Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Technology And The Cyber World - 2173 Words

In today’s society technology is depended upon more than it ever has. Along with this growth and dependence on technology has come the advancement of wireless technology. From online banking to selling and trading goods and services from remote locations; the possibilities as a result of wireless technology are seemingly endless. Often times we as individuals carry out our everyday business utilizing this technology without ever considering one of the greatest ongoing concerns; security. As technology grows and expands so do the capabilities of our adversaries who carry strong desire to gain access to our most sensitive information. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the threats that are currently being faced in the cyber community and†¦show more content†¦(Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) The next form of DoS attack is the ICMP flood which has an end goal of utilizing all of the allocated bandwidth for the target machine. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Typically an ICMP is used for error detection when the destination for IP packets is unreachable. (Kaushik and Joshi, 2010) an ICMP flood attack takes advantage of this process by sending a large amount of ICMP packets to the target which requires a response from the target. Once these responses reach a certain threshold there is no longer any more bandwidth that can be utilize, leaving the target incapable of handling anymore request. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Finally, the third type of DoS attack is a UDP or User Datagram Protocol Flood. The UDP protocol is simply another way in which similar packets to the ones mentioned above are transferred. In UDP flooding excessive numbers of UDP packets are sent to the target much like the other flooding. This difference with UDP flooding is that is likely to include some form of spoofing and requires the attacker to utilize a larger amount of processing resources, but still has the same end result as the other DoS attacks. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Now that we have broken down the various types of DoS attacks there is one very important unanswered question; how can these attacks be prevented? TheShow MoreRelatedThe Code Of Ethics For The Cyber Technology World2090 Words   |  9 PagesCyberethics consists of the moral, legal and social issues that involve technology used over the internet. It assesses the social policies and laws that we formulate with response to issues created by the development and use of cyber technology. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cybercrime And Its Effect On The Youth - 866 Words

I believe that crime is an important and relevant subject in today’s modern society due to it increasing occurrence. A topic that has particularly fascinated me is cybercrime and it evolvement among the youth in Ghana. The study of cybercrime among the youth as a result of cheap in-flow of electronic waste, which is affordable to acquire and explore for sensitive data like personal information, credit card numbers etc., societies response to it and ways to prevent it are all areas that have interested me from my teenage years. Growing up in Ghana cybercrime was fairly simple through credit card fraud. Only a few people had access to this because it was expensive to buy the raw dump of credits cards from people in the hotels and bars who could provide this information. This was disclosed to me by a peer who was involved and later was arrested by a security agency. Over the years, such cybercrime has become more widespread and advanced in different forms. The most common include identity fraud, blackmailing, access to classified information, personal security breaches by accessing hard drives, old phones, and so forth. I grew up in a large family made up of four boys and three girls, I was the six born of my parents, due the size of the family my parent had huge financial difficulties which lead to divorce. This had a tone on all the children, which brought a delay in our academic life’s because of financial difficulties. Through perseverance and hard work I completed myShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Cybercrimes1869 Words   |  7 Pagesany offence that threaten society and all act or the action can in connection the offence legal and people who do responsible accept fine sentence or jail. With other word meaning, criminal is anything that can give problem or hardship to others. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

1. Setting This Story Took Place In The Willowgreen School District, Essay Example For Students

1. Setting This Story Took Place In The Willowgreen School District, Essay near a fictionaltown call Bleke in 1933. Characters The main character of this story is the author, Max Braithwaite, butaddition characters in this chapter are Dave McDougall, Mrs. McDougall, and theirchildren Mary, Heather, Myron, and Charles. Antecedent Action The antecedent action in this chapter is when Max outlinesthe events leading up to the moment when he left the train at Bleke. Those eventsincluded: borrowing money for Max to finish Normal School, the incessant job searchingwith the eternal job refusals, also when Max started training in motor mechanics and,finally, when Max received a letter from the Willowgreen School District that there was ajob opening if he wished to take the offer. Point of View This novel was told in the first person point of view. Inciting Force The inciting force is when Max got the job at Willowgreen andalso when Max arrived at the Bleke train station. 2. The school didnt have much substance to it. The upstairs was 25 feet square withwindows on one side, it was all one room except for a small cloak room and closet, it hada blackboard, and organ, a map with pictures of candy bars filling the oceans. It also had aUnion Jack pinned up above the blackboard, a picture of King George V, also there weresix rows of desks, and a teachers desk at the very front and center of the classroom. The downstairs of the schoolhouse had three rooms(two of the rooms were whatthe teacherage was made up of). In the first room there was a large coal furnace to heatthe entire building, a coal bin, and two chemical toilets(one for the boys and one for thegirls), this room was half of the basement. The other two rooms were each about 12 and a half feet long and about 8 feetwide, and both possessed a small basement window. In the living room there was aheat-range, a table, a chair and a coal oil lamp. The bedroom contained a bed, awashstand, a basin and a large water pitcher with no handle. (Picture on next page)3.Pork was the only kind of available meat that there was to eat. Many mice wereliving in the teacherage with Max. The North Star was the only piece of equipment thatMax could use to tell what direction he was going in the dark of night. What these three things have in common is that Max has never encountered any ofthese with such dependency, and that they were literally the only things that could keephim company. 4.Pearlie Sinclair She was seven years old, very dirty, skinny, wispy-haired, ricketyand very undernourishedMyron McDougall He was a trouble-maker, and he couldnt read a single word,yet he had memorized every story in the reader. Sammy Sinclair He was as dirty as his sister, he had scabies. Summer Littlewood She was always clean and neat in appearance, and almostalways wore a smileAlan Littlewood He was the largest boy in the room, and usually smiling. He alsoliked to play with the little children. Paul Friesen He was a Ukrainian boy that was very smart and neat. Mary Field She was a child who rarely spoke or smiled, she was also the onlygrade six student. 5.Problems1) What he could teach the children that they might need to know for future use,because all of them knew perfectly well how to live in their own society, so Max didntknow how else he could make a contribution. .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .postImageUrl , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:hover , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:visited , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:active { border:0!important; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:active , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo+Juliet: Even well intended deceptions and se Essay2) That the curriculum had changed drastically from when Max went to school,and Max also had no new text books that included what needed to be learned by thechildren so that they followed the curriculum. 3) How to teach the little children to read, without them just memorizing theirprimer. 4) What the children would do while Max wasnt working with them. Solutions1) Max realized that not all the children would grow up wanting to becomefarmers or farmers wives, so he decided that he would teach them what they needed toknow to live and function in towns and cities. 2) Max decided to just focus on teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. 3) Max used sight recognition, and phonetics to teach the children to read. Indetail, he wrote small, easy to remember words on the board, and then made littlesentences from them, and made the children read them. 4) Max decided to assign reports from his set of encyclopedias to the older kids,and the younger kids would play with plasticine or practice counting pegs. 6.- ?My bed was covered with tiny bodies stacked across it like cordwood.? pg. 55 ?She threw her beefy hands at the organ keys? pg. 57 ?and came up with a wail like a sick cat.? pg. 57 ?Then Grandma Wilson banged the organ? pg. 57 ?Orville Jackson sawed at his fiddle? pg. 57 ?take my by the shoulders with two immense hands and literally lift me intoplace, like a mother lifting a child.? pg. 587. a)- Only punish one kid, you can get the other one later. Never punish a large amount of people just so you can punish the few who did itwrong. Dont become best friends with children, or else they will expect that treatmentall the time. Punish kids when your mad, cause they know your mad and if you wait to punishthem, it will confuse them in the future. Dont back yourself into a corner, in which case you have no choice but to lashout. 7. b)Because Max had saw that Jake had a weakness, and Jake didnt like it, so thenJake hit Max where it hurt and stopped supplying water, its sort of like the idea ?an eyefor an eye, a tooth for a tooth?. Max hurt Jake in one way, so Jake hurt Max in anotherway, like revenge. 8. Harris Montgomery believed in socialism. He believed that if every person orfamily was paid a monthly allowance from the government, then the depression wouldend, because then the people would spent more, so others would have more, so therewould be more money circulating around all classes of wealth, not just the upper class. Lyle Englishs ideas differed greatly from Harris. Lyle says that every man shouldwork for what he wants. Why should lazy people be paid the same amount as hardworking people? He believed that if you wanted something you have to get it throughyour own sweat and hard work, and if you didnt want to work for it then it wasnt toimportant to you. 9. For one, the fact that the children hadnt even sung ?Hark the Herald Angels Sing?to the right music. The other part of the Christmas pageant that was not in the programwas when Max ran out of the schoolhouse because the rotting hide that was used as abeard was starting to smell, and Maxs nose was right above it, and almost cut off hisoxygen supply completely. 10.- She had to work harder than ever before. .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .postImageUrl , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:hover , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:visited , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:active { border:0!important; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:active , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Spread Of Islam Essay Bert kept saying ?we never died a winter yet? so many times that it drove Alicecrazy. She thought that Berts farm would be beautiful, but it was nothing but dustreally. No change in her daily routine. Bert slaughtered her pet cow in front of her, and laughed when she got sick. Bert told the whole district all the things that Alice sometimes does(like hidingfrom Indians) and he never drops them, he just keeps laughing at them without everthinking how Alice might feel about it. She was alone all the time, and she hated it like that. 11. Tic tac toe was a game played by the children(different from the one we know) duringrecess and lunch hour when it was to cold to go outside. Hockey was what was playedwhen there was a spring thaw, and then it froze again, so it made a skating rink by theschool, so the children played hockey during recess and noon hour. During the time whenit was to wet to play hockey or baseball, the older children were in the barn, and Maxthought that they were having sex(but this was never actually confirmed) during the lunchhour. The thing that these three activities had in common is that they were done atschool, and during recess and noon hour. 12.The three problems face by farmers in this time were Russian thistle, dust storms,and grasshoppers. Dust storms were worse than blizzards, because there is no protectionagainst a dust storm. Russian thistle was so abundant that it would dwarf the crops, andeven destroy property when too many were pile along side something. The grasshopperplague was nearing a peak, and the grasshoppers ate the wheat at every stage andcompletely destroyed some crops every year. 13.He adopted a coyote named Raffles, and then after that Max had no mice problemsbecause Raffles stayed up all night eating them. 14.- ?He slithered around like a Bantu tribesman on skates? pg. 141 ?That streak of gray lightning? pg. 14415.- The inspector came when Max had slacked off the most because it was when heleast expected the inspector to visit. The children were blushing and hiding and forgetting everything they learnedwhen the inspector asked them questions. The inspector asked questions that Max hadnt taught. The gopher tails that the children had caught were rotting in the bottom drawerof Maxs desk, and the inspector found them. The teacherage was a big mess, and Mr. Woods wanted to see it, after that Mr. Woods left. 16.Max didnt want to live alone and eat old or rotten food. Also the District hadmade Max bitter, so Max could stay there and be bitter or go home. Max meant that he had been treated like a doormat by the District, no one cared atall about Max, they treated his as they wanted, and Max wasnt going to get paid. SoMax felt that the people had used him as they wanted, or in other terms, they had ?walkedall over him and he wanted to state that he was not a doormat, so he wouldnt let themwalk on him anymore.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lilit Israelyan Essays - Philosophy, Ancient Greek Philosophy

Lilit Israelyan Prof. Tevanyan RS 361 15 September 17 Euthyphro The book revolves around the discussion about the true meaning of piety or the manner of living that human beings should adopt to fulfill their responsibility to God and humanity. The literar y work is built around a philosophical dilemma. The work is in the f or m of a dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro. Both the characters meet at the Athenian court. Euthyphro and Socrates are the main characters of the dialogue that are discussing the ethical dilemma. Socrates is charged with the crime to corrupt the youth and Euthyphro has indicted his father to mistakenly kill a laborer who killed another person. T he answer to the question "what is piety?" is of utmost importance for Socrates as he will be charged with impiety in the court. In order to solve his dilemma , he asked the question to Euthyphro . The dilemma is that the good is loved by the God because it is good or it is good because God s ays it is good . Euthyphro gave a number of quick answers to the question but upon inquiry , it was revealed that none of the answer s w ere satisfactory and each had some flaws. One of the answer s given by Euthyphro was that anything that is dear to God is pious. Here the issue arises that is anything dear to one God or all of the Gods is pious? Then the next statement was that piety is anything that is dear to all of the Gods. In this case , if murder is considered as a crime that is condemned by all the Gods then the motive and the circumstances may change the statement again. Then Socrates also asked him if the people who are pious are also just. Euthyphro answered yes. The statement was again flawed as there are many pious people who are not just. After all the answers Socrates identified that none of the answer s w ere completely satisfactory and could not fully solve the dilemma. After the whole discussion was complete Socrates again asked Euthyphro that he still does not understand what piety is. The dialogue between the main characters of the book closes at the end without any concrete answer to the question. Socrates asked Euthyphro to further explore the answer to the dilemma. Euthyphro ' s theories and arguments were capable to explain the quality of piety but the very nature of pious was still questionable. One cannot find the exact answer to the dilemma from the dialogue as it ends without any specific conclusion. The dialogue aims to identify that the true purpose of philosophy is not to give the right answers for the dilemmas but to question the already given answers and statements generally believed by the world. Socrates was accused of spreading the false concepts and ideas among the youth that corrupts them. The dialogue presented two contrasting views about the religion. One opinion was held by Euthyphro. He believed in the supernatural power of God and stories about their activities. The other belief was that of Socrates who questioned the stories and other religious concepts. He did not literally believe the tales about their activities. The dialo g ue aims to raise questions about the true nature of piety. Socrates believed that religion and moral values were completely linked and it is not dependent on the op in ions of humanity. Socrates disapproved the beliefs of sophists like Euthyphro who considered that morality was linked with the wishes of the people who developed them in the past. It is generally accepted that every individual has the right to think as he or she pleases but the problem arises when someone tries to forcefully persuade others to accept his concepts or doctrines. Based on this supposition Socrates cannot be accused of any crime as he does not claim that his ideas are perfect and everyone should strictly believe them. He just acts as an inquirer and forces people to think about their life and its complexities. The dialogue also i dentifies that the definition of piety is not that simple as claimed by