Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Technology And The Cyber World - 2173 Words

In today’s society technology is depended upon more than it ever has. Along with this growth and dependence on technology has come the advancement of wireless technology. From online banking to selling and trading goods and services from remote locations; the possibilities as a result of wireless technology are seemingly endless. Often times we as individuals carry out our everyday business utilizing this technology without ever considering one of the greatest ongoing concerns; security. As technology grows and expands so do the capabilities of our adversaries who carry strong desire to gain access to our most sensitive information. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the threats that are currently being faced in the cyber community and†¦show more content†¦(Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) The next form of DoS attack is the ICMP flood which has an end goal of utilizing all of the allocated bandwidth for the target machine. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Typically an ICMP is used for error detection when the destination for IP packets is unreachable. (Kaushik and Joshi, 2010) an ICMP flood attack takes advantage of this process by sending a large amount of ICMP packets to the target which requires a response from the target. Once these responses reach a certain threshold there is no longer any more bandwidth that can be utilize, leaving the target incapable of handling anymore request. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Finally, the third type of DoS attack is a UDP or User Datagram Protocol Flood. The UDP protocol is simply another way in which similar packets to the ones mentioned above are transferred. In UDP flooding excessive numbers of UDP packets are sent to the target much like the other flooding. This difference with UDP flooding is that is likely to include some form of spoofing and requires the attacker to utilize a larger amount of processing resources, but still has the same end result as the other DoS attacks. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Now that we have broken down the various types of DoS attacks there is one very important unanswered question; how can these attacks be prevented? TheShow MoreRelatedThe Code Of Ethics For The Cyber Technology World2090 Words   |  9 PagesCyberethics consists of the moral, legal and social issues that involve technology used over the internet. It assesses the social policies and laws that we formulate with response to issues created by the development and use of cyber technology. 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