Friday, September 13, 2019

International law questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International law questions - Essay Example account the identities of the persons signing the declaration of independence, their respective political positions and the language contained in the declaration of independence. In this regard, the individuals signing the declaration of independence were democratically elected persons and therefore representatives of the people of Kosovo. Moreover, since the persons signing the declaration of independence indicated in the declaration that the independent state supported and would continue the work of the interim government, they were indeed representatives of the people of Kosovo and thus were not acting in the capacity of one of the interim institutions established for reconstruction and stabilisation. According to the Court, the authors of the declaration of independence were bound by UNSCR 1244/1999 insofar as they were required to observe it until the final resolution of the crisis in Kosovo until the provisional institutions were handed over to an established government. The fact that the court emphasized that the declaration of independence was not intended to act within the interim government’s mandate speaks to the fact that the authors of the declaration of independence were bound to observe UNSCR 1244/1999. The Court also indicated that the declaration of independence was not intended to usurp the interim government but merely spoke to the future sovereign status of Kosovo. By all indications, it would appear that the Court was of the opinion that the authors of the declaration of independence were bound to comply with UNSCR 1244/1999. I agree with the Court’s assessment since, the interim government was installed to diffuse a hostile situation and not to act in a permanent capacity. The interim government could not act in a way that contravened the people of Kosovo’s right to self-determination. Since the authors of the declaration of independence acted on behalf of the people of Kosovo that duly elected them to represent their interests,

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