Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cybercrime And Its Effect On The Youth - 866 Words

I believe that crime is an important and relevant subject in today’s modern society due to it increasing occurrence. A topic that has particularly fascinated me is cybercrime and it evolvement among the youth in Ghana. The study of cybercrime among the youth as a result of cheap in-flow of electronic waste, which is affordable to acquire and explore for sensitive data like personal information, credit card numbers etc., societies response to it and ways to prevent it are all areas that have interested me from my teenage years. Growing up in Ghana cybercrime was fairly simple through credit card fraud. Only a few people had access to this because it was expensive to buy the raw dump of credits cards from people in the hotels and bars who could provide this information. This was disclosed to me by a peer who was involved and later was arrested by a security agency. Over the years, such cybercrime has become more widespread and advanced in different forms. The most common include identity fraud, blackmailing, access to classified information, personal security breaches by accessing hard drives, old phones, and so forth. I grew up in a large family made up of four boys and three girls, I was the six born of my parents, due the size of the family my parent had huge financial difficulties which lead to divorce. This had a tone on all the children, which brought a delay in our academic life’s because of financial difficulties. Through perseverance and hard work I completed myShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Cybercrimes1869 Words   |  7 Pagesany offence that threaten society and all act or the action can in connection the offence legal and people who do responsible accept fine sentence or jail. With other word meaning, criminal is anything that can give problem or hardship to others. 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