is the way we look at ourselves – Fat, thin, smart, untidy Self-esteem is about having confidence in ourselves Identity, self-image, self-esteem are all closely linked good self-esteem means a positive out look on life with good self imagine and good confidence in ourselves, having goals which are realistic to obtain. Someone who has low self-esteem will struggle with their sense of identity. Our identity, self-esteem and self-image are influenced by family up bring our friends, life experiences and feed back we get from others. Someone who was abused as a child will grow up with very little self-image can lead to behaviour pattern which leads to self destruct. Having a good level of education, a job involved in a relationship increases someone’s self value. 6.2 Analyse factors that contribute to the well being of individuals A lack of self-worth will lower motivation and reduce the person’s ability to full fill their potential. Always praise the person no matter how small their achievement is as this will improve their confidence and promote their self-worth. Approach everything with a positive aptitude, encourage them, listen to them be non judgemental show understanding and consideration this will boost the persons well being. Outcome 7 Understand the role of the risk assessment in enabling a person centred approach Risk assessments are used for various reasons. They can be used to assess the risk of the environment, risk of the action, risk to the client or member so staff, risk of a new piece of equipment, risk of dangers to others. Risks are a part of daily living for everyone it is part of the job to  minimise the risk to the client and to ourselves, this is why risk assements are carried out and revised regularly. Clients change they go down hill therefore the risks are constantly changing they become greater to the client and the carer so more actions need to be t to take implemented to protect the client and the carer.

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