Monday, September 30, 2019

Undesirable: The Tragedy of Blanche Dubois

One of the victims of this tragedy is Balance Dubos, a delicate and fragile minded outcast. Ostracizes by her hometown and abandoned by her family, she resorts to prostitution and alcoholism for consolation. In her efforts to assure herself of her own worth in her growing age, and to rescue her sister, Stella, from an abusive lifestyle, she offends the male-dominated society in which she is trapped. Despite Blanches controversial lifestyle and destructive actions, she is nonetheless a tragic heroine whose downfall resulted from poor treatment at the hands of a cruel society to which she refused to comply.Aristotle defined a tragic hero as a character of nobility with a tragic flaw that eventually leads them to their own downfall. Balance Dubos, a beautiful and sophisticated belle, once represented the vision of the south. Born into a wealthy family and happily married to a young romantic, Balance seemingly had everything desired by women of her period. However, when her young husband is revealed to be a homosexual, she is unable to cope and drives him to suicide with her disapproval. This sends Balance into a spiral of mental degeneration, rendering her unable to adjust to the changes happening in ere world, namely the fall of the south.When she goes to her sister Stella for support, she clashes with the ideals of Stellar abusive husband Stanley, ultimately leading to her mental and physical destruction through rape. Balance meets the criteria of a tragic heroine from her noble beginnings to her humble end. She was the perfect example of southern class and sophistication before the fall of the aristocracy. She lived a lofty life at her plantation, Belle Reeve, and married her first love. Her downfall began when her husband, Allan, was caught in his homosexual actions; she confronted IM and he escaped her disappointment by killing himself.The damage to her mental health resulted in the loss of her home, her self-esteem, and eventually her concept of reality, whi ch was further broken by Stanley brute invasion. While some critics argue that Balance cannot rise to the title of tragic hero due to her many character flaws, critic Kathleen Lana, in her essay A Streetcar Named Misogyny, defends Balance by reminding the readers of her humanity: In her dramatic situation, Balance is – indeed – flawed, culpable, tragically imperfect, but she is fully and flagrantly human. As a tragic Geiger she functions as a subject, to be judged by her action or inaction†¦ ere will to save herself, her sister, her home. She is being fully female, driven beyond her ability to cope with the wholly male world. At this level of the play, we may grieve as the environment destroys Balance, or we may rage as Balance backs herself into a corner with her lies and evasions. But no matter how we view Balance we see and judge Balance as Balance, a fully developed human character. Balance, as a human, has several flaws that could be considered tragic. Howeve r, the flaw that initiates the beginning of her nonfatal, Élan's suicide, is her inability to be compassionate.In his paper The Tragic Downfall of Balance Dubos, Leonard Bergman describes this flaw by stating that â€Å"Blanches most fundamental regret is not that she happened to marry a homosexual†¦ Or the discovery of Élan's homosexuality†¦ But when made aware†¦ She brought on his suicide by her expression Of disgust. † A second tragic flaw is the inability to forgive herself for denying her husband forgiveness. Bert Caraculs states in his essay Balance Dubos as Tragic Heroine, that while â€Å"Balance could hardly be expected to respond with love and understanding†¦ E never truly had an intimate, an open and trusting, relationship with him. † Caraculs goes on to say that â€Å"Balance refuses from the beginning to forgive herself for denying Allen the compassion that would have saved or perhaps changed him. † Balance could not move on from the past because she felt guilty for telling the truth, something she often praised herself for doing. At the end of the play, it seems apparent that Stanley has won; that he has conquered and triumphed over a woman who defied and insulted the wills of men.However, tragic heroes are not necessarily defined by their victories, but y their struggle against their fate. Rather than bending to the whims of men in her male dominated society, Balance instead exposed their evils, beginning with Élan's and ending with Stanley. Balance redeemed herself by admitting her own flaws to Mitch after Stanley reveals her lies. She emerged from her romanticizes fantasy land to deliver the real truth: the person she fooled the most was not him, but herself.In scene ten, Stanley believed that his personal and violent invasion of Balance would finally break her, forcing her to admit all of her wrongs and finally live in reality. While he's made out to be the actor, with nobody believing Blan ches declaration of rape, he only achieved his goal of taking all of her privately. Her mind retreated into her fantastical world of the past, allowing her to escape her reality permanently. Memories Of southern gentleman supporting their decorative belles allowed her the peace she could not find, even as she was escorted to the asylum, her new â€Å"home†, by a kindly doctor.Balance is a tragic heroine. She fits the Aristotle defined criteria, she has not only one, but two tragic flaws, and though she lost her sanity and pride by the end of the play, she does not submit to her harsh reality. Some critics argue that, in her mad hysteria, she is not befitting of the title tragic hero. However, they are simply preying on her open weakness, something that many male tragic heroes are too prideful to show. Her weakness only makes her more eligible for the title; she is exposing her flawed humanity to all who condemned her.She dares them to come clean of their own flaws, many of wh ich her society condoned. As Lana states, â€Å"She may be quite simply too noble to exist as a female in a world run by a phalanx of Stanley Kowalski. † â€Å"Balance becomes a tragic protagonist and transforms the play into an allegory; Williams uses her plight to criticize the social circumstances that have shaped her flawed persona and led her to her demise. † The social circumstances that Lauren Siegel mentions in her essay Balance Dubos: Antihero are what condemn, ostracize, and serve to flaw Balance and her fragile mind.Aside from her own tragic flaws, Blanches society is to blame for her downfall. By creating societal norms and expectations, her society placed restrictions on her actions and convinced her that what she did to survive, both mentally and financially, was morally wrong. It glorified the actions of en such as Stanley Kowalski, who measured women's worth only by their sexual attractiveness, and rejected free female sexuality. Lastly, it condemned ho mosexuals and anyone else who did not fit into society's cookie cutter conformity, namely Balance Dubos. In her hometown, Balance was known as the town nut.After the death of her relatives, paying for the plantation became her responsibility, a responsibility that weighed heavily on her damaged psyche after her husband's death. Prostitution served a dual purpose in Blanches mind; it paid the bills and allowed for meetings with â€Å"strangers† who would remind her Of her beauty. However, as knowledge of her promiscuity spread throughout the town, her name became trash and her reputation resulted in her termination from the hotel in which she worked. Though the hotel was known for its shady business, society placed her sins above others.Why? Because she was a woman who went against what was expected of her: to be married and supported by a husband, with whom she was allowed to have free intimacy. Caraculs supports this by stating, â€Å"These â€Å"strangers†, in †Å"wising up† to Blanches thinly disguised cries for help and devotion were as much to blame for her panic-driven promiscuity as she herself was. Even before the South's decline, men were the bread winners of society. However, during the reign of the aristocracy, men were expected to be gentlemen to their women, to be their financial supporters and protectors.When industrialization replaced the plantation lifestyle, a new attitude was formed. Men became cold, brutish, and domineering over every aspect of their lives, including their women. Women became objectified as property rather than respected as equals. While society praised men for owning a lot of â€Å"property, women, like Balance, were hounded for promiscuity and damned as harlots. As Lana complains, â€Å"Stanley, on the other hand, is applauded for his sexuality, for his sadistic exploitation of Stella, for his love of the ‘colored lights'. Men were permitted their adultery because of their usefulness, while women, who were viewed only as burdens, were denied their freedom. Allan and Balance needed each other to conform to society's expectations. Allen used Balance to disguise his homosexuality, and Balance used him for financial support and protection. After Balance discovered Élan's affair with another man and confronted him, she unconsciously sacrificed both her and is position in society. By embarrassing Allan, she ruined his reputation and his chances for success. His suicide left her without support or an outlet for intimacy.Caraculs uses this fact to explain Blanches acceptance of Match's courting, â€Å"she struggles at the end in his memory to achieve intimacy with Mitch which alone can restore her to grace through linking of sex with compassion. † She recognized that, though she did not love Mitch as she loved Allan, the only way to be restored in the eyes of society was to conform: to get married. However, her inability to win over Mitch after her lies are revealed mode her chances and foreshadowed that she would never be able to rejoin the society that rejected her. Society's expectations prevented both women and men from shaping their own destiny.By forcing the cult of domesticity, both Stella and Balance, the women who conformed and the women who failed to conform, suffered at the hands of men. Conformers often found themselves in unhappy or even abusive relationships and nonconformists were left to their own devises. Likewise, the men, like Allan, who could not abandon their gentle southern upbringing or hide their preference of gender, were rejected and replaced by heir more manly counterparts. Society condemned, ostracizes, and served to flaw what it did not accept. Part of what makes Blanches tragedy a tragedy is how her society treated her when she was found to be undesirable.Instead of being provided with proper help and treatment, she is hauled off to the madhouse in an embarrassing and demeaning manner. She is also denied an invest igation of her declaration of rape by Stanley, as no one believed she was in her right mind. It is this mistreatment that resulted not only in Blanches fate, but also Élan's and Stellar: mental institutionalizing, suicide, ND domestic abuse. Women were considered undesirables due to their lack of skills. However, they were never trained to be anything other than good mothers and wives in their cult of domesticity.When faced with the brutality of male dominance, women were often mistreated through physical and emotional abuse. However, because they were objectified as the property Of men, society often condoned this ruthless behavior and allowed the abuse behind closed doors. Even the women themselves thought of it as the price paid to keep the peace. Lana shows this in Stella by stating, ‘Stella knows that, t a deeply unconscious level, she must keep Stanley happy to preserve the economic and emotional security she has achieved as his woman. † Homosexuals had an equa l, if not lower, position with women in society.While they were still men, they were seen as having a closer relation to that of women. Lana shows this relation by her description of the author Williams, â€Å"Williwaw's homosexuality in a heavily masculine society rendered him naturally sympathetic toward the plight of the women†¦ With whom he identified with. † When Balance revealed Allan as a homosexual, she condemned him as less than a man by society standards. As a result, suicide became a better option than living in shame. Although he is a character with greater morality than Stanley, Élan's inability to conform to society wishes made him a reject nonetheless.Despite her protective retreat into her memories of the past, Balance still had recollection of Stanley act of violence against her. However, because of her lack of mental stability, her claim is brushed off by the doctors, her neighbors, and even Stella. Her society denied her human rights and savagely s tripped her Of her dignity in her last scene. In her madness, she believed she was making her escape with a gentlemanly lealer, but instead was greeted by two doctors intending to take her away to an asylum.After fighting them at first, she allows herself to be led away by her kindly doctor, after informing him that â€Å"she has always depended on the kindness of strangers†. These strangers, who abused her mental fragility and took advantage of her, are the same men that society praised for their masculine dominance. To conclude, Lana sums up Balance Dubbing's tragedy: â€Å"in the struggle with the dark forces of her society, Balance, with her typically female characteristics, is ultimately lost and savagely exploited.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Maoism in China Essay

Generally, the Communist system in the Soviet Union and in China are practically identical politically, economically, with the reciprocal purges ect†¦ However, Mao Tse-Tung and Stalin did not see eye to eye on many things and Maoism is considered today by most people to be a more developed stage of Marxism-Leninism. This is because of the historical and cultural background of China and because of her geographical position and climate which affects society. Contrary to Russia, Communism developed in the countryside instead of in the cities. Thus it was a peasants’ revolution rather than, as predicted by Karl Marx, a workers’ revolution. The cities in China were at the beginning, anti-Communist. The Chinese absorption of Marxism was highly selective. China took from Marxism those aspects which best suited the Chinese situation rather than force the Chinese situation to fit an overachieving ideology. Thus Marxism was to be the servant of the Chinese Revolution. Mao Tse-Tung believed that adherence to pure Marxist theory would be suicidal and concluded that proletarian revolution based upon the urban areas was impossible in China since 80 percent of the people were peasants. Due to the warmer climate and more fertile land, peasantry was more popular in China. This pragmatic solution led to the Revolution starting in the rural areas. The most important difference between Stalin and Mao is the comprehension of the word ‘proletariat’. The Russians believed it meant, as Marx had, the industrial workers while the Chinese, by lack of sufficient workers, understood it as the peasantry. The Great Leap Forward where everyone was put to work was another Maoist characteristic. For 100 days each year, the peasants were not working in the fields so Mao set them up to work in the off-season harvest after 1957. Millions of men and women were put to work in winter, digging irrigation ditches and canals, preparing railroads and laying track. Then the â€Å"backyard furnace† was invented and 600 000 small steel establishments were set up.  The object was to overtake Britain in steel production. However, when the peasants left their land to work on the industrial projects, the lands suffered. So more changes were made. In some communes, men and women were separated to increase their productivity by cutting down socialising. On February 27th 1957, Mao was feeling very positive about all that he had done so he decided to loosen the straps on the Chinese people. He introduced the ‘hundred flowers’ campaign where he encouraged arts, sciences and â€Å"a flourishing socialist culture in our land. Different forms and styles in art should develop freely†. It seemed he was encouraging free thought and criticism of the system. After only six weeks though, Mao’s open invitation brought a real storm of furious criticism from the intellectual community who believed the chairman was sincere. This infuriated Mao who was expecting positive feedback and in April 1957 a rectification campaign had begun to eliminate the ‘triple evils’: â€Å"subjectivism, sectarianism, and bureaucratism†. The party members and Mao believed to be above criticism so a purge of intellectuals began. The Cultural Revolution is perhaps the greatest difference between Stalinism and Maoism and was entirely set up by Mao Tse-Tung. He has been called insane many times for the crazy extent which the Cultural Revolution took and for the lasting and devastating effects it continues to have. Mao favoured the word, â€Å"destruction† when he promoted the Cultural Revolution; he preached that he had to destroy an old system of production, an old ideology and old customs first. He thought that once the ideology had been established, productivity would follow in a revolution. â€Å"Although the bourgeoisie has been overthrown, it is still trying to use the old ideas, culture, customs and habits of the exploiting classes to corrupt the masses, capture their minds and endeavour to stage a comeback. The proletariat must do the exact opposite: it must deal merciless blows and meet head-on every challenge of the bourgeoisie in the ideological field and use the new ideas, culture, customs and habits of the proletariat to change the mental outlook of the whole of society. At present, our objective is to struggle against and overthrow those persons in authority who are taking the  capitalist road, to criticize and repudiate the reactionary bourgeois academic authorities’ and the ideology of the bourgeoisie and all other exploiting classes and to transform education, literature and art and all other parts of the superstructure not in correspondence with the socialist economic base, so as to facilitate the consolidation and development of the socialist sy stem.† Fifteen years after the success of the Revolution, Mao saw his new society as troubled, he had destroyed the old ruling class, but had established two new ones: the intelligentsia and the bureaucracy. Mao had turned against the intelligentsia after the ‘hundred flowers’ campaign but had not finished destroying them. When he saw the Soviet Union’s new aristocracy with their dachas and limousines, he set out to destroy the establishment he had created. Always one to manipulate the masses, he turned towards the youth for a new society by creating the Red Guard, an army of children. They were sanctioned by the highest authority, Mao himself and were bent on destruction. In essence, the children destroyed anything which did not appeal to them, although the initial target was to destroy the ‘four olds’: ideas, culture, customs and habits. They travelled in bands for mutual protection and inspiration, destroyed stores and restaurants and attacked however they desired. The Red Guards were divided by family background: poor peasants against well-to-do peasants, peasants against workers, and the children of army officers. The next step of the Cultural Revolution came in January 1967 when Mao replaced the officials all over China by young people with no experience and no common sense. Then universities, middle schools and primary schools closed down. This was called the period of the terror. The only young people to receive an education were the children of intellectuals who were taught by relatives and parents. Mao tried to destroy the education process which was disastrous for China as specialist, technicians ect†¦ were indispensable for the development of a country, and in this case, they were dismantled. However, he changed his mind in 1978 and sent in the People’s Liberation Army to desman the Red Guard. Mao’s theory of constant revolution to avoid the forming of classes is the major separation with Leninism and Marxism. It was under these conditions that the most earthshaking political event and the largest mass mobilization the Earth has ever seen took place. This is how Chairman Mao defined its objectives: â€Å"The current Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is absolutely necessary and most timely for consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat, preventing capitalist restoration and building socialism.† Mao’s Communism focuses especially on the particular interest for China and this by rejecting foreign intervention. The only use for foreign involvement is to insure Chinese security, economy†¦ He believes in Chinese Communism first, and not in World Communism. However, China supports people threatened by oppression which explains their expansion policy. Indeed, China has expanded her territory by invading the Tibet, fighting Korea. China has refused economic aid, except for trade with the Soviet Union which represented only 2 percent of Chinese investments. China developed its own brand of Communism to suit its needs and similarly to Stalinism, was dictated by only one man, who had the power to decide anything he desired.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 87

Journal - Essay Example I, for instance, can now choose fast and better clothes. This makes her like it very much and her face lights up with excitement. She is genuinely happy from her emotions and tells me that I have helped her a lot since she has an interview, the following day. I finish attending to her after one hour, to my big surprise. On looking at the clothes hanger, I notice so many clothes there. They all need to be returned, follow the correct order and I have to make sure that all their tags are checked. We already have 6 clients; so many to have at the same time. Another intern is still busy and that means I have to step in and assist in cleaning up. After finishing, I go to the donation center, where I find too many clothes heaped together like a mountain. I feel dizzy and notice too many stars swirling around my eyes. One intern works from 1pm to 5 pm. We are a total of 6 interns but after 3 pm we only have 2 interns. This is really too much work and my mind is running wild with several questions like how can I tag all of them? How can I organize them? How can I measure clothes? Etc. I take a deep breath and just relax. I feel that I hate clothes right now and I am having nightmares from clothes. My intern colleague told me once that I look like a tailor when I measure pants, men suits and thus soon I will be looking like a real professional. As I ponder where to begin, I get thinking that right now I am ok with just being a personal shopper working at a donation

Friday, September 27, 2019

Fathers and Their Families Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24

Fathers and Their Families - Essay Example When fathers are not at home, the economic welfare of the family is adversely affected because mothers bear all the family financial burdens.a) When fathers are not at home, the economic welfare of the family is adversely affected because mothers bear all the family financial burdens.b) Fathers are usually a sense of security to their families, thus their absence exposes the family to potential risks of abuse among others.c) Fathers’ absence from the family breaks down the smallest unit of a family thus jeopardizes its functioning.Now that I have looked at the overall family welfare when fathers are away from home, I will proceed to discuss what happens to children when their fathers are not at home.II. Fathers’ absence from the family negatively affects the development and welfare of children) Children from families with more concerned and caring fathers encounter fewer behavioral challenges than their counterparts from fatherless families (Howard et al., 2006).b) Girl child usually needs the father for proper psychological development and absence of the father from home for a few hours or permanently servers the connection girls have with their fathers.c) Children are more likely to engage in early drug and substance abuse when their fathers are not at home. In conclusion, today, I have covered what happens to the family when fathers are away at home, which includes weakened social and economic strength as well as disturbed child development. When fathers are away from home, either for a short duration or permanently, their families are often adversely affected.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Belioz' Symphonie Fantastique performed by The Houston Syphony, Essay

Belioz' Symphonie Fantastique performed by The Houston Syphony, Conductor- Andrs Orozco-Estrada - Essay Example The orchestra ensemble consisted of brass and wind section, a string section and a percussion section. The string section occupied the front part of the stage facing towards the right wing and the conductor in the centre, raised on a podium. The cello and viola section filled up the other side of the stage facing the left wing and the conductor. The brass section occupied the farther end of the stage with instruments flutes (doubling piccolos), oboes (doubling cor anglais), clarinets (doubling E flat clarinets) and bassoons. The front row of the brass section consisted of horns, cornets, trumpets, trombones, tubas and ophicleides. The percussion sections consisted of timpani, cymbals, suspended cymbal, tenor drum, bass drum, bells, in scale C and G. The percussion section was located on the back left corner of the stage. There were a total of 10 instrumentalists in the brass section. The stage was set for what was to unfold as one of the finest love renditions of Hector Berliozâ€⠄¢s masterpiece composition Symphonie Fantastique. The version of the composition that was played live in front of the audience was a little dissimilar from the ones played in school orchestras. Program Contents The magnificent instrumental masterpiece, a thoroughly appreciated and celebrated musical wonder in France especially in its heartland capital of Paris, consisted of 5 movements that took charge of the flow and narrative of the composition. It consisted of the following 5 movements which were played on the evening of 26th October 2012: 1. Reveries  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Passions (Daydreams  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Passions) 2. Un bal (A ball) 3. Scene aux champs (Scene in the Country) 4. Marche au supplice (March to the Scaffold) 5. Songe d'une nuit de sabbat (Dream of a Witches' Sabbath) It was observed that the symphonies consisted an odd number (5) Symphonie than the conventional 4 symphonies composed in the Romantic Era of musical proliferation. 1. Title and composer of each selection on the pr ogram: The title of the musical movement is: â€Å"March to the Scaffold† 2. Genre: The Genre of the piece if Program Symphonie (Orchestral). It is a piece of program music. 3. Style of each selection: The style of this movement is 20th Century. Contemporary 4. Date of composition: The movement was composed in 1830 5. Performers: The performers were members of the Houston Youth Symphony Sinfonia Orchestra member. 6. Any characteristic or unusual sounds in the music 7. Your personal understanding of the music and your reaction to the work and its performance 8. The sources of information used for this report if any. (Ohio Link Music Center 1) Description of the Musical Piece in detail: The movement â€Å"March to the Scaffold† begins with root note/ anchor note E in the major scale with the wind section starting the performance. Percussive sounds filled up the background with cymbal strokes and bass drum stroked to set the rhythm and tempo. The wind section and percussi on section gradually increase the amplitude, slowly building up the mood and intensity of string and percussion strokes. This finally gives way to the string sections, in which the violins in the mid-range frequency dominate the overall sound. The phrasing of the notes is such that there is descent from the middle octave to the lower octave. The brass section is distinct and can be clearly identified playing the bass notes with the string instruments beautifully complementing the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

LASA 1.The S'No Risk Program Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LASA 1.The S'No Risk Program - Case Study Example Prior to the S’no Risk Program, there was a traditional sale held in the fall season wherein a 10% discount was offered (Bell, 1994). Eventually, the program took hold and a combination of factors including a surge in the snowfall and customers being enticed by the relative lack of risk meant that sales grew, and distributors were pleased to carry Toro products, even leading to cases of depleted inventories. The program lasted one year and then an evaluation was conducted, and the recourse offered by the insurance company called for an adjusted premium of â€Å"around 8% of sales for the coming year† (Bell, 1994, 3). This is approximately a four-fold increase from the previous annual period, and so it may be quite alarming. The reason for the rate hike however, is apparently due to the fact that American Home offered too cheap a rate initially. In this case, Susan conduct an independent study that analyzed the historical data, with regard to payouts as proscribed by the S’no Risk Program, and realized that in 1983, there would have been payouts of approximately 19% of sales (Bell, 1994, 3). With this information in mind, it makes sense that the insurance firm would want a higher rate, as the trend for payouts was higher than the low premium offered in the first year of the program. Another cause for the increased premium in the following year may have been due to the increasing total number of snow equipment components sold from 81/82 to 82/83 (Exhibit 1). The customer viewed the advertisement and was able to see immediately that there was a chance at varying rates of snowfall for a savings, and in some cases an absolute refund with the prospect of also keeping the Toro machine from the purchase. In essence, the consumer would be receiving something for nothing, and obviously they are the benefactors and Toro loses out in this scenario. Rather than offering different tiers of savings, I would suggest that it would be more simple to offering one large refund if the snowfall was below some threshold. This would be easier from an administrative standpoint, and if the consumers would still be drawn to purchase from such a modified program, the payouts would likely be minimized, which would be a favorable outcome for the income balance sheet of Toro. The S’no Risk Program executed in 1983 was a success, but it should be understood that Toro had several factors that were aligned in their favour. Their objective was accomplished of increasing sales, which allowed them to improve the year-to-year standing of their company, as well as afford the relatively low insurance premium, which also was a positive for the insurance company. As stated in the case, in the seasons leading up to the creation of the program, there was a plummet in the average snowfall, which meant that the market for snow equipment was in retreat. Toro needed an initiative that would jump start consumers and boost the sales of the company, and the pos sibility of an arrangement with Home Assurance was a welcome idea, even though it was not absolutely risk-free. If the insurance rate were higher, as it was recommended that it should have been, then the net sales generated off the snow equipment, less the payouts would have been less justified. This assumption would be further supported if the related premiums were to increase for the next yearly period. Likewise, if there was little snowfall at all not only would the payouts drastically increase, but it raises the doubts if many would purchase a piece

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Male and Female Sexual Images and Portrayals Essay

Male and Female Sexual Images and Portrayals - Essay Example This "Male and Female Sexual Images and Portrayals" essay outlines the usage of sexuality of both genders in advertisement. The whole point of sexually idolizing the males and females in advertisement is for subliminal advertisement purpose where the sexual image is unconscious in an individual’s mind but it drives them to purchase the product being advertised in future or as soon as one sees the advertisement. The consumers purchase in order to look like the sexy male or female in the advertisement or intend to get such a sexy male or female as a companion once they have the product. This subliminal advertising is common in beauty products or other products such as cars. The sexual idolization of male and female in advertising is not bound to end soon. According to advertisers, the trend in fact is headed towards more â€Å"steamy† sexual idolization and this has already begun in some magazines. Some of the gender exclusive magazines such as playboy have product advertisements with completely nude photographs of models or celebrities. These images are meant to induce sexual fantasies to the target population driving them to purchase the products in large numbers, remain faithful to the brand and even advertise the products to their friends and colleagues through the word of mouth and by showing them the magazine photos. There is increased cut throat competition in each industry with each company trying to assign itself a position by outdoing each other and this is where innovative, creative and sexualized advertisements comes in.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Summary - Essay Example Below is the explanation of how the above factor could help curb the security problem. Crime Prevention through environmental design involves a combination of psychological and physical aspects of a security situation and then considering the two simultaneously. Security in areas say public zones, private or semi-private zones are best achieved by use of physical barriers like small fences or well-planned flower beds around them. These barriers along with some other symbolic barriers could also be used around sensitive data rooms to deter the entry of people into these rooms. The architectural designs have shown great efficiency in discouraging acts of crime in facilities. (Mlakar, 1999) Surveillance. Surveillance in any building or facility is very crucial as it help to monitoring people within it. The people may include the employees, visitors who, in this case, are strangers or even the security persons on the ground. Surveillance can assist to closely monitor individuals with a lot of secrecy and thus it’s recommended to install these devices at places where people cannot recognize them easily. This way, acts of crime will be identified easily as the individuals will be caught unawares. Monitoring becomes even most critical with increased number of employees. Monitoring cannot be accomplished in the darkness. Lighting, therefore, becomes another factor that goes hand in hand with surveillance. The brightness, intensity, and the number of lighting devices in and within a facility becomes of critical importance. Well-spaced, and glowing office lighting show good on cameras. Therefore, lighting offers the basis of any security situation in any given place. Outdoor barriers in a facility help to delay, obstruct, and or prevents cases of thefts and other negative security situation. The barriers include fences, perimeter barriers, and gates among other obstacles that prevent access to persons to some given areas. The

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Globalization Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Globalization - Term Paper Example assumption that globalization entails economic integration, exchange of knowledge, as well as interdependence of political and legislative decisions of world countries. Among the latest definitions of globalization is that of Al-Rodhan, who concludes that â€Å"globalization is a process that encompasses the causes, course, and consequences of transnational and transcultural integration of human and non-human activities† (Al-Rodhan 5). Therefore, it can be said that globalization is the process which makes integration and communication between countries, nations, businesses and individuals easier and less dependent on political or territorial constraints. This means that state boundaries or long distances play a less important role in communication and cooperation of nations. As countries become more integrated, they become more interconnected and interdependent in many aspects of their operations. Technological developments in transportation and communication have made it pos sible for world countries and people to become closer. The Internet, in its turn, has sped up and intensified the process. Availability and relative cheapness of Internet access around the world has diluted the states’ boundaries having allowed more people and businesses to work internationally. This has made different types of globalizations become more distinct and powerful. Among the major types of globalization are economic (financial), socio-cultural, and political (Dreher, Gaston, and Martens 2). Economic and financial types of globalization are among the most discussed ones because they are related to interdependence of world economies, increased flows of international capital and cross-border trade of goods and services (Shangquan 1). Technological advancements in transportation and... The intention of this study is globalization as a very complex process that touches all the spheres of people’s lives. Consequently, just like the majority of internal processes of each country, globalization evokes both positive and negative consequences. On a positive side are, definitely, the spread of technologies, free trade, and an increase in exchange of commodities between the countries. Globalization brings economic and financial development to less developed countries, and new business opportunities to the whole world society. Still, it cannot be said that globalization can be made to work for all, because advantages in some aspects bring disadvantages in others. For example, the spread of communication and Internet technologies has allowed businesses to outsource jobs from poorer countries to take advantage of the lower wage rates. As a result, home country professionals either lose their jobs or have to work for lower salaries. Similarly, outsourcing of business pr ocesses, while is a great driver for India’s economy, has lead to displacement of some service-sector jobs in developed countries. Globalization diminishes the importance of borders and, supported by the Internet, allows for free movement of information. As a result, it is becoming more and more difficult for governments to control and suppress information they prefer to restrict. The Internet even provides large companies with opportunities to show self-governing behavior.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Holocaust Museum Essay Example for Free

Holocaust Museum Essay The scary and historical holocaust museum in the United States gives a memorable and unforgettable lesson in the fragility of freedom. During World War II,where the time of which the Nazi Germany operate and murdered all European Jews because of their sense of racial inferiority. The word holocaust derived from the Greek word meaning sacrifice by fire. In January 1933, the Nazis came to lead the Germany. And they used different terms to hide the true nature of their crimes. Moble killing units also called Einsatzqruppen operated mass murder to European words,Roma and Soviet state and communist party officials through mass shootings. The wars ending Europe with the unconditional surrender of German armed forces in 1945. Holocaust museum prevent mass killing, promotes leaders, and strengthen democracy. It is used for educational activities and global outreach program. which headed and supported by pubic partnership and federal support. Holocaust museum with its unique power and authenticity its educate millions of people regarding the dangers of very strong dislike and the need to prevent mass killing. It encourage to act and develop a sense of moral responsibility among every citizens so that they will react to the monumental challenges to face the world. The horror of Holocaust was the unforgettable memory of American people. The site of Auschwitz,Dachau ground wet because of the rain and other death camps,shards of bone and layers of ash work their way to the surface. This process is at work in the memory of the Holocaust. The national institution condition in a well known location near to the National Mall in Washington, DC is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It is supported by the government of United States by giving funds for the constructiion of the building and for the continous operations of the museum. Jewish movie director Steven Speilberg contribute lot for the museum. It is located in the Raoul Wallenberg Place, after the Swedish diplomat who saved 100,000 Jews in Hungary during World War II. The land which the museum was build was owned by the United States Department of Agriculture and which the two of the three annex buildings of this prosperity was demolished in order to build a museum whose design was patterned or more about holocaust. Progressively more, discriminatory measures in Nazi Germany led many Jews and others targeted by the Nazis to try to leave their country. Between the 1933, Nazi party lead and 1939, more than 300,000 Jews migrated from Austria and Germany. However, for many, finding a safe haven proved difficult. Western nations feared an influx of refugees, especially in the wake of the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass, November 9-10, 1938) pogroms. Although 85,000 Jewish refugees reached the United States between March 1938 and September 1939, due to American immigration Evian \ Conference restrictions on the number of immigrants this level of immigration was far below the number seeking refuge. At the 32-country convened in 1938 to consider the plight of refugees, no country except the Dominican Republic was prepared to increase immigration quotas. In 1939, both Cuba and the United States refused to admit over 900 Jewish refugees who had sailed from Hamburg, Germany, on the St. Louis. The ship was Progressively more, discriminatory measures in Nazi Germany led many Jews and others targeted by the Nazis to try to leave their country. Between the 1933, Nazi party lead and 1939, more than 300,000 Jews migrated from Austria and Germany. However, for many, finding a safe haven proved difficult. Western nations feared an influx of refugees, especially in the wake of the Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass, November 9-10, 1938) pogroms. Although 85,000 Jewish refugees reached the United States between March 1938 and September 1939, due to American immigration Evian Conference restrictions on the number of immigrants this level of immigration was far below the number seeking refuge. At the 32-country convened in 1938 to consider the plight of refugees, no country except the Dominican Republic was prepared to increase immigration quotas. In 1939, both Cuba and the United States refused to admit over 900 Jewish refugees who had sailed from Hamburg, Germany, on the St. Louis. The ship was forced to return to Europe where, ultimately, many of the passengers putrefied in concentration camps or killing centers forced to return to Europe where, ultimately, many of the passengers putrefied in concentration camps or killing centers. EXPERIENCE IN THE MUSEUM As I went in on the museum ,I felt so emotional because I cant believe that in the old generation,they can kill as many people as they want I felt sympathy to the Jews. I cant understand why they have to kill the people, because for me as a Christian believes that God our creator is the only one who have the right to get back our lives. I was also impressed because as the years passed by ,many historical buildings can be take care and supported by the government and the citizens of our community. And as I went out of that museum,theres a hope that as a new generation comes,life would be meaningful and all of the people would respect the life of each other . It will serve a big lesson to each and everyone who think negative to others. It shows how it was happened and the unjusticed action of Nazi for the Jews. Because of this,it helps individuals realized that there is no good effect in having a negative perception to other people it may caused war and violations . Always think positive ,communicate well to others and avoid any inferiorities. In preventing Holocaust museum in the present time gives a big contribution specially in the teen agers mind, they can avoid violence and know how to show kindness to other people. It can build a harmonious relationship to each other. And they can act as good human beings ,with fear to GOD and concern to the feelings of others. This historical museum is a very good symbol to end wars and to avoid violence. It is very impressive that American government support the funding for the museum in order to preserve ths documentary and historical event that is very useful in showing to people the importance of human relationship and useful value of this Holocaust museum. It is a very good place to visit by different schools for their educatinal activities and their outreach programs. BIBLIOGRAPHY Shandler Jeffrey,1999 While America Watches: Televising the Holocaust,New York Saidel,Rochelle G. ,1996 Never Too Late to Remember: The Politics behind New York Citys Holocaust Museum, New York

Friday, September 20, 2019

Analyse and discuss the marketing strategy used by Starbucks

Analyse and discuss the marketing strategy used by Starbucks Marketing is an essential part of a business strategy that can affect people view about a brand and this essay will duly demonstrate the effectiveness of Starbucks marketing strategy, particularly sensory marketing in attracting new young customers. There are numerous marketing techniques in todays business, different companies use different strategies, in order to sell its products to customers. One of the marketing techniques that became an object of discussion in a few companies is sensory marketing. It is important that companies understand sensory marketing for their business and how it will influence their marketing strategies in attracting new customers. Starbucks is a famous coffee company that has been implementing sensory marketing in their strategies for a few years. This essay will begin by, firstly, describing five senses included in sensory marketing and their relations to customer perception. Secondly, case studies in two Starbucks special outlets in creating comfortab le ambience will be introduced. Thirdly, we will discuss the importance of customer service, which can create customers experience through their senses. Fourthly, Starbucks online marketing strategy that matches with the evolution of todays technology. Lastly, we will analyse Starbucks sensory marketing strategy with its effectiveness to attracting new young customers. At the beginning we have to understand sensory marketing, and why it is necessary and how it influences customer perception of a product. Sensory marketing is a technique using five human senses to promote products, which has to be unique, authentic, and people can easily remember your brand (Bhargava, 2008, 208). Five senses which humans have are sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch; these senses can be used for persuading customers to interest its products. The sense of sight is the most seductive senses that humans have and human logic can be persuaded by this sense, therefore it is most widely used by companies in their marketing strategy. The other senses that not less important are taste and smell. These two senses are closely connected, which are very important in food and beverages business, because these senses enable the brain in creating memorable sensation in human minds. The sense of smell can turn-off other senses if customers have bad experience in smell. The last two senses that companies might consider are sense of sound and touch, which can help companies to give more experiences for customer about a product.Therefore, companies can utilise senses for their strategy to maintain customers as well as attracting new customers. One of the key points of Starbucks sensory marketing strategy is the appearance of their outlets that can maintain their customers to have a good perception about the brand as well as attract new customers. Starbucks marketing strategy, most of the time, concern customer experience, which involves customer senses through personal value and meaningful connection (Michelli, 2007, 11). The sound of the barista, who is a coffee preparer, working with the coffee machine and the smell of brewed coffee aroma are memorable moments related to our senses and naturally stored in customers memory. This ambience setting made their customers always visit the outlet and create Starbucks outlet to be the third place between work and home (Michelli, 2007, 103). The new Starbucks outlet concept in Central London, which opened in November 2009 can be a case study. The new concept is to provide a comfortable place in order to meet customer expectations including a beautiful environment and a new Starbuc ks experience Moreover, until 2006 Starbucks had opened four Starbucks Hear Music Coffeehouse, which are special outlets for its segmented customers (Starbucks, 2006). The main idea is to fulfil customers passion about music, i.e. using the hearing sense to reach customer experience with the Starbucks. Consequently, in every business development, Starbucks always tries to use sensory marketing to be their strategy to attract customers. Furthermore, other important part of the Starbucks sensory marketing strategy is customer services, which led Starbucks to be on the top of customers minds when thinking about places to have coffee, and it is created from customer experience with their senses. When customers enter Starbucks outlets they feel that they have a different experience, everybody feels welcome and regulars are normally recognised by the employees. Moreover, some of Starbucks employees try to remember their names, their jobs, and their favourite drinks (Michelli, 2007, 23). This situation made customers feel that they have a special relationship more than just fulfil their needs to buy a coffee. Starbucks have a service motto named make it on your own. This service allows customers to create their own coffee in order to meet their expectation in taste. In food and beverages business, taste and smell are two important parts to be required because different customers have different expectations in their taste and smell. Starbucks carefully considers, understands and delivers this to its customers with customisation in their drinks and provides various sizes of cups. Starbucks has put these strategies into primary strategy by using human senses to meet their needs and expectations. In recent years, technology has become more necessary and Starbucks follows these needs by providing resources, which can create more experience with their customers through sense of touch, sight, and sound.. Nowadays, we can see people using their smart phones, laptops, iPods, and many other smart devices that connect to the Internet during the day on a regular basis., Since first of July this year, Starbucks in America started to provide free Wi-Fi connection for its customers and launched Starbucks Digital Network content, that give enables its customers to access the premium partners such as iTunes, The New York Times, Patch, USA today, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo!, and Zagat Meanwhile, the growth of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Foursquare, forced Starbucks to be a part of these communications evolution in using technologies. Moreover, Starbucks has its own website called My Starbucks Idea, which allows their customers to give their idea, opinion about some ones idea, and join the discussion. These online marketing strategies are still related with their sensory marketing strategy that put together the sense of touch, sight, and sound, in order to meet young customers needs, who might only choose Starbucks to browse the internet, listen to music, or to go on facebook and twitter. Starbucks sensory marketing strategy has succeeded in maintaining its customers as well as attracting new ones, particularly young generations, and matched with the spirit of company innovation to inspire and support young people. The Starbucks website (2010) states that their goal is to engage 50,000 young people, who will in turn innovate, take action, and inspire 100,000 individuals in their communities by 2015; this means that Starbucks combines their strategy with social responsibility, which will be considered as a respectable company amongst the young people. On The Next Web website Noff (2010) discovered that Starbucks has over 705,000 followers on twitter and over 5,428,000 fans on Facebook. You could say that they are doing something right on the web, this fact shows that Starbucks has many loyal customers and most of them are the Internet users, especially young people. Starbucks also runs loyalty programs to attract young customers. Therefore, Starbucks sensory marketing strategy is considered as an effective strategy that has strong relationship with senses to attract new customers, particularly young customers with their spirit and innovative characteristics. In conclusion, this essay has demonstrated the effectiveness of Starbucks sensory marketing strategy to attract new young customers by analysing and discussing its relation the five human senses. Starbucks uses the five senses to make memorable experiences for its customers, particularly through their online marketing strategy, which satisfies young customers needs in adapting technology. Todays technology, such as social media and music content which are mainly used by young people, delivers new experience for customers. In fact, we can see this achievement from the number of fans on their Facebook and followers on Twitter. Starbucks has created emotional connection with its customers, uniqueness in make it on your own coffee, and attentive to details in every aspect of the outlet ambience. In comparison to other companies, Starbucks advertising and promotions expense is relatively small, they have always focused their budget on connecting the customers experience with the five huma n senses. The key point of their success in using sensory marketing is applying it consistently for a long period with passion throughout their everyday services. Customer experience is an intangible asset and very valuable, which made the Starbucks brand become a top operator in the coffee business.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Impact of Eleanor Roosevelt as First Lady Essay -- biographies bio

The Impact of Eleanor Roosevelt as a First Lady   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before Eleanor Roosevelt, the role of the first lady was not a political role; it was merely just a formal title of the president’s wife. Eleanor Roosevelt paved the way for all presidents’ wives to come by being active in politics during and after her husband’s presidency. Of course, she did not have instant success; she had many trials which helped her become an important and influential role model. Eleanor Roosevelt’s dedication to her husband, her activeness in politics, and her volunteer work enabled her to change the role of the First Lady.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eleanor Roosevelt was born on October 11, 1884 to Elliot and Anna Hall Roosevelt. Her mother was very beautiful and thought of Eleanor as a disappointment and would even make fun of her and call her mean nicknames like â€Å"Granny† (Cook, 21, vol. 1). Her father adored her and she adored him but he was never around due to the fact that he was an alcoholic and a drug addict (Morey, 14). When Eleanor was seven years old, her parents got a divorce; which left her mother, Anna, to raise the children alone (Spangenburg, 4). Eleanor’s parents both died shortly after, her mother when she was eight, and when she was ten she learned that her father had died as well. Eleanor and her two younger brothers were sent to live with their Grandmother Hall (Morey, 16-17).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Although Eleanor did not have a pleasant childhood, things started to look up when she started dating her fifth cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. They were married on March 17, 1905 (Cook, 162, vol. 1). Eleanor’s Godfather, Theodore Roosevelt, the current president, agreed to walk her down the aisle at her wedding (Morey, 25-27). After their wedding, Franklin and Eleanor’s house was still not ready, so they lived with Franklin’s mother, Sara, who was not very fond of Eleanor. Once Eleanor started having children Sara even insisted on helping raise them because she considered herself to be a better mother than Eleanor (Morey, 28). Eleanor gave birth to 6 children, but lost one and from this became depressed. This was a hard time for her especially living with Sara. Finally, in 1910 they moved away from Sara to Albany, New York so Franklin could run for Senator (Cook, 184-186, vol. 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eleanor Roosevelt was dedicated to Franklin and was always helping him out behind the scenes. When Franklin became... own experiences and observations. Eleanor also said, â€Å"I had really only three assets: I was keenly interested, I accepted every challenge and every opportunity to learn more, and I had great energy and self-discipline.† (Spangenburg, 99) Eleanor Roosevelt changed the role of the first lady by her dedication to her husband through everything, her involvement in politics, and her willingness to help others through her volunteer work. Works Cited Black, Allida M. Courage in a Dangerous World. The Political Writings of Eleanor Roosevelt. New York: Coumbia University Press, 1999. Cook, Blanche Wiesen. Eleanor Roosevelt 1884 1993. Vol. 1. New York: Penguin Books Ltd, 1992. Eleanor Roosevelt 1933 1938. Vol. 2. New York: Penguin Books Ltd, 1999. Lash, Joseph P. â€Å"Eleanor Roosevelt.† Encylopedia Americana. 1997 ed. Levy, William Turner, and Cynthia Eagle Russett. The Extraordinary Mrs. R. A Friend Remembers Eleanor Roosevelt. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1999. Morey, Eileen. The Importance of Eleanor Roosevelt. San Diego: Lucent Books, Inc., 1998. Spangenburg, Ray, and Diane K. Moser. Eleanor Roosevelt A Passion to Improve. New York: Facts on File, 1997.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Romanticism In Literature Essay examples -- essays research papers

Romanticism In Literature Romanticism in literature, began around 1750 and lasted until 1870. Different from the classical ways of Neoclassical Age(1660-1798), it relied on imagination, idealization of nature and freedom of thought and expression.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Two men who influenced the era with their writings were William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, both English poets of the time. Their edition of â€Å"Lyrical Ballads';, stressed the importance of feeling and imagination. Thus in romantic Literature the code was imagination over reason, emotion over logic, and finally intuition over science. All of these new ways discouraged and didn’t tolerate the more classic way of literature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Other significant writers of the Romantic Age are noted still as shaping an age of open-mindedness and freedom. Lord Byron was one of these authors, he wrote â€Å"Don Juan';. Another is Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote in terza rima, a three line iambic pentameter set up of bcb, cdc, ded, and so on. Johan Keats created his own fairy tale land in the lyrical poem â€Å"Ode on a Grecian Urn';.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nature and the natural surroundings were important in romanticism. Taking pleasure in untouched scenery and the innocence of life was the basis and theme of â€Å"The Seasons'; by the Scottish poet James Thomson. This inspired the nature tradition present in English literature, such as the works by Wordsworth.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another aspect in romantic writings, most times connected with the...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pitbulls Essay -- essays research papers

Picture this for a second. You come home both mentally and physically exhausted after a strenuous day at school. All you want to do is watch TV and relax with your best friend. As you begin up the concrete cracked driveway, these thoughts linger in your mind. You push the key into the door handle but you notice something is wrong. There is no barking, no tail wagging, no sign of your best friend at the gate. All that is left is a notice on the front door explaining that your dog has been destroyed by the RSCPA. This is the outcome that many Queenslanders are facing for owning an American Pitbull Terrier. But it is not only APBT owners that are suffering from this ordeal, but owners that have dogs that even slightly resemble the APBT will be destroyed. This will soon become the case in Victoria if no one tries to save the name and true reputation of the APBT. I would appreciate if you forgot all the hysterics the media has put forward over time on this breed and listen to how it is not his fault if he escapes, is tort to attack or is put into the ring to fight to the death. The APBT does not deserve this reputation, this reputation has evolved from mans misdemeanors. Renewed calls for the eradication of the APBT were prompted by yet another seemingly endless dog attack. Yet when the public learn that these attacks are easily preventable and in almost every case, it is the owner’s irresponsible ownership which allows the gate open for these attacks to occur? The vicious kil...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Is Foreign Aid Is Blessing Or Curse?

Since the time of independence Pakistan has been facing macroeconomic exertions, such as vicious circle of poverty, less utilization of available natural resources, unfavorable political circumstances that influenced domestic economy and so on. To seize the deficiency, Pakistan has had to depend greatly on financial assistance made by distant countries. Pakistan has been seeking aid since 1947 from global lenders including International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank.This financial aid poured mostly in the form of loans or debts with high interest rates. Focal of such assistance is the socio-economic development of the country. Financial assistance once taken as a blessing, appeared as to remove all the dearth of the economy. Resultantly many of the sectors started nourishing at par. Pakistan commenced its way towards developing nation but 2005s earthquake ruined Pakistan leaving its awful economy further worsen.Though foreign aid showered in the cou ntry but, in fact, it directly went to the bank accounts of few effluents and hence with the passage of time, it proved that foreign aid has become a curse instead of becoming blessing, not only perished the confidence of local people but corrupted more government officials. All the authorities here are now seeking more and more aid rather than to rely on their own available resources. Pakistan has already borrowed too much foreign aid in the form of loans and is still borrowing that has reached the historic over $60 billion.Debt burden is continuously increasing so its interest rates that worth more than the debt itself. Now the economic position is so deteriorated that for the payment of interest, Pakistan tries to get more loans. Pakistan has become now an aid addict and does not make policies to develop their economy with their own domestic resources. Officials do not pay attention for the development of the technology. They just become entirely dependent on others. Major portio n of aid particularly commodity aid is misappropriated by the concerned Government officials.Moreover, when aid is in terms of commodity such as wheat etc, which many times is provided at a very nominal price, discourages local production of that commodity because of higher cost of production within the country. This situation discourages local agricultural production. If donor country has assisted in establishing imported substitution industry then raw material for the industry will have to be imported from loan given country otherwise industry will not continue its production because particular raw material is not available locally.This causes heavy foreign exchange burden on economy. Pakistan is obtaining foreign aid for bridging gap between domestic savings and investment and also to improve balance of payments position but till now it has not been able to accomplish this task, rather both gaps are continuously increasing. Sometimes aid giving countries interfere in the defense and foreign affairs of Pakistan. That’s why it is said that there are always political strings attached to the bilateral loans. Thus this is to be reveal here that all aid is not for economic rationales but also political.Most of the politicians misallocate the aid for its appropriate concern so to raise their pay, power and prestige. Thus aid is also promoting greed and selfishness among the leaders of the realm. Pakistan was accessed as an independent nation but Pakistan is now fully dependent on the aid drug to eradicate all the absences. As soon as a new government takes office it is out to woe the US for aid, begs from the Saudis for a few crumbs and looks to countries like China for handouts. This must stop.To achieve self-respect and start to improve the lives of the impoverished masses the country needs corrective surgery. The starting point should be adopting a culture of austerity and simplicity. The President, Prime Minister, Army Chief and Chief Justice should be given homes and protocol of ordinary citizens. The vestiges of colonial days, the pomp of office must go. Leaders must present themselves as a role model of modesty rather to complex the masses by their luxurious stuff.One has only to look across the border that how people present themselves in public in simple clothes, sans jewels and accessories, where ministers don’t drive in flashy imported vehicles if a role model is needed. The next step is to generate resources by taxing all. The first step should be agriculture. There is no more favorable time than now. In the past 3 to 4 years produce price including cotton have witnesses a runaway increase and most farmers have had their incomes increase by over 400 percent in three years. Income tax is a failure in Pakistan however consumption tax can be promoted.All students going abroad for study should be required to get an NOC which would require their parents to explain the source of funds. All property purchase, vehicle purch ase and airline ticket purchase should require an NTN number. Put in place consumption taxes. For examples vehicles over 1000 cc should progressively be taxed. Measures such as the above would document the economy and bring more of the black economy into the main stream. With a corrupt bureaucracy, political elite and military this may virtually impossible. So a revolution is needed to unshackle Pakistan.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

National Integrity and Communal Harmone

CURRICULUM VITAE M Siva Kumar c/o M. B. Achary Pl-no-23/flat no-h2 Swati shikhara appts Huda complex Saroor nagar Mobile No: 91-9866032385 Residence: 040-24043403 Hyderabad. Email:[email  protected] com |Objective | Looking for a challenging opportunity in a globally respected organization that will provide me an opportunity to work on state-of-the-art technologies and allow me to contribute as a positive factor in the progress of the company. |Educational Qualification | Degree/ |College/Institute |University/Board |Year Of | |Class Of Study | | |Completion | | BHM |Greenfield’s College of Hotel |Osmania university |2007 | |(bachelor of |Management, Hyderabad. | | | | | | | |hotel | | | | |management) | | | | 10 + 2 |Kendriya vidyalaya unit –ix BBSR |AISSCE |2004 | | DHTM |International Institute of Hotel |Set win |2002 | |(diploma in |Management, | | | |hotel and |Hyderabad | | | |catering | | | | |management) | | | | | | Kendriya vidyalaya unit –ix BBSR |C entral Board of Secondary Education |2000 | |10th | | | | | | | | | |Industrial Exposure | ? Completed 16 weeks Training from hotel Green park Hyderabad ?Worked for Kebab & Beer festival organized in Taj Residency, Hyderabad |Experience | ? Presently working with dominos pizza India limited a unit of jubilant food works as a store manager over a period of 2 . 5years (Emp code-450866) ? Worked with cafe latte as a shift in charge for a period of over 2 years |JOB RESPONSIBILITIES | ? Responsible for smooth operations of the store ensuring the availability of stock and staff ?Ensuring all the necessary operation levels are maintained includes gas petrol electricity and diesel routine check ups of bikes gensets ovens and infrastructure ? Assigning job responsibilities and training to the entire staff with respect of product people and material ? Checking the inventory management and verifying the reason for the variances ? Promoting the store in different localities by using differe nt marketing tools and regular visits to corporate for bulk orders ? Managing 17 members team which includes 5 delivery boys 3 customer service representatives (order takers) 4 crew members and 2 associate mangers 2 assistant managers and one training ace ? To solve the customers concerns with great care and empathies ?Preparing the monthly profit &loss statement in association with the district manager ? Managing vendor related issues and passing the bills to regional head office ? Preparing monthly& daily M I S report and sending them to the corporate head office noida |Strengths & achievements | ? Successfully implemented Standard Operating Practices & achieved 84% in Operational Excellence. ? Reduced the Prime Operating Cost (Utility, Fuel, and Manpower) per unit by 12% through control measure practices. ? Efficient Interpersonal Skills& ability to handle pressure as well crisis management ?Received many appreciation mails from district managers and area manager for exceptional ideas of in store product management ? Received many customers appreciation mails in terms of showing exceptional hospitality ? Attended National FIDA(financial index data analsis) meet at Bangkok 2011 & Colombo 2012 |Computer Proficiency | ? Office (word, Excel, power point) Operating systems: Windows 98/XP/Vista |Personal Details | Full Name : M. SIVA KUMAR Father Name : M. B. ACHARY Date of Birth : march 09, 1985Gender : Male Marital Status: single Hobbies & Interests: Listening to music &surfing the net To music Nationality : Indian Languages Known : English Hindi Telugu Oriya Bengali &French Address : PL-NO-23/FLAT NO-H2 SWATI SHIKHARA APPTS HUDA COMPLEX SAROOR NAGAR HYDERABAD | Declaration | I hereby declare that the information and facts furnished here are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date : Place : (M Siva Kumar) [pic] [pic]

Julius Caesar Concession

Julius Caesar Concession Essay Marcus Brutus was a noble man. He was loyal to himself and never did anything wrong without believing that what he was doing was right. Even though killing Julius Caesar was wicked and evil, when he did it, he had all the right intentions. Up to his very last breath, he thought that he was saving the people of Rome from an unjust ruler. He never wanted anything bad to come from it. He thought that he could bring peace to Rome Marcus Brutus, however, was very easily deceived. As long as someone told him that doing something would bring good, he would do it.This allowed Cassius to quite easily trick Marcus Brutus into doing what he wanted him to do. And being as sneaky as Cassius was he was able to pretty easily blame it on Marcus Brutus. The fact that he could be so easily tricked made him a prime target for Cassius to do the dirty work and share the blame. It can be argues that since he was so easily manipulated that you can’t really tell how goo d of a person he was. But since his intentions were so noble, that he was a truly honest, noble man. Unlike the other conspirators who chose to take place in the assassination of Caesar, Marcus Brutus did it to help his people.All of the others only took place in the assassination due to jealousy and dissatisfaction. And for Marcus Brutus, it was a big sacrifice to him as well, seeing that he and Caesar were good friends. And that that proves just how noble his intentions were. That he would kill his own friend if it meant that others could be safe. Even his enemies (Mark Antony and Octavius Caesar) respected him for the honest man that they knew that he was. He did evil things, that that did not make him an evil man. It’s like the old saying: â€Å"It’s the thought that counts† Works Cited Shakespeare, William Julius Caesar.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Person Centred approaches Essay

Understand the application of person centred approaches in health and social care. Person centred values must influence all aspects of health and social care, to maintain their individual rights, to give them choice, promote their independence and to keep their dignity and respect. When we are planning a care plan it should reflect the needs and wishes of the client keeping and maintaining their independence and maintain their rights and choices remembering that their needs and wishes change from time to time. Never make assumptions about a person, find out their likes and dislikes. Each person is entitled to make their own choice to have their say and a right to respect and dignity. Outcome 3 Be able to establish consent when providing care or support 3.1 Analyse factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent Our mental capacity is the ability to think and reason, to be able to understand how our choices affect what can happen. There fore a person who has had a stroke can not always understand the simplest of questions, someone who has dementia or has mental health problems may not be make the right choices for themselves. Evan someone who has poor communication skills with English not being their first language can lead to misunderstanding. 3.3 Explain what steps to take if consent cannot be readily established If consent cannot be gained you need to inform your line manager and record that consent could be achieved in their notes. Your line manager can consult with other professionals to help. In some circumstances people are assessed as being unable to give consent. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 outlines the circumstances in which another person can make decisions on behalf to the person who lacks capacity. In many circumstances it is useful to ask family members about the person’s preferences and wishes Outcome 4 Be able to implement and promote active participation 1.1 Describe different ways of applying active participation to meet individual needs Active participation is a way of working with a person that recognises the person’s rights to participate in activities of everyday life as independently as possible it focuses on their wishes and abilities designed to maintain their impendence making them an active partner in their care or support. By working this way we are involving the person in all aspects of their care and needs meeting their wishes and giving them choice e.g. what clothes would they like to wear, would they like a shower or a wash, what would they like for their lunch. The person then feels more valued and involved with their care it also helps to build the persons confidence. Outcome 5 Be able to support the individuals’ right to make choices 5.4 Describe how to support an individual to question or challenge decisions concerning them that are made by others People have a right to challenge a decision that has been made about them. First make sure that the person fully understands what has been decided and by whom and what will happen making sure they fully understand what affect it will have on them. If the person doses not agree with this decision I would advise them on what steps to take to complain. Outcome 6 Be able to promote individuals well-being 6.1 Explain the links between identity, self image and self esteem Self image is the way we look at ourselves – Fat, thin, smart, untidy Self-esteem is about having confidence in ourselves Identity, self-image, self-esteem are all closely linked good self-esteem means a positive out look on life with good self imagine and good confidence in ourselves, having goals which are realistic to obtain. Someone who has low self-esteem will struggle with their sense of identity. Our identity, self-esteem and self-image are influenced by family up bring our friends, life experiences and feed back we get from others. Someone who was abused as a child will grow up with very little self-image can lead to behaviour pattern which leads to self destruct. Having a good level of education, a job involved in a relationship increases someone’s self value. 6.2 Analyse factors that contribute to the well being of individuals A lack of self-worth will lower motivation and reduce the person’s ability to full fill their potential. Always praise the person no matter how small their achievement is as this will improve their confidence and promote their self-worth. Approach everything with a positive aptitude, encourage them, listen to them be non judgemental show understanding and consideration this will boost the persons well being. Outcome 7 Understand the role of the risk assessment in enabling a person centred approach Risk assessments are used for various reasons. They can be used to assess the risk of the environment, risk of the action, risk to the client or member so staff, risk of a new piece of equipment, risk of dangers to others. Risks are a part of daily living for everyone it is part of the job to  minimise the risk to the client and to ourselves, this is why risk assements are carried out and revised regularly. Clients change they go down hill therefore the risks are constantly changing they become greater to the client and the carer so more actions need to be t to take implemented to protect the client and the carer.

Friday, September 13, 2019

International law questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International law questions - Essay Example account the identities of the persons signing the declaration of independence, their respective political positions and the language contained in the declaration of independence. In this regard, the individuals signing the declaration of independence were democratically elected persons and therefore representatives of the people of Kosovo. Moreover, since the persons signing the declaration of independence indicated in the declaration that the independent state supported and would continue the work of the interim government, they were indeed representatives of the people of Kosovo and thus were not acting in the capacity of one of the interim institutions established for reconstruction and stabilisation. According to the Court, the authors of the declaration of independence were bound by UNSCR 1244/1999 insofar as they were required to observe it until the final resolution of the crisis in Kosovo until the provisional institutions were handed over to an established government. The fact that the court emphasized that the declaration of independence was not intended to act within the interim government’s mandate speaks to the fact that the authors of the declaration of independence were bound to observe UNSCR 1244/1999. The Court also indicated that the declaration of independence was not intended to usurp the interim government but merely spoke to the future sovereign status of Kosovo. By all indications, it would appear that the Court was of the opinion that the authors of the declaration of independence were bound to comply with UNSCR 1244/1999. I agree with the Court’s assessment since, the interim government was installed to diffuse a hostile situation and not to act in a permanent capacity. The interim government could not act in a way that contravened the people of Kosovo’s right to self-determination. Since the authors of the declaration of independence acted on behalf of the people of Kosovo that duly elected them to represent their interests,

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Palestine Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Palestine - Term Paper Example There are different negotiation believes in United States, Arab world, Asians, and Africans as depicted in the different stands they take in negotiating showing the strong impact of culture on negotiations. This study aims at investigating the impact of Palestine culture on their negotiation through an in-depth analysis of the importance of face and loss of face to Palestinians in Negotiations and the type of negotiation styles to which they employ when negotiating. Language is the means through which a person’s culture is communicated from one generation to another is the best way to gauge the influence of culture on communication. The first negotiation technique used by the Palestinians is an admiration and frequent use of ambiguity in discourse showing that culture has a high impact on Palestinian negotiation. This is well in line with Palestinian culture where an ability to manipulate communication and relation to others is admired and respected. This is due to the mistrust and inability to take the face value of offers in negotiations. Proper etiquette and mannerisms is the other behavior common among Palestinians in negotiations due to the high ranking of hospitality, etiquette, and correctness in Palestinian culture. Palestinians will try their very best in being polite despite tensions in negotiations as they are required in their culture to both a foreigner and a member of the Palestinian community showing an impact of culture o n negotiation. Palestinian culture requires them to maintain honor at all times in their communication, thereby affecting their communication in negotiations. This requires Palestinians to behave modestly and hospitably to the other negotiators. Palestinians use the Musayra as a communication code in their negotiation where they try to ensure the negotiator goes along with the communication. Palestinians aim at maintaining an engaged relationship during negotiations as their code of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 200

Assignment Example A significant portion of the consumers in North America are Millennials who are dependent on their electronic gadgets in their daily lives. This trend has a negative impact to Bic because it undermines one of its primary products which are stationery, notebooks and pens. The trend says that the more the millennial market spends on electronics and gadget, the less they will spend to stationeries and pen which are Bic’s products. In addition, the pervasive use of gadgets also provided an alternative to Bic’s other traditional products which are coloring, drawing pencils, crayons and felt pens. They can now also be done in softwares such as photoshop, Corel Draw or other apps and this means reduction in demand and consequently, market share. Other traditional products however such as sticky notes and writing pens (white board) will not be affected by the trend of increased use of gadgets. Their demand could even increase as their use are becoming popular in presentations and group meetings. Another trend that could run counter to Bic’s profitability interest in the long run is its lighter market. At present, 40% of Millennials and 21% of adults may be smoker but this trend is going down. The increasing awareness for health and the ill effects of smoking will have negative impact on the demand for cigarettes and along with it is the decreasing demand for lighters which is Bic’s product. Various interests groups and advertising campaigns are increasingly becoming aggressive in convincing people to quit smoking. At present, many people are already trying to quit smoking or are resorting to e-cigarettes as an alternative. The figures are discouraging because 44% of men and women are already using e-cigarettes which have no use of Bic’s lighters. Either way, this does not spell good for Bic because it undermines its lighter products.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Ethics in Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Ethics in Nursing - Essay Example This essay â€Å"Ethics in Nursing† discusses the role of nurses in dealing with elderly people and ethical issues of this profession. A nurse in the first place is accountable to people who really need nursing care. While doing her or his job, the nurse promotes an atmosphere in which the human rights, values, customs and sacred beliefs of the person, family and community are high valued. And it is a nurse who together with the whole society is held liable for beginning and promoting activity to satisfy the requirements of people actually that of vulnerable persons in the area of health and social necessities of the public. Among main standards in nursing care are the hard-edged ability to provide this care that supports standards of personal health and the unprecedented ability to increase confidence of public that keeps up standards of personal conduct. Thus, apparently these are both rules and laws that are commonly supposed to stand for the minimal written standards for n ursing practice. For instance, there are also some laws that protect a patient from harm, though they certainly do not keep nurses responsible for the level of ethics that contributes to high quality nursing care. However, nursing cannot count only on external means such as laws and diplomas as well as just on self-reflection to give the profound guarantee of the ethical competence in care. Nursing competency from the ethical point of view represents a complicated system that demands a great number of means. In order to practice nursing competently it is necessary both to obey external means of nursing competence and to reflect ethically about competence. A nurse must always bring up questions regarding the nature of ethical competence in their profession, for example, questions about general ethical standards in nursing care and ways to satisfy them (Thompson,

Monday, September 9, 2019

GERMAN ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

GERMAN ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Every day he has to give it oil and trim the wick so that it always burns clear and bright. We pay him a dollar a week for that.† As the farmer went on his way, one of the travelers said â€Å"We could use this lamp. What a pleasure it would be not to have to walk about in the gloom at night.† â€Å"You know what?† said the second, â€Å"We’ll get a horse and wagon and take it away.† The third climbed the tree, bored a hole in the moon, stuck a rope through it, and let it down. They covered the moon with a cloth so no-one would see that they were being robbed of the moon and drove away. With luck they arrived in their own country and hung the moon in a high oak tree. Old and young alike were happy with the moon’s light that fell over the fields and in the houses and rooms. Even the dwarves came out of their caves, dressed in their finest red jackets, to dance in the meadows. The four supplied the moon with oil and trimmed its wick and weekly collected their dollar. But they were old men and as the first sickened and his death was in sight he ordered that one-quarter of the moon, as his share, be buried with him in his grave. As he was dying, the Mayor climber the tree and cut off a quarter of the moon to lay in his coffin. The light of the moon was reduced, but not very noticeably. When the second died the second quarter was given to him, and the light diminished itself. Still weaker was it after the death f the third, likewise taking his share with him, and when the fourth went to his grave, the old gloom trampled once more over the country. When the pieces of the moon were reunited in the Underworld where darkness had always prevailed, the dead stirred and woke from their sleep. They were astonished that they were able to see as though it were daytime. The light of the moon was enough because their eyes were weak from not having seen the brilliant sun for a long time. They got up and joyfully took up their old way of life again.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Management concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management concepts - Essay Example According to CEO James Thompson, operations management within Concept Design Services â€Å"totally transformed our outlook, our resources, and our prospects† over a ten-year period, resulting in a phenomenal unanticipated financial success (Chambers, 2003, p. 46). Management assessed Concept Design Services original growthelement, industrial plastic components, and noted the decrease in sales and the unreliability of the market in both purchasing the product and requesting larger orders. As Concept Design Services diversified into household goods and plastics, the demand for inexpensive household products expanded. At this time Concept Design Services was faced with the issue of an increasingly competitive pricing market from smaller manufacturers that could produce a duplicated item within a tightly controlled overhead. Even while these items appeared to be duplication, they were not the quality of the Concept Design Services items. Concept Design Services evaluated their pr oduct line, deleted the less profitable industrial enterprise, and developed a niche market with a new designer and a new concept. Designer household plastics became the â€Å"it† item for new homebuyers and those with a desire for fashionable home decoration. While developing the new product line, Concept Design Services created a new distribution network that brought the product closer to the consumer and the point of purchase. Placing their designs and color coordinated products at eye level in retail markets and chain stores, Concept Design Services launched their products with enhanced publicity by providing visible merchandise on television cooking shows, color magazine advertisements, newspaper articles and advertisements, and point-of-sale color brochures and self-service displays (Chambers, 2003, p. 48). As a first step in transformation, Concept Design Services changed their inputs, by changing the direction and gaining control of the process that transforms resourc es. Next in the transformation process, Concept Design Services changed the physical design of their product, changed the customer base for their product, and changed the information available to customers to market a chic, new product. At this time Concept Design Services changed the distribution process, or output, so that the customer had better service and a quicker turnaround time for product availability. While enacting the new focus for Concept Design Services, operations management utilized the four dimensions, of operations management in the following ways: Volume-The company concentrated on providing a high volume product (plastic housewares) and abandoned the low volume product (industrial plastics). The new high volume product required an entire new division of designers, colors, marketing, and increased the cost per unit of the new plastic housewares. This change was capital intensive as it required paying royalty payments to Italian designers in return for the endorsem ents and designs, an operating cost that was not previously anticipated (Chambers, 2003, p. 53). Variety-The Company moved from a low variety (only specific models of industrial plastics) to a high variety (plastic housewares with multiple colors and designs). The higher variety brought a more complex set of circumstances requiring more mouldings, more tooling changes, more color changes and more waste of the product

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Food Policy Reform in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Food Policy Reform in Schools - Essay Example The program also aims to provide opportunities for various stakeholders including parents, agriculturists, retailers, etc. However, in recent times it is found that the program are unable to achieve their objectives as the nutritional status of populations have changed over the last 50 years and populations are affected with a different set of disorders compared to what was present more than 50 years ago. Hence, recommendations need to be laid down which would more effectively ensure the success of the school food programs and ensured hat the taxpayers money is put to better use. Food Policy Reform in Schools Introduction The aim of this study would to review the food reform policies that are implemented for schools across various states of the US. The aim of the food policy is to implement a population-based approach so that the diet of children is improved, their nutritional status is benefitted and various nutritional disorders such as obesity and deficiency are prevented. An impo rtant aspect of the topic is the fact that children’s diet in schools would play an important role in developing future food behavior, establish an appropriate BMI. Children spend a significant portion of their time at schools and these fruitful hours in education also need to take into consideration other activities such as exercises, food eating habits and psychosocial development. Most Americans spend life at schools for the first 16 years of their lives and hence is exposed to the food available at schools at least at some point (Adamick 2010). Over the past few years, the food problem in schools have escalated very seriously as unhealthy eating habits were being developed and promoted. Vending machines, fast food cultures, cafeterias and junk food stalls been sources of unhealthy food (Public Health Law Center 2010). Kate Adamick (co-founder, Cook for America), considers that having a school food reform program may not only be effective as the economy is sick and the cos ts of such programs would be prohibitively high. Also considering the fact that the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) have certain set standards available for nutritional content and that junk food which is also easily available at schools does not need to meet any nutrient content. Schools may sell these junk food items through cafeteria, fundraising events, school stores, vending machines or snack bars (Adamick 2010). In analysis, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) have been provided by the federal government to students of school and children care facilities across the US, regardless of the income status or the social status of the families. These programs have been authorized under the statues Child Nutrition Act 1966 and the National School Lunch Act 1946. The Statutes involves creating a policy for providing food to children from schools at a subsidized rate (or free for qualified students) whilst ensuing that the various stakeholders in this scheme are benefited. The various stakeholders including the children, parents, teachers, school management, Federal government, state government, US Department of Agriculture, Department of Education, etc. The program was further modified for including snacks provided to children up to the age of 18 years. More than 31 million children across the US are benefited

Friday, September 6, 2019

The methods used by Dickens Essay Example for Free

The methods used by Dickens Essay The conditions of the workhouse were awful and they didn’t care about the children much they didn’t give them allot of food. This is implied by ‘It was his ninth birthday†¦ he was kept in the cold cellar†¦ after a sound thrashing†¦ for atrociously presuming to be hungry’. This shows that on Oliver’s ninth birthday he was locked in the cupboard and was starved to death. The word ‘atrociously’ shows us that Mrs Mann was a Cruel and Wicked women. Dickens is using the technique sarcasm because to show that people were treated badly and they wanted children to die. This makes the reader think that children at that time where treated really badly and makes the reader feel sorry for them for what they are going through. Oliver was looked after by Mrs. Mann who wasn’t a good person because she didn’t look after the children properly, she didn’t feed them well. This is implied by ‘it’s very likely it will be troublesome. Give it a little gruel if it is . This quote shows us that Mrs. Mann didn’t care much about the children, she was spiteful and she couldn’t be bothered to look after the children properly, also she didn’t care if the child dies and also she’s a hypocrite. The words ‘troublesome and gruel ’ means if the child starts crying and gruel is a cheap porridge , this shows that if the child is crying just give them some gruel to make it shut up and the child won’t bother them again . Dickens is using the technique sarcasm because to show that children weren’t that important at that time. This makes a modern reader think that people didn’t care much about the child and makes the reader feel sorry for them. The conditions of the workhouse were very bad and dirty. This is implied ‘At last the got so wild and voracious with hunger†¦ He was afraid he might sometime happen to eat the boy who slept next to him. ’ This portrays that the conditions in the workhouse were terrible and filthy. The word â€Å"voracious â€Å"shows us that Oliver was really hungry, he didn’t get feed well. He is using the technique sarcasm because to show people how hungry y he was and that he could eat people next to him. As a reader, I feel extremely sorry for the children in the past because they didn’t get feed well and the people there were really hungry that they could eat another person and also people didn’t care about the children much but they should have cared and the children didn’t have a good life. The conditions of the workhouse were really bad because they make people cry and feel scared and make them feel uncomfortable. This is implied by ‘made him answer in a very low hesitating voice whereupon a gentleman in a white waistcoat said he was a fool. What capital way of raising spirits, putting him quite at ease. ’ This quote shows us that Oliver was scared of the men as it said he trembled and went on to answer in a low and hesitating voice. It also shows us that the gentleman are not nice to children they think that they don’t know anything . The word ‘trembled ‘shows us how frightened he was the fact that he trembles shows just how would approved to the board and how he was feeling inside. He is using the technique sarcasm because to show us how he was feeling, and how the gentleman treats the children there. I feel this is unacceptable because they are making the kid cry and also making them feel frightened for no reason and they shouldn’t be allowed to do that and also the children didn’t have anything good to wear except rags .

Sherlock Holmes short stories Essay Example for Free

Sherlock Holmes short stories Essay Arthur Conan-Doyle is the acclaimed author of the infamous Sherlock Holmes short stories. His stories, although often different in setting and subject follow certain characteristics that link them all together. The characteristics enable us to distinguish Conan-Doyles stories from stories of a similar genre, and allow the reader to stay interested in the whole series of stories as certain main features of the stories such as the relationship between Holmes and Watson can remain fairly consistent and yet there may be slight changes to keep the reader on their toes. The first characteristic of a Sherlock Holmes short story is the introduction made by Watson, although it is not always Watson telling the story it is always the good Dr who introduces the reader to the next exciting adventure. In most occasions Dr Watson does continue to narrate the whole story as most of he stories are recited to us from Watsons notes. However, on certain occasions like in the case of the Musgrave Rituals it is Holmes telling the story of a past case to Watson. From the Musgrave Ritual we begin to realize how much Holmes is admired by Watson. This is another important characteristic used by Conan-Doyle as it begins to outline the two detectives great if unconventional friendship. In the Musgrave Ritual we learn that Holmes expeditions started before his biography had come to glorify him. Watson asks Holmes if These are cases of you early work then? I have often wished that I had notes of those cases In showing his admiration of Holmes to the reader Watson illustrates his role in the friendship, Holmes then shows us his arrogance and domination of the friendship when he is refers to Watson as nothing but his biographer in a quite derogatory manner. This scene is replayed in many of the Holmes short stories and is a regular characteristic throughout. After the introduction by Watson we are quickly introduced to the case by either Holmes or Watson, this is often by the introduction of a third party, the victim of the case, or an inspector having trouble solving a case or even and old man who lost a turkey in the case of the Blue Carbunkle. The third party brings to the story a new personality, and the way they are introduced is another consistent characteristic of a Sherlock Holmes story.  Arthur Conan-Doyle goes into great detail when describing a new character into the adventure. Through Watson (in most cases) the readers imaginary taste buds are tickled with fantastic slices of information, which make the fictional tale even more lifelike. When we are introduced to Dr Grimesby Roylott, of Stoke Moran in the adventure of The Speckled Band we are given half a page of description,  a huge man had framed himself in the aperture.  His costume was a peculiar mixture of the professionaland of the agricultural, having a black top-hat, a long   frock-coat and a pair of high gaiters, with a hunting- crop  swinging in his hand. So tall was he that his hat actually  brushed the cross bar of the doorway, and his breadth  seemed to span it across from side to side. A large face,  seared with a thousand wrinkles, burned yellow with the sun,  and marked with every evil passion, was turned from one to  the other of us, while his deep-set, bile shot eyes, and his high,  thin fleshless nose, gave him somewhat the resemblance  to a fierce old bird of prey. As the story progresses Watson acts as a link between the reader and the puzzle, he is often as confused as we are as Holmes delves deeper into the mystery.  Conan Doyle litters red herrings around his stories so as to distract the reader from the path that Holmes may be taking and to build up the feeling of suspense, this is a common technique used by the author although not always to the same affect. Conan Doyle uses the red herring well in the case of the 6 Napoleons where the motive for the crime is not realised until the very end of the tale, so the red herrings are harder to spot. Holmes character is consistent throughout the stories, he is very enigmatic in his work and unwilling to share what he has found until the crime has been solved, in his conclusion Holmes uses simple sentences as he unfolds his methods to solving the crime, he makes it seem very simple.  I could not say that he had not found the pearly in Harkers  bust. I had not even concluded for certain that it was the pearl.  The name of the murdered man linked the one even with the other. Holmes is seldom humbled, and rarely shows emotion this is another of Conan Doyles characteristics that that complement the stories  Arthur Conan Doyle followed certain techniques when writing the Sherlock Holmes short stories, he kept many characteristics constant so as to write a complete series. And, although each of the stories were quite different to one another they are all easily distinguished as an Arthur Conan Doyle piece of work. This is perhaps the reason that the novels were so successful with book readers worldwide.