Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Technology And The Cyber World - 2173 Words

In today’s society technology is depended upon more than it ever has. Along with this growth and dependence on technology has come the advancement of wireless technology. From online banking to selling and trading goods and services from remote locations; the possibilities as a result of wireless technology are seemingly endless. Often times we as individuals carry out our everyday business utilizing this technology without ever considering one of the greatest ongoing concerns; security. As technology grows and expands so do the capabilities of our adversaries who carry strong desire to gain access to our most sensitive information. Therefore, it is essential to analyze the threats that are currently being faced in the cyber community and†¦show more content†¦(Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) The next form of DoS attack is the ICMP flood which has an end goal of utilizing all of the allocated bandwidth for the target machine. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Typically an ICMP is used for error detection when the destination for IP packets is unreachable. (Kaushik and Joshi, 2010) an ICMP flood attack takes advantage of this process by sending a large amount of ICMP packets to the target which requires a response from the target. Once these responses reach a certain threshold there is no longer any more bandwidth that can be utilize, leaving the target incapable of handling anymore request. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Finally, the third type of DoS attack is a UDP or User Datagram Protocol Flood. The UDP protocol is simply another way in which similar packets to the ones mentioned above are transferred. In UDP flooding excessive numbers of UDP packets are sent to the target much like the other flooding. This difference with UDP flooding is that is likely to include some form of spoofing and requires the attacker to utilize a larger amount of processing resources, but still has the same end result as the other DoS attacks. (Tixteco, L., Aguirre, E., Hdez, M., Ruben, G. 2012) Now that we have broken down the various types of DoS attacks there is one very important unanswered question; how can these attacks be prevented? TheShow MoreRelatedThe Code Of Ethics For The Cyber Technology World2090 Words   |  9 PagesCyberethics consists of the moral, legal and social issues that involve technology used over the internet. It assesses the social policies and laws that we formulate with response to issues created by the development and use of cyber technology. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cybercrime And Its Effect On The Youth - 866 Words

I believe that crime is an important and relevant subject in today’s modern society due to it increasing occurrence. A topic that has particularly fascinated me is cybercrime and it evolvement among the youth in Ghana. The study of cybercrime among the youth as a result of cheap in-flow of electronic waste, which is affordable to acquire and explore for sensitive data like personal information, credit card numbers etc., societies response to it and ways to prevent it are all areas that have interested me from my teenage years. Growing up in Ghana cybercrime was fairly simple through credit card fraud. Only a few people had access to this because it was expensive to buy the raw dump of credits cards from people in the hotels and bars who could provide this information. This was disclosed to me by a peer who was involved and later was arrested by a security agency. Over the years, such cybercrime has become more widespread and advanced in different forms. The most common include identity fraud, blackmailing, access to classified information, personal security breaches by accessing hard drives, old phones, and so forth. I grew up in a large family made up of four boys and three girls, I was the six born of my parents, due the size of the family my parent had huge financial difficulties which lead to divorce. This had a tone on all the children, which brought a delay in our academic life’s because of financial difficulties. Through perseverance and hard work I completed myShow MoreRelatedA Brief Look at Cybercrimes1869 Words   |  7 Pagesany offence that threaten society and all act or the action can in connection the offence legal and people who do responsible accept fine sentence or jail. With other word meaning, criminal is anything that can give problem or hardship to others. 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The Internet is in many ways seen as an essential to life today which, has influenced, and is still influencing the way society communicates in many ways. It has both positive and negative effects to society. We will deal with the impact of the internet towards children, the youth and adults. The internet has helped children in online research. The internet has opened up becoming a huge portal containing vital information that helps students with their education (Qustodio,2012). With

Monday, December 9, 2019

1. Setting This Story Took Place In The Willowgreen School District, Essay Example For Students

1. Setting This Story Took Place In The Willowgreen School District, Essay near a fictionaltown call Bleke in 1933. Characters The main character of this story is the author, Max Braithwaite, butaddition characters in this chapter are Dave McDougall, Mrs. McDougall, and theirchildren Mary, Heather, Myron, and Charles. Antecedent Action The antecedent action in this chapter is when Max outlinesthe events leading up to the moment when he left the train at Bleke. Those eventsincluded: borrowing money for Max to finish Normal School, the incessant job searchingwith the eternal job refusals, also when Max started training in motor mechanics and,finally, when Max received a letter from the Willowgreen School District that there was ajob opening if he wished to take the offer. Point of View This novel was told in the first person point of view. Inciting Force The inciting force is when Max got the job at Willowgreen andalso when Max arrived at the Bleke train station. 2. The school didnt have much substance to it. The upstairs was 25 feet square withwindows on one side, it was all one room except for a small cloak room and closet, it hada blackboard, and organ, a map with pictures of candy bars filling the oceans. It also had aUnion Jack pinned up above the blackboard, a picture of King George V, also there weresix rows of desks, and a teachers desk at the very front and center of the classroom. The downstairs of the schoolhouse had three rooms(two of the rooms were whatthe teacherage was made up of). In the first room there was a large coal furnace to heatthe entire building, a coal bin, and two chemical toilets(one for the boys and one for thegirls), this room was half of the basement. The other two rooms were each about 12 and a half feet long and about 8 feetwide, and both possessed a small basement window. In the living room there was aheat-range, a table, a chair and a coal oil lamp. The bedroom contained a bed, awashstand, a basin and a large water pitcher with no handle. (Picture on next page)3.Pork was the only kind of available meat that there was to eat. Many mice wereliving in the teacherage with Max. The North Star was the only piece of equipment thatMax could use to tell what direction he was going in the dark of night. What these three things have in common is that Max has never encountered any ofthese with such dependency, and that they were literally the only things that could keephim company. 4.Pearlie Sinclair She was seven years old, very dirty, skinny, wispy-haired, ricketyand very undernourishedMyron McDougall He was a trouble-maker, and he couldnt read a single word,yet he had memorized every story in the reader. Sammy Sinclair He was as dirty as his sister, he had scabies. Summer Littlewood She was always clean and neat in appearance, and almostalways wore a smileAlan Littlewood He was the largest boy in the room, and usually smiling. He alsoliked to play with the little children. Paul Friesen He was a Ukrainian boy that was very smart and neat. Mary Field She was a child who rarely spoke or smiled, she was also the onlygrade six student. 5.Problems1) What he could teach the children that they might need to know for future use,because all of them knew perfectly well how to live in their own society, so Max didntknow how else he could make a contribution. .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .postImageUrl , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:hover , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:visited , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:active { border:0!important; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:active , .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18 .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u20169e1cb9d094be07e88b434d683e18:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo+Juliet: Even well intended deceptions and se Essay2) That the curriculum had changed drastically from when Max went to school,and Max also had no new text books that included what needed to be learned by thechildren so that they followed the curriculum. 3) How to teach the little children to read, without them just memorizing theirprimer. 4) What the children would do while Max wasnt working with them. Solutions1) Max realized that not all the children would grow up wanting to becomefarmers or farmers wives, so he decided that he would teach them what they needed toknow to live and function in towns and cities. 2) Max decided to just focus on teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. 3) Max used sight recognition, and phonetics to teach the children to read. Indetail, he wrote small, easy to remember words on the board, and then made littlesentences from them, and made the children read them. 4) Max decided to assign reports from his set of encyclopedias to the older kids,and the younger kids would play with plasticine or practice counting pegs. 6.- ?My bed was covered with tiny bodies stacked across it like cordwood.? pg. 55 ?She threw her beefy hands at the organ keys? pg. 57 ?and came up with a wail like a sick cat.? pg. 57 ?Then Grandma Wilson banged the organ? pg. 57 ?Orville Jackson sawed at his fiddle? pg. 57 ?take my by the shoulders with two immense hands and literally lift me intoplace, like a mother lifting a child.? pg. 587. a)- Only punish one kid, you can get the other one later. Never punish a large amount of people just so you can punish the few who did itwrong. Dont become best friends with children, or else they will expect that treatmentall the time. Punish kids when your mad, cause they know your mad and if you wait to punishthem, it will confuse them in the future. Dont back yourself into a corner, in which case you have no choice but to lashout. 7. b)Because Max had saw that Jake had a weakness, and Jake didnt like it, so thenJake hit Max where it hurt and stopped supplying water, its sort of like the idea ?an eyefor an eye, a tooth for a tooth?. Max hurt Jake in one way, so Jake hurt Max in anotherway, like revenge. 8. Harris Montgomery believed in socialism. He believed that if every person orfamily was paid a monthly allowance from the government, then the depression wouldend, because then the people would spent more, so others would have more, so therewould be more money circulating around all classes of wealth, not just the upper class. Lyle Englishs ideas differed greatly from Harris. Lyle says that every man shouldwork for what he wants. Why should lazy people be paid the same amount as hardworking people? He believed that if you wanted something you have to get it throughyour own sweat and hard work, and if you didnt want to work for it then it wasnt toimportant to you. 9. For one, the fact that the children hadnt even sung ?Hark the Herald Angels Sing?to the right music. The other part of the Christmas pageant that was not in the programwas when Max ran out of the schoolhouse because the rotting hide that was used as abeard was starting to smell, and Maxs nose was right above it, and almost cut off hisoxygen supply completely. 10.- She had to work harder than ever before. .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .postImageUrl , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:hover , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:visited , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:active { border:0!important; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:active , .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua808919946fe62c7eabdefe71818884d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Spread Of Islam Essay Bert kept saying ?we never died a winter yet? so many times that it drove Alicecrazy. She thought that Berts farm would be beautiful, but it was nothing but dustreally. No change in her daily routine. Bert slaughtered her pet cow in front of her, and laughed when she got sick. Bert told the whole district all the things that Alice sometimes does(like hidingfrom Indians) and he never drops them, he just keeps laughing at them without everthinking how Alice might feel about it. She was alone all the time, and she hated it like that. 11. Tic tac toe was a game played by the children(different from the one we know) duringrecess and lunch hour when it was to cold to go outside. Hockey was what was playedwhen there was a spring thaw, and then it froze again, so it made a skating rink by theschool, so the children played hockey during recess and noon hour. During the time whenit was to wet to play hockey or baseball, the older children were in the barn, and Maxthought that they were having sex(but this was never actually confirmed) during the lunchhour. The thing that these three activities had in common is that they were done atschool, and during recess and noon hour. 12.The three problems face by farmers in this time were Russian thistle, dust storms,and grasshoppers. Dust storms were worse than blizzards, because there is no protectionagainst a dust storm. Russian thistle was so abundant that it would dwarf the crops, andeven destroy property when too many were pile along side something. The grasshopperplague was nearing a peak, and the grasshoppers ate the wheat at every stage andcompletely destroyed some crops every year. 13.He adopted a coyote named Raffles, and then after that Max had no mice problemsbecause Raffles stayed up all night eating them. 14.- ?He slithered around like a Bantu tribesman on skates? pg. 141 ?That streak of gray lightning? pg. 14415.- The inspector came when Max had slacked off the most because it was when heleast expected the inspector to visit. The children were blushing and hiding and forgetting everything they learnedwhen the inspector asked them questions. The inspector asked questions that Max hadnt taught. The gopher tails that the children had caught were rotting in the bottom drawerof Maxs desk, and the inspector found them. The teacherage was a big mess, and Mr. Woods wanted to see it, after that Mr. Woods left. 16.Max didnt want to live alone and eat old or rotten food. Also the District hadmade Max bitter, so Max could stay there and be bitter or go home. Max meant that he had been treated like a doormat by the District, no one cared atall about Max, they treated his as they wanted, and Max wasnt going to get paid. SoMax felt that the people had used him as they wanted, or in other terms, they had ?walkedall over him and he wanted to state that he was not a doormat, so he wouldnt let themwalk on him anymore.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lilit Israelyan Essays - Philosophy, Ancient Greek Philosophy

Lilit Israelyan Prof. Tevanyan RS 361 15 September 17 Euthyphro The book revolves around the discussion about the true meaning of piety or the manner of living that human beings should adopt to fulfill their responsibility to God and humanity. The literar y work is built around a philosophical dilemma. The work is in the f or m of a dialogue between Socrates and Euthyphro. Both the characters meet at the Athenian court. Euthyphro and Socrates are the main characters of the dialogue that are discussing the ethical dilemma. Socrates is charged with the crime to corrupt the youth and Euthyphro has indicted his father to mistakenly kill a laborer who killed another person. T he answer to the question "what is piety?" is of utmost importance for Socrates as he will be charged with impiety in the court. In order to solve his dilemma , he asked the question to Euthyphro . The dilemma is that the good is loved by the God because it is good or it is good because God s ays it is good . Euthyphro gave a number of quick answers to the question but upon inquiry , it was revealed that none of the answer s w ere satisfactory and each had some flaws. One of the answer s given by Euthyphro was that anything that is dear to God is pious. Here the issue arises that is anything dear to one God or all of the Gods is pious? Then the next statement was that piety is anything that is dear to all of the Gods. In this case , if murder is considered as a crime that is condemned by all the Gods then the motive and the circumstances may change the statement again. Then Socrates also asked him if the people who are pious are also just. Euthyphro answered yes. The statement was again flawed as there are many pious people who are not just. After all the answers Socrates identified that none of the answer s w ere completely satisfactory and could not fully solve the dilemma. After the whole discussion was complete Socrates again asked Euthyphro that he still does not understand what piety is. The dialogue between the main characters of the book closes at the end without any concrete answer to the question. Socrates asked Euthyphro to further explore the answer to the dilemma. Euthyphro ' s theories and arguments were capable to explain the quality of piety but the very nature of pious was still questionable. One cannot find the exact answer to the dilemma from the dialogue as it ends without any specific conclusion. The dialogue aims to identify that the true purpose of philosophy is not to give the right answers for the dilemmas but to question the already given answers and statements generally believed by the world. Socrates was accused of spreading the false concepts and ideas among the youth that corrupts them. The dialogue presented two contrasting views about the religion. One opinion was held by Euthyphro. He believed in the supernatural power of God and stories about their activities. The other belief was that of Socrates who questioned the stories and other religious concepts. He did not literally believe the tales about their activities. The dialo g ue aims to raise questions about the true nature of piety. Socrates believed that religion and moral values were completely linked and it is not dependent on the op in ions of humanity. Socrates disapproved the beliefs of sophists like Euthyphro who considered that morality was linked with the wishes of the people who developed them in the past. It is generally accepted that every individual has the right to think as he or she pleases but the problem arises when someone tries to forcefully persuade others to accept his concepts or doctrines. Based on this supposition Socrates cannot be accused of any crime as he does not claim that his ideas are perfect and everyone should strictly believe them. He just acts as an inquirer and forces people to think about their life and its complexities. The dialogue also i dentifies that the definition of piety is not that simple as claimed by

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Democracy in America essays

Democracy in America essays Richard Heffner produced this edition of De Tocquevilles book in order to abridge and edit the original work in order to appeal to a younger audience so that more people may read it and have a knowledge of the ideas presented within. Heffners introduction basically served to outline the organization of De Tocquevilles book. The first part of the critique begins with a brief description of the New Worlds dimensions, of the origins of Anglo-Americans and of democracy and the absolute sovereignty of the people. Next follows an obsolete summary of the workings of the American government, then an analysis of the books central theme: the tyranny of the majority in the United States. The second part deals with the influence of democracy or majority rule on the foundation and dynamics of American society, on how Americans think, feel, and act, and on the indispensable nature of our freedoms. Here is where Tocqueville makes his unique and prophetic contributions to contemporary thought. Tocquevilles overall concern is for the development and survival of freedom and democracy. Heffner feels that Democracy in America suffers grievously from omissions and misinterpretations that can be traced directly to the authors to easy assumptions and to his desire to summarize, interpret, and generalize. However, despite these inadequacies and subjectivity of approach, many of Tocquevilles generalizations are surprisingly shrewd and perceptive. After having seen the failed attempts at democratic government in France, Tocqueville desired to study a stable and prosperous democracy to gain insights into how it worked in order so that they might learn from our example and devise a plan to set up a democratic government that would work to suit them. Tocqueville wanted to analyze democracy in order to determine its strengths and dangers so that governments could be formed to reinforce democracy's s...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Guide to Writing Essays on Abortion

A Guide to Writing Essays on Abortion A Guide to Writing Essays on Abortion The topic of abortion is sensitive, newsworthy, and controversial. It touches the subjects of politics, law, public health, religion, sociology, and more. It is a topic that incites intense conversation and debate. It is also a topic that is discussed in many college classrooms for many different reasons. Essays on abortion are assigned in many different courses to give students the opportunity to argue their positions on the topic or to demonstrate their understanding of this issue. Some students look forward to these assignments because they have strong opinions on the issue that they are eager to share. Unfortunately these students often fall prey to many of the pitfalls of writing an essay about abortion. These include: Using overly biased sources Ignoring evidence that doesn’t support their beliefs Confusing rhetoric for fact Constructing strawmen Using belittling language when referring to those with opposing beliefs To avoid these pitfalls, double check your sources, include sources that support opposing views, concentrate on facts, debate only what the people with the opposing view have stated and not what you think they have stated, and use respectful language. Abortion Essay Topic Suggestions Here are a few suggestions for students who are looking for essay suggestions on abortion. What are the pros and cons of abortion as it relates to public health? Will people ever come to an agreement on the abortion debate? Should taxpayer money fund abortions? Would free contraceptives cut down on the number of abortions each year? Should young women under the age of 18 be able to obtain abortion services without parental consent? If a man impregnates a woman, should he have to give his consent for her to have an abortion? Write an argumentative essay, discussing whether or not you are for or against abortion past 24 weeks. Will mandatory ultra-sounds and waiting periods reduce the number of abortions? What are the risks of having an abortion? Will comprehensive sexual education programs in schools reduce the rate of teen pregnancies and abortions? What can be done to reduce the number of abortions without making it legal? Should the government fund crisis pregnancy centers? If you are against abortion, what exceptions would you allow? Write a pro choice abortion research paper on a famous individual who helped the pro choice movement. Discuss the history of Planned Parenthood Abortion Essay Assistance Between spending time choosing a topic, researching, vetting your sources, taking notes, writing, editing, and revising, you can spend several days working on your abortion essay. This is a lot of time and effort to dedicate to a single writing assignment. If you have a job, a family, or a social life, finding time to finish complex writing assignments like these can be nearly impossible. It’s no wonder that so many college students feel constantly stressed out and overwhelmed. They are just too busy! Here’s some good news! You don’t have to be that overworked student. You can simply place an order at and we will help you with your paper on abortion or any other subject.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

From Isolationism to Interventionism. America's evolution Essay

From Isolationism to Interventionism. America's evolution - Essay Example These guiding principles defended their homeland borders and remained self-sufficient and unconcerned with the rest of the world. The policies changed to interventionism, which was founded on the principle of directly intervening in the affairs of other nations. The change was because of the American’s perception of the most decent and had the proper way of living, governing and hence it would take measures to guide other nations towards the same direction. Initially, the nation was largely non-interventionist state, which preferred to focus on domestic affairs and pay attention to economic policies abroad. The change occurred after the Cold World War when America was forced to storm into the war when Japanese pilots bombed the naval base at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. This changed the United States to an interventionist state. The idea of communism and the threat of Soviet Union influenced every foreign policy adopted by the U.S. A recovery program that was passed by Congr ess in 1948 sent relief funds into Western Europe and this created an influx of business in America. America later worked towards freeing nations referred to as the third world. They started practicing a policy of self-determination, not seeking conquest or economic control but instead instilling governments that were friendly. The United States through the United Nations intervened into the war between the communist government of Korea and the Republic of Korea since they saw that the Republic of Korea needed help to avoid being overrun. This war finally settled in 1953 and the borers were restored exactly as they were before the war broke. The conflict in Vietnam began in 1945 when the Vietminh declared Vietnam self-governing from France. The United States though had promised to accept the results of the elections, which were conducted in 1956 to unite the two separate nations under one democratically elected official later in 1956. They ignored it and provided weapons and trainin g for the friend faction in Vietnam and sent CIA Operatives to destabilize the Vietminh clandestinely. During the 1950s, the US government had supported a change in control of Cuba when Fidel Castro led the supporting revolution. After Castro came into power, he severed all ties with the United States and became more open about his socialist leanings. Later, the United States funded and trained troops that led a coup attempt to wrest control from Castro, which failed. John Blight said that the relation between Castro’s government and America was indirectly responsible for the alliance between Cuba and the USSR. President Harry S Truman (1945 to 1952) set before Congress his domino theory, which showed that if one pertinent nation fell into communism, it would drag all its neighbors. This led to the Truman Doctrine in 1947, which contributed to demolishment of communism (Patrick 111). Truman laid out is Point IV Program in 1949 which intended to give technical aid to third wor ld nations and also aided formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization which intended to counter the Soviet threat in Western Europe. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was in power between 1952 and 1960. He propagated the interventionist policies where in 1953 he used the CIA to stage coups and overthrow unfriendly governments in Iran and Guatemala. He helped to form the Southeast Asia Theory Organization after the fall of Vietnam from French control to Vietminh control in 1954. He acknowledged that there were background events and people involved in various aspects of American Interventionism. It became necessary to review the interventionism and look at different sides to debate. One of the issues was that getting involved

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

1st Great Awakening of the 18th Century Assignment

1st Great Awakening of the 18th Century - Assignment Example They also had a great influence on the government by seeking legislative laws that favored their operations.Their religious views condemned the evils in the society as at this time slavery was at its peak. They threatened to hellfire and brimstone for those who did not repent. They also brought division in the Church of England leading to the emergence of the Methodist church. It also saw the formation of the first African Baptists churches in states such as southern Virginia. It also resulted in a better reflection of God and salvation through Jesus Christ. The great awakening played a vital role in the upcoming religious revolution. Many people developed a greater sense of God and were passionately and emotionally connected to him through salvation. It also led to a greater appreciation of women in the society although they were not allowed to preach as at that time. The leaders such as Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards kept the memoirs and diaries of their preaching as they traverse d across the great Atlantic and American states. The 1st great awakening, therefore, created a more passionate relationship with people and God. It also led to a better understanding of salvation and establishment of the Baptist church. A new seed had been planted in which religion thrived. The future of religion seemed promising, yet polarizing individuals on religious lines. Additionally, the preaching was meant to bring more people to Christ and condemn the evil in the society resulting to fear among the colonizers.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Effect of World War and other World Events on the Development of Sport Essay Example for Free

The Effect of World War and other World Events on the Development of Sport Essay World War 2 effected the development of sport more dramatically than any previous world event/war, simply because it was a totally different war, civilians were in danger as well as the soldiers, due to the new style of fighting. WW2 was a much more mobile war then any other war as it was the first time when bombing was really introduced on a large scale; meaning that even if you were a civilian hundreds of miles away from the brunt of the fighting you could still be attacked from the air. This meant that you could never play sport out in the open in complete safety as bombing raids could come at any time; civilians had other more pressing matters no their mind other than playing and developing sport. Also PE in schools was set back considerably due to many PE teachers being enlisted into the army and many were used to train military personnel. Any PE that was taught in school was mainly based around individual initiative and survival rather than the concepts on sport. PE taught during the Second World War is very different to the conventional PE that we know now, although it had educative intentions, the practical side of it was predominantly physical training, rather than learning how to play particular sports. Four things mainly effected the changes that occurred in the inter-war syllabuses. The first influence being F.J.C Marshal and E. Major who published several books, they wanted to increase the importance of skill learning and the use of apparatus (possibly to make practical PE lessons more like the army style of training, i.e. assault courses etc). The next influence was the publication of female physical educationists. Veronica Tyndale-Biscoe (1945) described modern dance as using the body as a medium of expression. Similarly a gymnast Ruth Clark (1946) suggested that working on apparatus at his own value has particular value to the timid child, who gains courage through the discovery for himself of his own capabilities. So they also believed that apparatus should be used, but in such a way that children would learn about their sporting strengths and weaknesses themselves. The third influence was C.E. Cooke who extended F.J.C. Marshall and E. Majors views, by actually bringing new army apparatus into schools after seeing them in use by commandos in the Northern Command Physical Training School; she believed the children would enjoy the skill and adventure provided by the apparatus. Even though she thought the children would enjoy the skill it was still mainly aimed at physical training rather than the skills of playing sport. The last main influence of the inter-war syllabus was a woman named Miss Dudgeon, who was working at a children rehabilitation clinic. PE had always been aimed at making children react to a set task. But she believed in setting open tasks where children could respond in their own time. So sport at a PE level was affected significantly by the Second World War, but sports them selves were affected by the war as well. There was a 12-year gap between the 1938 World Cup in France and the 1950 World Cup in Brazil. The Olympics also had to be cancelled due to the Second World War as in July of 1939, just one year before the Games were to be held, The IOC awarded the Games to Helsinki, Finland. Helsinkis organizing committee prepared for the Games, but when Finland was attacked by the Soviet Union in November, they had to withdraw. The IOC (International Olympic Committee), realizing the futility of trying to find a venue for the Olympics during what would come to be known as World War II, abandoned the idea of holding the Summer Games in 1940. The 1936 Olympics were also affected by the up and coming war as the games were manipulated by the Nazi government to promote the countries political ideals. Many Germans were imprisoned so they couldnt disrupt the games. Only Germans of Hitlers so call Aryan race were allowed to compete for Germany. This had a huge affect on the game as other Germans were banned from taking part. Not only did the war effect sporting competitions that were going to happen, but also many sports players were enlisted into the army and died in battle, and therefore crippling many sports of their star players and teams. Other events have also affected sport in quite a large way; the most recent being the terrorist acts that happened on September 11th 2001. As a result of this the 2001 Ryder Cup, which was due to be played at The Belfry in England was called off, and rescheduled with the same teams and players for September 2002, again at The Belfry. All Champions League and UEFA Cup games were postponed and the Davis Cup tie between USA and India was played 12-14 October instead of its original date. The tragedy of September 11th had a big affect on sport and the athletes competing just as all other past world events have. Foot and mouth was a disease which hit England quite badly in terms of sport, as not only did it postpone professional sports but even more so amateur sports, for example most Sunday football leagues were basically stopped because of the disease spreading so rapidly. The team I played for at the time had half of their season cancelled due to our home ground being next to a farm. Also all inter school competitions were cancelled due o the outbreak. Foot and mouth effected professional bowls when the British Isles International indoor series was postponed, and the World Indoor Championships were also postponed by foot and mouth. Nearly all sport fixtures in Ireland were postponed due to the outbreak of foot and mouth, in particular games during the 6 nations cup had to be postponed, for example international matches between England and Ireland were rescheduled. There have been many events which have hindered the development of sport but it seems the societies want to play them and to play them in competition has kept sport alive, in such a way that governing bodies have been formed to increase the level at which we play. Even games like darts and snooker which might be consider as pub games have become into professions for some people. References B Davis, R Bull, J Roscoe, D Roscoe 199 Pyhsical Education and Mosby the Study of Sport Forth Edition

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Non-masculine Roles in Othello Essay -- Othello essays

Non-masculine Roles in Othello  Ã‚        Ã‚   In William Shakespeare’s tragic drama Othello the three women characters have interesting roles. Through the dialogue and action other roles are stated or implied as applying to women.    In â€Å"Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello† Valerie Wayne presents Desdemona’s reaction to Iago’s verbal expressions concerning women’s role as sexual objects:    Iago instead claims that four different kinds of women are sexually wanton: either their beauty or intelligence help them to bed, or their ugliness or foolishness get them there anyway. Fair or foul, wise or foolish, women are all whores to him. Desdemona dismisses this ‘miserable praise’ as ‘old fond paradoxes to make fools laugh i’ th’ alehouse’ (136-7), but it is a particularly rank form of such mockery that dilates in every instance upon women as objects for sexual use and then blames them, as whores, for a use constructed by that discourse. (163)    At the outset of the play Iago persuades the rejected suitor of Desdemona, Roderigo, to accompany him to the home of Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, in the middle of the night. Once there the two awaken the senator with loud shouts about his daughter’s elopement with Othello. This is the initial reference to the role of women in the play – the role of wife. In response to the noise and Iago’s vulgar descriptions of Desdemona’s involvement with the general, Brabantio arises from bed. Iago’s bawdy references to the senator’s daughter present a second role of women – that of illicit lover. With Roderigo’s help, he gathers a search party to go and find Desdemona and bring her home. The father’s attitude is that life without his Desdemona will be much worse than before:... own husband as the evil mastermind behind the murder results in Iago’s killing her. Despondent Othello, grief-stricken by remorse for the tragic mistake he has made, stabs himself and dies on the bed next to his wife.    Thus it is seen that the roles of women are many and varied – and are key to the successful development of the story.       WORKS CITED    Bevington, David, ed. William Shakespeare: Four Tragedies. New York: Bantam Books, 1980.    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.    Wayne, Valerie. â€Å"Historical Differences: Misogyny and Othello.† The Matter of Difference: Materialist Feminist Criticism of Shakespeare. Ed Valerie Wayne. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991. e implicates

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Language Learning Strategies Essay

Japanese designed site meant for starters in English language. In it are so many great links that are not only useful but also interesting to kids and other ESL learners. The reason for making it interesting is that kids may get bored if the material is not appealing to them. This site is maintained by TESL, the internet journal and the input is from teachers across the globe. This gives a lot of credibility to the site. Several books also have information meant for ESL learners and teachers. One of them is Oxford’s (1990) Language Learning Strategies outlines what a teacher should know in his/her quest to make learners be competent in English as a second language. It gives all the strategies, their pros and cons, the appropriate level of learners’ cognitive abilities that are in tandem with each strategy and the methods of evaluation of the learners’ understanding after a new concept is initiated. The book cannot be said to fully cover all the participants in the learning environment. Teachers and what they should know have been heavily outlined but the learner has been considerably left out. The ESL competence of the learner will by and large depend on what the teacher has to offer and not what the learner can do to improve his/her ESL competence. Mayer, in Weinstein (1988), Learning and Study Strategies: Issues in Assessment, Instruction and Evaluation tackles issues pertinent to holistic ESL learning namely assessing, instruction and evaluation. The learner needs to be instructed, assessed and evaluated on the much that a teacher has taught him/her. The book is therefore a masterpiece in enabling a well structured acquisition of ESL competence by a learner. The focus here is on the learner and has he teacher as guide, an assessor and evaluator of the progress the learner has made after a given time. The kindergarten kids have been catered for those teaching them will gain the skills to lead them in becoming competent. Elly (`1991), in his book Acquiring Literacy in a Second Language maintains that other than using structured audio-lingual programs , children should be exposed to a variety of story books and motivated to read and share what they get with other children. This way, they are able to acquire the second language easily. Their grasping of vocabularies becomes easy since they find them in the books they read as opposed to teaching them vocabularies non-contextually. The implication in Elly’s book is that practical as opposed to theoretical approach to ESL teaching and learning should be adopted. In terms therefore it content value, this book is invaluable. Boyle and Suzanne (1990) in Literary Scaffolds outline the strategies for firs and second language leaders and writers. It provides scaffolding activities which enhance successful intercourse with the print works and shows children how to read and write. Scaffolding is discussed and how it enhances writing and reading. Teachers and students of ESL can find invaluable information in this book. Genishi (1989) in Observing the Second Language Learner: An example of Teachers Learning illustrates how a kindergarten teacher recorded her observation of some ESL learners thus making critical points on effective language teaching and learning. She observed, according to this book, that each learner followed his/her own timetable and a unique path in learning a second language. It also states that it is important to enhance the activities and situations that provide an opportunity of talking by learners. Lastly, it emphasizes the central part the teacher plays in the language learning environment. This way, they are able to practice what they already know via exchanging with others. This book borrows from the Psychological aspect of behavioral learning whereby children learn from the environment and thus cutting a niche in being one of the best books for use by both teachers and college or University students learning or preparing to teach ESL. In conclusion, the books used are generally relevant based on their individual assistance to learners and teachers of ESL although they most of them are a decade old. The sites too provide the necessary information for those teachers of ESL wishing to help kindergarten kids acquire ESL competence. Students of ESL in colleges and Universities will find these sites vital. References Starters in English language, (2005), available at http://www. aitech. ac. jp/~iteslj/ESL. html: retrieved on 12 Feb 2009. Strategies for learning English as a second language, (2007), available at theenglishweb. com, retrieved on 13 Feb 2009. English as a second language, (2008), available at http://cla. univ-fcomte. fr/english/index_s. htm: retrieved on 14 Feb 2009. ESL for Kindergarten kids, (2006), available at http://home. earthlink. net/~mediadesigns/Calendar. html, retrieved on 12 Feb 2009 ESL teaching strategies, (2007), available at http://iteslj. org/Articles/Lessard-Clouston-Strategy. html retrieved on 10 Feb 2009. Oxford, R. (1990): Language Learning Strategies. New York, Newbury House Mayer, R. (1988): Learning Strategies: An Overview, in Weinstein, C et. al (Eds. ) New York, Academic Press. Genishi, C. (1989) Observing the Second Language Learner: An Example of Teacher’s Learning New York, Prentice Hall Elly, W. B (1991): Acquiring Literacy in a Second Language, Baltimore. Collins Publishers Boyle, O. F & Suzanne, F. P. (1990): Literacy Scaffolds† Strategies for First and Second Language Readers and Writers. New York, McGraw Hill

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Bishop’s “The Fish” Poetry Response Essay

In the poem â€Å"The Fish,† Elizabeth Bishop uses a fish as a symbol to express the theme of life and experience. The poem by itself has little structure to it. There are no apparent rhyme schemes, nor any clear meters. However, Bishop uses very powerful diction and ideas in the poem, forcing the reader to think and relate it to a greater aspect of his/her own life. The persona has a very mature and serious tone, and some gloomy element to his/her mood. The poem uses a significant amount of imagery. Descriptions like â€Å"brown skin hung in strips† and â€Å"fresh and crisp with blood† are common throughout the poem. The reader can almost see the fish on the boat, waiting for its life to end. Bishop also uses a plethora of colors in the poem. Colors include: â€Å"brown skin,† â€Å"green weed,† â€Å"dramatic reds and blacks,† â€Å"yellowed,† â€Å"green line,† and it also contains the combination of all the colors in the sp ectrum as â€Å"rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!† was repeated in the poem. The Colors are there to enhance the imagery and also work archetypically to express the mood of the poem. When the persona states that the â€Å"oil had spread a rainbow,† it should indicate that tears has formed in her eyes, splitting the light into its spectrum, as she also mentions â€Å"sun-cracked thwarts.† At the end where â€Å"everything was rainbow,† tears had flooded her eyes, blurring every sight and showing only splashes of colors all around. At the beginning of the poem, the persona notes that the fish did not fight at all. She describes the fish as â€Å"battered,† â€Å"homely,† but yet â€Å"venerable.† Later she discovers that the fish has fought many battles, and the broken lines are signs of victory. She realizes the fish is not just something that gives up without a fight, but it is something that has just fought too long and is tired of it. The persona realizes what the fish has gone through and instantly gains respect and condemnation for it. She lets it go. For writing this poem, the author might have a family member that was suffering from a disease. After a long time of painful struggle, that member finally gives up because he/she saw through the value of life, just like the fish. However, there is one thing that I disagree with the persona, because she states the fish has â€Å"a five-haired beard of wisdom.† In my opinion it should be â€Å"five-haired beard of stupidity† since the fish cannot learn from its past.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on The Sinking Of The Lusitania

â€Å"The war to end all wars† was what some people called it. Others called it â€Å"The Great War.† Look at it anyway you wish, but World War I was not only destructive, but it just might have set humanity back in time. To say that there was a right and a wrong in the war is impossible. Both sides were wrong with things, but in the end, Germany suffered more, by being forced to pay billions of dollars in War Debts, and let the French control a rich mine for well over 15 years. Before that, Germany was a country that was just running over the Allied Powers with hardly any sort of problems. But soon, Germany’s reign on top of World War I was coming to a close. The Germans had a naval blockade of any ships that had passed through around the United Kingdom. Despite the blockade, many ships decided to ignore the warnings that Germany sent out to the Allied countries. One of these ships was the Lusitania. The Lusitania was a ship that embarked on a voyage to England, with passengers from all around, including many Americans. A bulletin was passed around to every person who boarded the ship, which stated that a war was going on between Germany and England. It also stated that Germany had placed a naval blockade surrounding the waters of England, and that any ship in that zone was at risk of being fired at by German troops. Sure enough, as the Lusitania entered that zone on May 7, 1915, a German submarine fired a missile underwater, hitting the Lusitania and in turn, killed more than 1,100 passengers and crew, 124 of them Americans. After the sinking of the ship, outrage ensued, and The United States was brought into the war. In a letter sent to the Germans from President Wilson and Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, the United States showed how they grew tired of German submarine attacks. In an excerpt from the letter, Bryan said this: â€Å"The sinking of the British passenger steamer Falaba by a German submarine on March 28, throu... Free Essays on The Sinking Of The Lusitania Free Essays on The Sinking Of The Lusitania â€Å"The war to end all wars† was what some people called it. Others called it â€Å"The Great War.† Look at it anyway you wish, but World War I was not only destructive, but it just might have set humanity back in time. To say that there was a right and a wrong in the war is impossible. Both sides were wrong with things, but in the end, Germany suffered more, by being forced to pay billions of dollars in War Debts, and let the French control a rich mine for well over 15 years. Before that, Germany was a country that was just running over the Allied Powers with hardly any sort of problems. But soon, Germany’s reign on top of World War I was coming to a close. The Germans had a naval blockade of any ships that had passed through around the United Kingdom. Despite the blockade, many ships decided to ignore the warnings that Germany sent out to the Allied countries. One of these ships was the Lusitania. The Lusitania was a ship that embarked on a voyage to England, with passengers from all around, including many Americans. A bulletin was passed around to every person who boarded the ship, which stated that a war was going on between Germany and England. It also stated that Germany had placed a naval blockade surrounding the waters of England, and that any ship in that zone was at risk of being fired at by German troops. Sure enough, as the Lusitania entered that zone on May 7, 1915, a German submarine fired a missile underwater, hitting the Lusitania and in turn, killed more than 1,100 passengers and crew, 124 of them Americans. After the sinking of the ship, outrage ensued, and The United States was brought into the war. In a letter sent to the Germans from President Wilson and Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan, the United States showed how they grew tired of German submarine attacks. In an excerpt from the letter, Bryan said this: â€Å"The sinking of the British passenger steamer Falaba by a German submarine on March 28, throu...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Academic Service for All Students Who Want to Improve Writing Skills

Academic Service for All Students Who Want to Improve Writing Skills Scholarship essays vary depending on the subject in question. In most cases, you are required to recount for personal experiences to write a compelling paper. So, in this part, you will be able to know useful tips that can help you write a good paper, as well as choose good scholarship essay topics. When writing, you need to know the subject matter explicitly. Therefore, you need to devote substantial time, that is around one to two weeks while brainstorming ideas. Here below are some points worth consideration when brainstorming. First, you need to be aware of your accomplishments and be able to determine you consider them to be so. Of noteworthy is that you need not limit yourself to the things that you have accomplished, but also consider the stale ones while placing them in the context of your life. Second, think about qualities that may be of a distinguishing factor, and be able to explain it vividly. Meanwhile, you can as well write about the favorite books, and movies that you think have a great impact on your life. Also, your audience will be thrilled to know some sorts of moments that have proved tough in your life. Think of struggling moments, and be able to explain whether you succeeded or not. I this context, be able to explain whether you managed. Third, a trait is one of the most sought after feature when it comes to these types of essays. Be able to explain your philosophies while explaining why you believe in them. Also, explaining how your friends characterize you based on these attributes will be a plus. To get quality assistance, and even be able to attain better topics for scholarship essay, you should join us today. We assist students in writing their essays at the most affordable rate. Furthermore, our team of writers are well-versed with different niches. Thus, they are capable of tailoring an essay to fit the requirements needed. Some easy scholarship essay topics you can get from us are as enlisted below. The inspiration My objectives for the next five years My dreams The person who motivated my ideologies My accomplishments Also, you will be able to get themes that are related to scholarship essays from us. Some of them include champion, college, community, competition, contribution, career, and classroom, among others. We have vast choices, so you don’t have to stress yourself. Instead, consider joining our dedicated team of professionals and get quality assistance today. We often assign the best writer, depending on the subject matter. Therefore, you do not have to worry when you have a task. How to Write Better Given interesting scholarship essay topics Handling an essay can sometimes prove a daunting task, especially when you want to perfect the outcome. 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To avoid this sort of issue, we assign a specific tutor to work on your paper by giving it an individualized approach. Why You Need Help with Scholarship Essay Topics for College Students There are several reasons why a student may need help with scripting essays. Most teachers may consider this as cheating, but it is not. We hold a contrary opinion. Selecting good topics for an scholarship essay may be very hard for a student, and this is an area we want to eliminate for our clients so that you may succeed in whatever application you are undertaking. Notably, you may have difficulty in finding the correct information to write a well-scripted paper. Perhaps, your English is not good, and you do not want to do it alone for fear of writing the broken language, thus risking staining your image. Well, you do not have to worry at all since we are here to alleviate such problems for you to make your life a smooth one. Our website has numerous topics to write an scholarship essay on, and you can always pick some of these samples to give you a head start. However, we will not let you undergo the pain of having to write this paper all alone. Because of this fact, we have a protocol that you can always use to make an order and let one of our esteemed writers handle your paper. By choosing us, you get numerous benefits, most of which you will not get in other areas. They include customized content, plagiarism free paper, unlimited revisions, and privacy. Also, we have secure payment options, so you do not have to worry about the options we offer. Our customer service is online daily and anytime. Thus, you can reach us now if you have a paper that you need help with. We will be glad to assist. On how to reach us, you have options, such as making a phone call, email, and live chatting the customer care agent. Alternatively, you can fill the order forms directly and specify all the instructions correctly so that we can assign the best writer to work on your prompt.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Problems in ethics codes of TV, Radio, and Newspapers Essay

Problems in ethics codes of TV, Radio, and Newspapers ( - Essay Example In reality however, there are systemic challenges to adhere to this principle. Given that most of the media coverage revolves around information released by government spokespersons, the veracity of the information given cannot be easily verified. For one thing, it is implicitly accepted that any message from government sources is an authentic and accurate one. To question or suspect elected representatives and authorities is not natural to many journalists. Hence, there are practical difficulties in implementing this particular code of journalistic ethic. Further in the code of ethics one finds mention of separating the two distinct functions of news media, namely editorial opinions and factual news reports. The former is an area of subjective judgment and opinion while the latter is supposed to be objective and factual. While this dichotomy is more relevant to the print media, it is also applicable to the radio and television news media as well. Maintaining this dichotomous separation is easier said than done. What one finds in reality though is the imprint of the editorial policies on the process of selecting stories to report. A factual report is not in and of itself a neutral and objective one. Editorial pressures usually decide which stories are picked and which are left. Hence, under the apparent disguise of objectivity and factuality there can be an ideological thrust, which can serve against the interests of the common consumer of the particular news media, be it radio, television or newsprint. Another area of consensus that journalists from various mediums have agreed upon is in the judicious choice of facts and photographs that is published or shown in their reports. This code was accepted on the grounds that blatant truth can sometimes offend or hurt the sentiments of certain communities. But the flip side of this argument is the subtle

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The role of nature and nurture in shaping human behavior Essay

The role of nature and nurture in shaping human behavior - Essay Example The debate over nature and nurture has been a long-standing one. It is an imperative, from Darwin himself, that genes do affect behavior and personality. There still is the reality that each person will have different experiences which brings in the forefront personality traits which may not be mutually exclusive to the genetics of personality. Social encounters would develop a person into a natural process of social evolution in himself (Bouchard, Jr. 102). Genetic engineering may allow parents to choose a child with their preferred color of eyes or towering height or a high intelligence quotient but it’s still not going to determine all the other experiences the child will have in life. As Prof. Lee Silver himself said, â€Å"if people are willing to spend a hundred thousand dollars to get to Princeton, they’re going to be willing to spend $20,000 to give their children an increase chance at life at a genetic level.† The main concern is that traits would be sel ected for purely trivial and aesthetic reasons. The possibility of designer babies suggests that physical and psychological characteristics of a child can be chosen through an elimination process beginning from conception. Super babies whose genetic make-up is specifically selected to ensure superiority could literally be bought by parents.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The leadership experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The leadership experience - Essay Example When you wield your power over people without establishing the necessary relations then you cannot assert influence necessary to propel one to a higher office. Many leaders, for instance, Paul Wolfowitz of the World Bank fail because of their ambitions and how they wield their power. Women with their relationship oriented approach to leadership put them in a position where they can cultivate the necessary relationships. The relationships allow them to listen and appeal to their emotions and eventually get what they want even a top job. Furthermore, since women are more likely to achieve their goals as well as organizational goals they are hence trusted with influential positions. If a male leader changes his behavior to incorporate elements of relationship-oriented leadership techniques more common to the female leader, he will still be an authentic leader. The elements of relationship-oriented leadership will only strengthen an authentic leader and not water it down. Through the approach, they will be able to understand the needs of the workforce and appeal to them and hence ensure that the company achieves its goal. The leader would also still be authentic since although he would want to involve everyone the final decision will still be with him and can still leave a legacy. Furthermore, through the approach, the leader can easily assert his power since he knows his workforce quite well. It is the manager's responsibility to help their employees find pleasure, engagement, and meaning in their work to make them happy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Customer Satisfaction Using a Same Marketing Segmentation

Customer Satisfaction Using a Same Marketing Segmentation INTRODUCTION Nestlà © is a multinational company and is of the worlds largest in food and beverages industry. Heinrich Nestlà ©, whom also known as Henri Nestlà ©, was the founder of Nestlà © Company (Nestle. 2010, Introduction, Nestlà © [Online] available at, which headquarter is in Vevey, Switzerland in the year of 1866. Nestlà © Malaysia was established in the year of 1912 in Malaysia as Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. Nestlà © Malaysia head office is now located in Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and has 6 sales offices with more than 5000 employees nationwide. Besides, Nestlà © manufactures its own products in 7 factories and markets over 300 Halal products across the nation. (Nestlà ©. 2010, Nestlà © in Malaysia, Nestlà © [Online] available at Nestlà © specialized in foods and beverages industry, a few of the many well known brands Nestlà © has in Malaysia includes Maggi, Nescafà ©, Milo, Kit Kat, Nesvita (formerly known as Ne stum), as well as pet care products such as Purina and Friskies. Nestlà ©s vision (Nestlà ©. 2010, Corporate Philosophy, Nestlà © [Online] available at is to be the leader in Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Company by delivering world-class products of the highest consistent quality, reliability, and convenience based on business excellence principles throughout the operation. Nestlà ©s mission (The Nestlà © Corporate Essence Our roots and wings 2007, p.4) is to enhance the quality of life with good food and beverages, everywhere, so people could live a healthier life. In order to achieve their vision and mission, Nestlà © Nutrition Research Centre (Nestlà ©. 2010, Research Development, Nestlà © [Online] available at pays great attention to understand the consumers nutritional and emotional needs and utilise todays world superior science and technology to produce high quality products to the world. MARKET SEGMENTATION Every consumer has different needs. Hence, it is not possible to satisfy every customer using a same marketing segmentation, which is also known as mass marketing by offering a single marketing mix to all consumers. Moreover, as a global market has become extremely competitive, and consumers are increasingly demanding which is very difficult to satisfy. Therefore, Nestlà © uses target marketing for every product to their customers. For example, in consumer product, Nestlà © baby milk product such as Nestlà © Neslac Excella Gold is segmented only to infants and toddlers. However, baby does not have the capacity or capability to buy the food they needed. Therefore, to market this baby milk product, Nestlà © does not fully focusing on babys basic need which is hunger, but also to the babys parents in terms of how the nutrition provided will give their children the best possible advantages in the childrens life and development. Another example is Nestlà © Milo, the milk beverage with chocolate and malt. Don Howart, the executive director of Nestlà © and Singapore Coffee and Beverages claimed that Milo remains popular among the young and has a 90% (The Sun. 2010, Milo with ProtoMalt to get through the day, Sun2Surf [Online] available at market share among chocolate malt drinks in Malaysia. Besides the youngsters, old people and active people are also part of the target markets of Nestlà © Milo drinks. However, at first, Nestlà ©s business was launched internationally and realised the fact that food products have to be taken into account to the local eating and social behaviour due to the particular countrys practices, cultures, and traditions. Therefore, (1) Nestlà © has always shown respect for diverse cultures and traditions and trying to integrate itself as much as possible into the cultures and traditions, adding also to the local environment its own set of values. Therefore, (2) Nestlà © embraces cultural and social diversity and does not discriminate on the basis of origin, nationality, religion, race, gender or age. (The Nestlà © Management and Leadership Principles 2006, p.9) STRENGTHS Nestlà © is a multinational company, not to mention Nestlà © is also the largest industry in foods and beverages, hence Nestlà © has every capability to attract more consumers compare to the local companies. On account of its high market share and high financial power, Nestlà © also has greater financial capability in altering existing products in terms of packaging, the formula of the particular product and others or creating new products, as well as to adapt or upgrade latest information system technology in manufacturing, order processing and other related fields in order to sustain their competitive advantage by delivering lower cost of goods and services than their competitors in this dynamic environment. Secondly, Nestlà © has quite an effective strategic marketing capability. For example, Nestlà © Maggi instant noodles has built a stable patent and is very well known in many countries especially in Australia and Malaysia. This is because Maggi instant noodles is easy to be differentiated from its competitors such as Cintan Instant Noodles. Moreover, Nestlà © has also developed a very strong brand name for Maggi instant noodles because of strong advertising, which has indoctrinated most of the people to name the other brands of instant noodles as Maggi instant noodle instead of the brands original name. Furthermore, Nestlà © also has a strong Research and Development operations that helps the company to achieve cross-border synergy such as packaging its global products to local preferences. Nestlà © also emphasises on using todays information technology, which Nestlà © believe it will present a long-term opportunity for them to smoothen the companys operation or to increase efficiency in packaging, among any other companys operations. Besides, Nestlà © also has better technological capability, for instance, to renovate the existing products to be more innovative, higher quality, and much healthier product as Nestlà © realised that consumer-centred innovation and renovation is the most important pillar of Nestlà ©s worldwide strategy, which would accelerate Nestlà © to advance from good to better. (The Nestlà © Corporate Essence Our roots and wings 2007, p.34) And because of Nestlà ©s commitments, more people trust on the products delivered by Nestlà © because of its prope r health and safety measures. Besides, Nestlà © also has great leadership attributes. The leaders such as the top executives, branch managers, and others are responsible in building organisation capability. For example, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nestlà © S.A., Peter Brabeck, (Castelarhost. 2005, Nestlà © LC1 S.W.O.T Analysis, Castelar Articles [Online] available at emphasises internal growth worldwide, which means to achieve higher volumes of sales by adding value to the products, renovate existing products, and innovate new products, to keep pace in the industry because of rapidly changing of consumer expectations. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Nestlà © produces hundreds of products, has a global network of suppliers, and multiple distributions and selling channels. Hence, to anticipate and respond in this rapidly changing in market demand condition is very difficult. When forecasting a market demand, Nestlà © will need information to detect shifts in demand early so they could adjust for trends and send the right messages to the suppliers, shippers, and distribution centres before they are flood with unwanted or defective goods or shortages. (Manhattan Associates. 2010, Planning and forecasting: Anticipate and Respond to Changes in Demand, Manhattan Associates [Online] at However, every company has its weakest links, so is Nestlà ©. The weakest links are issues they are unable to control. (Labs. 2010, Supply Chain Efficiency Starts at the Top, Food Engineering [Online] available at Firstly, the most common problem is the sources of supply of raw materials. This is due to a sudden and unexpected increased in demand, which will cause extreme supply shortages for commodities that will result in major price increases. For instance, bad weather and natural disasters have always been an issue affecting incoming raw materials. Secondly, the inaccuracy of orders received in inventory. No company can ever achieve the requirement of zero defects especially in foods and beverages industry. For example, when the purchasing department of Nestlà © ordered 10,000 of mixed berries yoghurt from its dealer, but what the retailer received was only 8,000 of mixed berries yoghurt, or on another occasion they might received defective inventori es. Another example is, when Nestlà © tells its dealer that they needed extra orders of a particular product to be shipped right away because of unexpected increased in demand, but in fact, the supplier may already has orders from other customers. This usually happen during special occasion such as Chinese New Year, the demand of Nestlà © Cornflakes cereal will increase because many people will buy this product to make cookies. This will causes Nestlà © to encounter a great loss because of inaccurate order of magnitude because they could not produce the actual output needed. Therefore, in order to solve these problems, it is crucial for Nestlà © to engage with multiple suppliers or dealers in that particular region, so they could acquire inventories from multiple dealers, which will definitely decrease the risk of shortage due to incontrollable situation. Besides, Nestlà © should also base on their demand and purchase planning on last couple of years of sales to forecast current year of demand and supply. Other than that, mutual trust and strong relationship with all the dealers are needed in order to increase the flexibility of material supply management, as well as to enhance the bargaining power of Nestlà ©. However, if there is a surplus, Nestlà © may need to plan a promotion to clear their inventories, otherwise Nestlà © will encounter a great loss such as paying high material handling cost, waste of warehouses space, or inventories that are not sold became defective and may need to be disposed which no profit will earn. Therefore, when there i s a big event organized such as Jom Heboh Carnival. Nestlà © will set up a booth at the carnival to sell its products, which are close to the expiry date at lower price such as Maggi products, Nescafà ©, Milo, yoghurt drinks, Nestlà © ice creams and so on. People often buy the products in big quantity because of the lower price than the market price. As a result, Nestlà © could clear their inventories rather fast and save some space in the warehouses. which is a win-win situation. Thirdly, even though Nestlà © has a logistics department but it doesnt deal with transportation logistics. Nestlà © outsourced its supply chain transport to the third-party logistics (3PL) as Nestlà © tries to cut their supply chain costs and to concentrate more on their in-plant operations. Although Nestlà © doesnt have a transportation logistics department, but they do have a delivery team to cooperate with the third-party logistics in routing protocol. Nestlà © is using a Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), which is a simple and efficient routing protocol designed specifically for use in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks of mobile nodes. The protocol is composed of the two main mechanisms of Route Discovery and Route Maintenance, which work together to allow nodes to discover and maintain routes on-demand to arbitrary destinations in the ad hoc network. (Maltz. 2003, The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol CMU [Online] available at Therefore, the delivery team is there to help Nestlà © and the 3PL that DSR is working as per company direction as well as DSR performance. Next, it is the poor partnership relationship between dealerships and consumers. Dealers need these capabilities because they, in close partnership with manufacturers Nestlà ©, are a connecting hub of services for the consumers, and other stakeholders. However, Nestlà © solved this problem by using the Dealer Management Systems (DMS) as well as their dealers. DMS is a software solutions that provide tools for managing sales, services, parts and inventory management, business management, integration, and core architecture. DMS help manufacturers and dealers create integrated marketing campaigns to offer inventory to target markets. This will integrate innovations into traditional in-store sales and service processes and offer technologies for non-traditional merchandising, sales, and service strategies through alternative channels for consumer engagement via Web, by phone, or in-vehicle. (Microsoft Corporation. 2008, Microsoft Offers the Dealer Management Solution Microsoft [Online ] available at RECOMMENDATIONS After the reviews stated above, those were not the only solutions that are available. MDZ has come up with a few recommended suggestions that may work or solve the problems that were encountered by Nestlà ©. Instead of just finding or having multiple suppliers, Nestlà © could acquire the inventories from the other outlets from the other region. Because some regions have different demographics, for instance, race. Some areas have higher percentage of Malays such as Kuantan, Pahang, and some may have higher percentage of Chinese such as Ipoh, Perak. The Chinese New Year (CNY) example stated above, in Kuantan area, there might be less demand during CNY, so to prevent shortage, Nestlà © could just acquire the inventories from Kuantan. However, if there is a surplus, and unable to clear the inventories at a short time, Nestlà © could consider donation for short-run purpose, this could help to clear the old stocks, as well as to help the donation receivers and build better goodwill and name of Nestlà ©. Secondly, Nestlà © is a multinational company; it definitely has the capability in owning a transportation logistics department. Because of the hundreds variety of Nestlà ©s products, 7 manufacturers in Malaysia, as well as thousands of customers such as retailers, wholesalers, distributors and so on, Nestlà © could handle its own transportation service. Nestlà © could gain the whole power in such as mode selections, routing, and others. They could do almost anything such as consolidating different type of products but to the same outlet. Besides, they could save every penny they use in transportation cost compare to third-party logistics (3PL) because 3PL charges according to the quantity, inventory storage space, value added processes such as special handling, and more. It may benefit in the short run, but definitely not in the long run, as Nestlà © centred in the long-term business and strives to achieve effectiveness and efficiency. Lastly, Nestlà © could use both manual and automation system in managing sales, services, and others. This is because one cannot trust wholly to a machine, as it may not be documenting the steps in its own processor. Because some steps cant be automated and may required operator intervention to prevent the escapement processing steps, even though adapting advanced technologies could help saving cost as labour cost is reduced, but if there are still problems occur, it will affect the business such as loss of customers because of the mistake. Therefore, Nestlà © must update the system software regularly and full utilisation of available technology as well as the manual operators, which will effectively increase the efficiency and dependability of the supply chain systems. CONCLUSION Nestlà © exerts great efforts to achieve its visions to be the leader in Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Company by producing better quality of products to the consumers. Nestlà © also study about the consumers needs from time to time and satisfy the consumers as much as possible. Nestlà ©s strengths such as high financial capability, effective strategic marketing capability, strong research and development, as well as great leaderships have helped them through the obstacles. Above all, Nestlà © focuses on its missions and ensures consistency by making the right decisions to manage and build its business to deliver the promise of Good Food, Good Life all over the world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Judicial Activism :: essays research papers

Judicial Activism: A Necessary Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Judicial activism is rarely needed, but when it is employed, it is only in the most dire of circumstances. It is the broad interpretation of the constitution of the United States by the Supreme Court. Some argue that this should not be done, but if it had not been, slavery would still exist in America. It is obvious that in some cases, it is necessary to expand civil rights beyond what the constitution explicitly states. This was the case in Brown v. Board of Education. 9 black students were allowed into a white school, previously segregated. This was the landmark case in the battle for black civil rights. The judicial activism displayed by the Supreme Court led to an end to segregation, social equality for blacks and allowed them to reach respected positions in the American society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A major effect of the Supreme Courts decision was the desegregation of schools everywhere. Integration became federal law, and schools could no longer bar applicants based on race alone. By enforcing this law, the Court allowed blacks to recieve the same education as whites and effectively removing their status as second-class citizens. They were one step closer to being fully accepted by the white majority. The integration of children's schools was a controversial step, and many southerners opposed it with extreme prejudice. There were riots to oppose this move, but eventually the chaos was subdued and after order was restored, schools were fully integrated. Black children were now on equal footing with white children and could no longer be called less intelligent, as they would recieve the same education. Also, this case led to the 15th amendment, giving blacks the right to vote. This was an important event, effectively making them complete citizens, legally equal to white men in every way. They could now vote for the president, a key part of the representative democracy present in the United States. They became able to directly affect the law, by voting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social equality was a major gain for the blacks. As a result of this case, and others after it, they became increasingly accepted in a previously white-dominated society. With any form of discrimination outlawed and punishable by law, there was no way they could be kept from their rightful position as equals in every respect. Lawsuits against discriminators became increasingly common, and the mindset of the common American was one of tolerance and compassion for

Thursday, October 24, 2019

English As Official Language In United States Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The United States of America is the melting pot of cultures and values permeated to its â€Å"American† way of life. Along this line, this cultures and values bring with them its languages so unique with each other culture that as such ethnic people grew over times; the language also conquers the different corners of the great American Dream. Now, English language is in a precarious situation whether or not it is still viable to allow it to remain as US’ official language. And since a significant number of US nationals feel comfortable speaking a language other than English, the federal government should reconsider English as the official language of the United States. This paper will examine the evolution of â€Å"English† as an American language. Also, it will explore the dimension of the English Only Movement (EOM) and the Melting Pot Theory in relation to â€Å"English† as an official American language. English Language In 2001, Harrop reported that from the recently concluded 2002 U.S. census revealed that â€Å"49 percent of Hispanics in America are not fluent in English.† As the fastest growing United States’ minority, the Hispanic population represents 12.5 percent of the population. Harrop also revealed that the Hispanic’s legal picture is astonishing as EEOC data revealed that the complaints lodge before it have more than doubled in 5 years and settlements have risen to over $50 million (Harrop, 2001). The United States’ inhabitants have never had any official language to speak of. Over 6 % of United States’ primary school children were instructed in German until the World War I and now over 45 million American nationals still state that their forefathers spoke German. The large scale immigration of the 20th century led to the inhabitance of multilingual people inside the US, thus, around 336 different languages are presently spoken which comprise 176 endemic dialects. Also, more than 47 million American nationals use a language other than English within their homes including 30 million Spanish speakers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When the US Senate voted to select English as the official language and prohibited the use of other languages for federal government orders and services with a vote of 63-34, the US Senate it self was placed in a dilemma as the law barred effectively other languages is the US documents. Thus,     Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe offered an amendment to remedy this problem because it split the Senate along largely party lines, with only nine of the 44 Democrats voting for it, and just one Republican voting against (Cornwell 2006). On the part of former Democratic minority (now Majority) leader Harry Reid, he   identified this amendment as â€Å"racist† whereas Ken Salazar, a Colorado Democrat of Hispanic origin, described it as â€Å"divisive and anti-American† (Cornwell, 2006). The rationale for these two statements issued by US Senate’s distinguished members hinges on the fact that law passed neglects any provisions for services in languages other than English. This would be a problematic situation for those Americans who cannot speak English fluently. Also, the law in effect would also force new immigrants to have considerable knowledge of English language before they get US nationality. On the historical hindsight, English language was voted out German by a difference of just one vote when it was selected as the official language of the US by Congressmen in the year 1795 (Cornwell 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In protecting the minority’s right on education, the Majority (through the US Congress) passed into law the Bilingual Education Act of 1968. This act protects the immigrants who were limited English proficient and at the same time meet their needs as they assimilate to the American society.   Crawford revealed the law was enacted when the US was the apex of the Great Society and was signed into law by President Johnson without a single voice raised in dissent. In spite of this landmark legislation’s noble aims, the Americans public has spent the past 30 years debating what the law wants to accomplish. Thus, following questions were raised: â€Å"[w]as this 1968 law intended primarily to assimilate limited-English-proficient (LEP) children more efficiently? [t]o teach them English as rapidly as possible? [t]o encourage bilingualism and biliteracy? [t]o remedy academic underachievement and high dropout rates? [t]o raise the self-esteem of minority students? [t]o promote social equality? [o]r to pursue all of these goals simultaneously? These questions were never answered in the Congress’ journals of its proceedings (50).    English Only Movement The English Only Movement (EOM), a movement initiated in the 1980s, is a sequel of the procedure of domestic colonialism which leads to other languages which are spoken by minorities’ demolition. In 1979, a Carnegie Corporation’s report pointed out that â€Å"bilingual education was the preeminent civil rights issue within Hispanic communities† (Penna & Shepherd;   p. 147). Thus, the bilingual education became a key issue that create distress in the Mexican community inside the United States according to different researches carried out by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission ( 1967- 1975). The researches also reveled that the US academic system was thought of as being against the cultural traditions of the Mexican population resulting to a negative effects on the Mexicans including inferiority complexes. It is in this instance that the community traditions and customs’ eradication is no doubt, an abuse of the basic civil rights of these people in regard to community’s linguistic and cultural survival. On the domestic front, the English Only Movement’s amendment in the state of California was a triumph for those who support the use of English as an official language. It gave legal status to an issue that goes against biculturalism and bilingualism. The between 1986 and 1989, voters and legislators in thirty-nine states took into account plans analogous to that of Californian amendment. This led to the appearance of 17 states with English as the official language. The English Only Movement is successful in bringing bilingual education policy to the leading position of national debate that includes questions, the approach of scientific teachings of bilingual education and a federal resolution   that could shed light as to why English should be the official language of the United States.       Melting Pot Theory The current discussion over the bilingualism is hinges on the theory that the United States is an assimilationist society or a form of society embracing many minority groups and culture traditions. And this theory is very old. Though this was the case, there were some exchanging of views forcefully stating that United States is a melting pot, which theorizes that people of various nations settle in America and forced to resemble which means to become an American completely.   Lawmakers Push Official English reported in the Washington Post revealed that the March 14 to 16 poll of 1,007, with a margin of error of three percentage points showed that 63 percent of Americans would like to have their ballots and voting materials only in English as compared to those 35 percent who wanted them printed in English and other languages (Lawmakers Push Official English, A06). The results in this opinion poll adheres to the results of the Myths of the Melting Pot’s study which, though noble as it is, spread all throughout a wrong ideas about languages which are mostly not challenged   nor supported by historical records. In fact, US language policy’s history on the subject– or lack of one – both work at lower consequences than the logical basis for official English language and provide a warning lesson about any actions to restricting languages which are rarely in use. The following are points to ponder in this regard: Unfavorable to the myth, the United States has never been a basic speaking and/or using only one language country. By the period of time, one from eight of permanent inhabitants reported a languages background other than English in 1976, this is variety of nothing new but some skilled persons in languages or study of languages believe that the United States has been the habitant of more persons able to speak two languages than any other nation in the history of the world. As early as 1664, when the colony of the New Netherlands came into possession of British, eighteen different languages were spoken on Manhattan Island, not including the language spoken by the local inhabitants of America which were numbered more than five hundred in North America at the time. Considering the US history, the prevailing federal policy on languages has only maintained tolerance and adjustments. In spite of the language variety in 1787, the famous took no interest to protect or encourage English: United States constituents. Because discussion were held in private and we must depend on James Madison’s informal notes, it is not clear, if any language issues came up during the federal agreement on social behavior in Philadelphia (Farrand 1913). But available facts strongly suggest that our early leaders regarded language laws of any type as a cause of harm to civil freedom from captivity. Recognizing about rarely spoken languages reflected bilingual and non-English – language schools which were ordinary in many districts until the long time period of World War I. In 1710, British missionaries were invited to maintain schools among the Iroquois League of Ally States, with the demand that students should be informed or taught with their national languages. Parts of bible which were translated in Mohawk language were included in the texts used. In 1802, Congress began a yearly devotion of ($15,000) to encourage â€Å"civilization among the old inhabitants (before the arrival of colonists).† This money was devoted to religious schools in which many schools were bilingual. The liberation policy on languages was the best and ideal policy for this country, but it is no upheld especially among people conquered and angry for supposed un-justice; people living in colonies and some racial people. Attitudes of the 19th centuries towards their right of language were considerably less tolerant than say towards speakers of German, French or Scandinavian languages       Conclusion Language is another example of making sure that the class’s position in society prevails. This paper has shown the many ways that minority languages are saved from oblivion in the US. For this reason, it is important to known by the baffling ways in which this is happening.   Official English/English Only’s websites revealed that â€Å"[e]nglish as the nation’s dominant language is no more threatened at the turn of the 21st century than it was at the turn of the 20th. To the contrary, it is all the other languages that are endangered – and would soon die out, if not for the replenishing effects of immigration† (Official English/English Only, n.p.). English as an official US language has been an issue for decades by which some influential groups/people have been trying to restrict other languages and promote English Language.   On the other hand, this policy has not been accepted nor approved by the majority of Americans as it is discriminatory to other equal language. This idea is not hidden. Making English as the US official language is the agenda of White Americans – it also unveils the approach of White American as they don’t want more immigrants from the third world countries. It will be discriminatory to other language and this moved, if ever, is contrary to the hope and aspirations why this country was founded and continued to be strong. Works Cited Cornwell, Rupert. May 20, 2006. At last, America has an official language (and yes, it’s English) Independent, The (London) James Crawford. Language Politics in the U.S.A.: The Paradox of Bilingual Education. Journal Social Justice. Volume: 25. Issue: 3. Year: 1998. Page Number: 50 Maureen E. Harrop. Managing a Non-English-Speaking Workforce – Hispanic Americans – Brief Article – Statistical Data Included. Modern Machine Shop, Nov, 2001   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accessed, April 21, 2007 Lawmakers Push Official English; Bills Tied to Immigration Reform. The Washington Times. Publication Date: April 3, 2006. Page Number: A06. Official English/English Only . n.d.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accessed, April 21, 2007 David Penna and George W. Shepherd Jr. Racism and the Underclass: State Policy and Discrimination against Minorities.Publisher: Greenwood Press. Place of Publication: New York. Year: 1991. Page Number: 145. Â