Thursday, October 31, 2019

The role of nature and nurture in shaping human behavior Essay

The role of nature and nurture in shaping human behavior - Essay Example The debate over nature and nurture has been a long-standing one. It is an imperative, from Darwin himself, that genes do affect behavior and personality. There still is the reality that each person will have different experiences which brings in the forefront personality traits which may not be mutually exclusive to the genetics of personality. Social encounters would develop a person into a natural process of social evolution in himself (Bouchard, Jr. 102). Genetic engineering may allow parents to choose a child with their preferred color of eyes or towering height or a high intelligence quotient but it’s still not going to determine all the other experiences the child will have in life. As Prof. Lee Silver himself said, â€Å"if people are willing to spend a hundred thousand dollars to get to Princeton, they’re going to be willing to spend $20,000 to give their children an increase chance at life at a genetic level.† The main concern is that traits would be sel ected for purely trivial and aesthetic reasons. The possibility of designer babies suggests that physical and psychological characteristics of a child can be chosen through an elimination process beginning from conception. Super babies whose genetic make-up is specifically selected to ensure superiority could literally be bought by parents.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The leadership experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The leadership experience - Essay Example When you wield your power over people without establishing the necessary relations then you cannot assert influence necessary to propel one to a higher office. Many leaders, for instance, Paul Wolfowitz of the World Bank fail because of their ambitions and how they wield their power. Women with their relationship oriented approach to leadership put them in a position where they can cultivate the necessary relationships. The relationships allow them to listen and appeal to their emotions and eventually get what they want even a top job. Furthermore, since women are more likely to achieve their goals as well as organizational goals they are hence trusted with influential positions. If a male leader changes his behavior to incorporate elements of relationship-oriented leadership techniques more common to the female leader, he will still be an authentic leader. The elements of relationship-oriented leadership will only strengthen an authentic leader and not water it down. Through the approach, they will be able to understand the needs of the workforce and appeal to them and hence ensure that the company achieves its goal. The leader would also still be authentic since although he would want to involve everyone the final decision will still be with him and can still leave a legacy. Furthermore, through the approach, the leader can easily assert his power since he knows his workforce quite well. It is the manager's responsibility to help their employees find pleasure, engagement, and meaning in their work to make them happy.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Customer Satisfaction Using a Same Marketing Segmentation

Customer Satisfaction Using a Same Marketing Segmentation INTRODUCTION Nestlà © is a multinational company and is of the worlds largest in food and beverages industry. Heinrich Nestlà ©, whom also known as Henri Nestlà ©, was the founder of Nestlà © Company (Nestle. 2010, Introduction, Nestlà © [Online] available at, which headquarter is in Vevey, Switzerland in the year of 1866. Nestlà © Malaysia was established in the year of 1912 in Malaysia as Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. Nestlà © Malaysia head office is now located in Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and has 6 sales offices with more than 5000 employees nationwide. Besides, Nestlà © manufactures its own products in 7 factories and markets over 300 Halal products across the nation. (Nestlà ©. 2010, Nestlà © in Malaysia, Nestlà © [Online] available at Nestlà © specialized in foods and beverages industry, a few of the many well known brands Nestlà © has in Malaysia includes Maggi, Nescafà ©, Milo, Kit Kat, Nesvita (formerly known as Ne stum), as well as pet care products such as Purina and Friskies. Nestlà ©s vision (Nestlà ©. 2010, Corporate Philosophy, Nestlà © [Online] available at is to be the leader in Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Company by delivering world-class products of the highest consistent quality, reliability, and convenience based on business excellence principles throughout the operation. Nestlà ©s mission (The Nestlà © Corporate Essence Our roots and wings 2007, p.4) is to enhance the quality of life with good food and beverages, everywhere, so people could live a healthier life. In order to achieve their vision and mission, Nestlà © Nutrition Research Centre (Nestlà ©. 2010, Research Development, Nestlà © [Online] available at pays great attention to understand the consumers nutritional and emotional needs and utilise todays world superior science and technology to produce high quality products to the world. MARKET SEGMENTATION Every consumer has different needs. Hence, it is not possible to satisfy every customer using a same marketing segmentation, which is also known as mass marketing by offering a single marketing mix to all consumers. Moreover, as a global market has become extremely competitive, and consumers are increasingly demanding which is very difficult to satisfy. Therefore, Nestlà © uses target marketing for every product to their customers. For example, in consumer product, Nestlà © baby milk product such as Nestlà © Neslac Excella Gold is segmented only to infants and toddlers. However, baby does not have the capacity or capability to buy the food they needed. Therefore, to market this baby milk product, Nestlà © does not fully focusing on babys basic need which is hunger, but also to the babys parents in terms of how the nutrition provided will give their children the best possible advantages in the childrens life and development. Another example is Nestlà © Milo, the milk beverage with chocolate and malt. Don Howart, the executive director of Nestlà © and Singapore Coffee and Beverages claimed that Milo remains popular among the young and has a 90% (The Sun. 2010, Milo with ProtoMalt to get through the day, Sun2Surf [Online] available at market share among chocolate malt drinks in Malaysia. Besides the youngsters, old people and active people are also part of the target markets of Nestlà © Milo drinks. However, at first, Nestlà ©s business was launched internationally and realised the fact that food products have to be taken into account to the local eating and social behaviour due to the particular countrys practices, cultures, and traditions. Therefore, (1) Nestlà © has always shown respect for diverse cultures and traditions and trying to integrate itself as much as possible into the cultures and traditions, adding also to the local environment its own set of values. Therefore, (2) Nestlà © embraces cultural and social diversity and does not discriminate on the basis of origin, nationality, religion, race, gender or age. (The Nestlà © Management and Leadership Principles 2006, p.9) STRENGTHS Nestlà © is a multinational company, not to mention Nestlà © is also the largest industry in foods and beverages, hence Nestlà © has every capability to attract more consumers compare to the local companies. On account of its high market share and high financial power, Nestlà © also has greater financial capability in altering existing products in terms of packaging, the formula of the particular product and others or creating new products, as well as to adapt or upgrade latest information system technology in manufacturing, order processing and other related fields in order to sustain their competitive advantage by delivering lower cost of goods and services than their competitors in this dynamic environment. Secondly, Nestlà © has quite an effective strategic marketing capability. For example, Nestlà © Maggi instant noodles has built a stable patent and is very well known in many countries especially in Australia and Malaysia. This is because Maggi instant noodles is easy to be differentiated from its competitors such as Cintan Instant Noodles. Moreover, Nestlà © has also developed a very strong brand name for Maggi instant noodles because of strong advertising, which has indoctrinated most of the people to name the other brands of instant noodles as Maggi instant noodle instead of the brands original name. Furthermore, Nestlà © also has a strong Research and Development operations that helps the company to achieve cross-border synergy such as packaging its global products to local preferences. Nestlà © also emphasises on using todays information technology, which Nestlà © believe it will present a long-term opportunity for them to smoothen the companys operation or to increase efficiency in packaging, among any other companys operations. Besides, Nestlà © also has better technological capability, for instance, to renovate the existing products to be more innovative, higher quality, and much healthier product as Nestlà © realised that consumer-centred innovation and renovation is the most important pillar of Nestlà ©s worldwide strategy, which would accelerate Nestlà © to advance from good to better. (The Nestlà © Corporate Essence Our roots and wings 2007, p.34) And because of Nestlà ©s commitments, more people trust on the products delivered by Nestlà © because of its prope r health and safety measures. Besides, Nestlà © also has great leadership attributes. The leaders such as the top executives, branch managers, and others are responsible in building organisation capability. For example, the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Nestlà © S.A., Peter Brabeck, (Castelarhost. 2005, Nestlà © LC1 S.W.O.T Analysis, Castelar Articles [Online] available at emphasises internal growth worldwide, which means to achieve higher volumes of sales by adding value to the products, renovate existing products, and innovate new products, to keep pace in the industry because of rapidly changing of consumer expectations. PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Nestlà © produces hundreds of products, has a global network of suppliers, and multiple distributions and selling channels. Hence, to anticipate and respond in this rapidly changing in market demand condition is very difficult. When forecasting a market demand, Nestlà © will need information to detect shifts in demand early so they could adjust for trends and send the right messages to the suppliers, shippers, and distribution centres before they are flood with unwanted or defective goods or shortages. (Manhattan Associates. 2010, Planning and forecasting: Anticipate and Respond to Changes in Demand, Manhattan Associates [Online] at However, every company has its weakest links, so is Nestlà ©. The weakest links are issues they are unable to control. (Labs. 2010, Supply Chain Efficiency Starts at the Top, Food Engineering [Online] available at Firstly, the most common problem is the sources of supply of raw materials. This is due to a sudden and unexpected increased in demand, which will cause extreme supply shortages for commodities that will result in major price increases. For instance, bad weather and natural disasters have always been an issue affecting incoming raw materials. Secondly, the inaccuracy of orders received in inventory. No company can ever achieve the requirement of zero defects especially in foods and beverages industry. For example, when the purchasing department of Nestlà © ordered 10,000 of mixed berries yoghurt from its dealer, but what the retailer received was only 8,000 of mixed berries yoghurt, or on another occasion they might received defective inventori es. Another example is, when Nestlà © tells its dealer that they needed extra orders of a particular product to be shipped right away because of unexpected increased in demand, but in fact, the supplier may already has orders from other customers. This usually happen during special occasion such as Chinese New Year, the demand of Nestlà © Cornflakes cereal will increase because many people will buy this product to make cookies. This will causes Nestlà © to encounter a great loss because of inaccurate order of magnitude because they could not produce the actual output needed. Therefore, in order to solve these problems, it is crucial for Nestlà © to engage with multiple suppliers or dealers in that particular region, so they could acquire inventories from multiple dealers, which will definitely decrease the risk of shortage due to incontrollable situation. Besides, Nestlà © should also base on their demand and purchase planning on last couple of years of sales to forecast current year of demand and supply. Other than that, mutual trust and strong relationship with all the dealers are needed in order to increase the flexibility of material supply management, as well as to enhance the bargaining power of Nestlà ©. However, if there is a surplus, Nestlà © may need to plan a promotion to clear their inventories, otherwise Nestlà © will encounter a great loss such as paying high material handling cost, waste of warehouses space, or inventories that are not sold became defective and may need to be disposed which no profit will earn. Therefore, when there i s a big event organized such as Jom Heboh Carnival. Nestlà © will set up a booth at the carnival to sell its products, which are close to the expiry date at lower price such as Maggi products, Nescafà ©, Milo, yoghurt drinks, Nestlà © ice creams and so on. People often buy the products in big quantity because of the lower price than the market price. As a result, Nestlà © could clear their inventories rather fast and save some space in the warehouses. which is a win-win situation. Thirdly, even though Nestlà © has a logistics department but it doesnt deal with transportation logistics. Nestlà © outsourced its supply chain transport to the third-party logistics (3PL) as Nestlà © tries to cut their supply chain costs and to concentrate more on their in-plant operations. Although Nestlà © doesnt have a transportation logistics department, but they do have a delivery team to cooperate with the third-party logistics in routing protocol. Nestlà © is using a Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), which is a simple and efficient routing protocol designed specifically for use in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks of mobile nodes. The protocol is composed of the two main mechanisms of Route Discovery and Route Maintenance, which work together to allow nodes to discover and maintain routes on-demand to arbitrary destinations in the ad hoc network. (Maltz. 2003, The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol CMU [Online] available at Therefore, the delivery team is there to help Nestlà © and the 3PL that DSR is working as per company direction as well as DSR performance. Next, it is the poor partnership relationship between dealerships and consumers. Dealers need these capabilities because they, in close partnership with manufacturers Nestlà ©, are a connecting hub of services for the consumers, and other stakeholders. However, Nestlà © solved this problem by using the Dealer Management Systems (DMS) as well as their dealers. DMS is a software solutions that provide tools for managing sales, services, parts and inventory management, business management, integration, and core architecture. DMS help manufacturers and dealers create integrated marketing campaigns to offer inventory to target markets. This will integrate innovations into traditional in-store sales and service processes and offer technologies for non-traditional merchandising, sales, and service strategies through alternative channels for consumer engagement via Web, by phone, or in-vehicle. (Microsoft Corporation. 2008, Microsoft Offers the Dealer Management Solution Microsoft [Online ] available at RECOMMENDATIONS After the reviews stated above, those were not the only solutions that are available. MDZ has come up with a few recommended suggestions that may work or solve the problems that were encountered by Nestlà ©. Instead of just finding or having multiple suppliers, Nestlà © could acquire the inventories from the other outlets from the other region. Because some regions have different demographics, for instance, race. Some areas have higher percentage of Malays such as Kuantan, Pahang, and some may have higher percentage of Chinese such as Ipoh, Perak. The Chinese New Year (CNY) example stated above, in Kuantan area, there might be less demand during CNY, so to prevent shortage, Nestlà © could just acquire the inventories from Kuantan. However, if there is a surplus, and unable to clear the inventories at a short time, Nestlà © could consider donation for short-run purpose, this could help to clear the old stocks, as well as to help the donation receivers and build better goodwill and name of Nestlà ©. Secondly, Nestlà © is a multinational company; it definitely has the capability in owning a transportation logistics department. Because of the hundreds variety of Nestlà ©s products, 7 manufacturers in Malaysia, as well as thousands of customers such as retailers, wholesalers, distributors and so on, Nestlà © could handle its own transportation service. Nestlà © could gain the whole power in such as mode selections, routing, and others. They could do almost anything such as consolidating different type of products but to the same outlet. Besides, they could save every penny they use in transportation cost compare to third-party logistics (3PL) because 3PL charges according to the quantity, inventory storage space, value added processes such as special handling, and more. It may benefit in the short run, but definitely not in the long run, as Nestlà © centred in the long-term business and strives to achieve effectiveness and efficiency. Lastly, Nestlà © could use both manual and automation system in managing sales, services, and others. This is because one cannot trust wholly to a machine, as it may not be documenting the steps in its own processor. Because some steps cant be automated and may required operator intervention to prevent the escapement processing steps, even though adapting advanced technologies could help saving cost as labour cost is reduced, but if there are still problems occur, it will affect the business such as loss of customers because of the mistake. Therefore, Nestlà © must update the system software regularly and full utilisation of available technology as well as the manual operators, which will effectively increase the efficiency and dependability of the supply chain systems. CONCLUSION Nestlà © exerts great efforts to achieve its visions to be the leader in Nutrition, Health, and Wellness Company by producing better quality of products to the consumers. Nestlà © also study about the consumers needs from time to time and satisfy the consumers as much as possible. Nestlà ©s strengths such as high financial capability, effective strategic marketing capability, strong research and development, as well as great leaderships have helped them through the obstacles. Above all, Nestlà © focuses on its missions and ensures consistency by making the right decisions to manage and build its business to deliver the promise of Good Food, Good Life all over the world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Judicial Activism :: essays research papers

Judicial Activism: A Necessary Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Judicial activism is rarely needed, but when it is employed, it is only in the most dire of circumstances. It is the broad interpretation of the constitution of the United States by the Supreme Court. Some argue that this should not be done, but if it had not been, slavery would still exist in America. It is obvious that in some cases, it is necessary to expand civil rights beyond what the constitution explicitly states. This was the case in Brown v. Board of Education. 9 black students were allowed into a white school, previously segregated. This was the landmark case in the battle for black civil rights. The judicial activism displayed by the Supreme Court led to an end to segregation, social equality for blacks and allowed them to reach respected positions in the American society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A major effect of the Supreme Courts decision was the desegregation of schools everywhere. Integration became federal law, and schools could no longer bar applicants based on race alone. By enforcing this law, the Court allowed blacks to recieve the same education as whites and effectively removing their status as second-class citizens. They were one step closer to being fully accepted by the white majority. The integration of children's schools was a controversial step, and many southerners opposed it with extreme prejudice. There were riots to oppose this move, but eventually the chaos was subdued and after order was restored, schools were fully integrated. Black children were now on equal footing with white children and could no longer be called less intelligent, as they would recieve the same education. Also, this case led to the 15th amendment, giving blacks the right to vote. This was an important event, effectively making them complete citizens, legally equal to white men in every way. They could now vote for the president, a key part of the representative democracy present in the United States. They became able to directly affect the law, by voting.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social equality was a major gain for the blacks. As a result of this case, and others after it, they became increasingly accepted in a previously white-dominated society. With any form of discrimination outlawed and punishable by law, there was no way they could be kept from their rightful position as equals in every respect. Lawsuits against discriminators became increasingly common, and the mindset of the common American was one of tolerance and compassion for

Thursday, October 24, 2019

English As Official Language In United States Essay

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The United States of America is the melting pot of cultures and values permeated to its â€Å"American† way of life. Along this line, this cultures and values bring with them its languages so unique with each other culture that as such ethnic people grew over times; the language also conquers the different corners of the great American Dream. Now, English language is in a precarious situation whether or not it is still viable to allow it to remain as US’ official language. And since a significant number of US nationals feel comfortable speaking a language other than English, the federal government should reconsider English as the official language of the United States. This paper will examine the evolution of â€Å"English† as an American language. Also, it will explore the dimension of the English Only Movement (EOM) and the Melting Pot Theory in relation to â€Å"English† as an official American language. English Language In 2001, Harrop reported that from the recently concluded 2002 U.S. census revealed that â€Å"49 percent of Hispanics in America are not fluent in English.† As the fastest growing United States’ minority, the Hispanic population represents 12.5 percent of the population. Harrop also revealed that the Hispanic’s legal picture is astonishing as EEOC data revealed that the complaints lodge before it have more than doubled in 5 years and settlements have risen to over $50 million (Harrop, 2001). The United States’ inhabitants have never had any official language to speak of. Over 6 % of United States’ primary school children were instructed in German until the World War I and now over 45 million American nationals still state that their forefathers spoke German. The large scale immigration of the 20th century led to the inhabitance of multilingual people inside the US, thus, around 336 different languages are presently spoken which comprise 176 endemic dialects. Also, more than 47 million American nationals use a language other than English within their homes including 30 million Spanish speakers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When the US Senate voted to select English as the official language and prohibited the use of other languages for federal government orders and services with a vote of 63-34, the US Senate it self was placed in a dilemma as the law barred effectively other languages is the US documents. Thus,     Oklahoma Republican Senator James Inhofe offered an amendment to remedy this problem because it split the Senate along largely party lines, with only nine of the 44 Democrats voting for it, and just one Republican voting against (Cornwell 2006). On the part of former Democratic minority (now Majority) leader Harry Reid, he   identified this amendment as â€Å"racist† whereas Ken Salazar, a Colorado Democrat of Hispanic origin, described it as â€Å"divisive and anti-American† (Cornwell, 2006). The rationale for these two statements issued by US Senate’s distinguished members hinges on the fact that law passed neglects any provisions for services in languages other than English. This would be a problematic situation for those Americans who cannot speak English fluently. Also, the law in effect would also force new immigrants to have considerable knowledge of English language before they get US nationality. On the historical hindsight, English language was voted out German by a difference of just one vote when it was selected as the official language of the US by Congressmen in the year 1795 (Cornwell 2006).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In protecting the minority’s right on education, the Majority (through the US Congress) passed into law the Bilingual Education Act of 1968. This act protects the immigrants who were limited English proficient and at the same time meet their needs as they assimilate to the American society.   Crawford revealed the law was enacted when the US was the apex of the Great Society and was signed into law by President Johnson without a single voice raised in dissent. In spite of this landmark legislation’s noble aims, the Americans public has spent the past 30 years debating what the law wants to accomplish. Thus, following questions were raised: â€Å"[w]as this 1968 law intended primarily to assimilate limited-English-proficient (LEP) children more efficiently? [t]o teach them English as rapidly as possible? [t]o encourage bilingualism and biliteracy? [t]o remedy academic underachievement and high dropout rates? [t]o raise the self-esteem of minority students? [t]o promote social equality? [o]r to pursue all of these goals simultaneously? These questions were never answered in the Congress’ journals of its proceedings (50).    English Only Movement The English Only Movement (EOM), a movement initiated in the 1980s, is a sequel of the procedure of domestic colonialism which leads to other languages which are spoken by minorities’ demolition. In 1979, a Carnegie Corporation’s report pointed out that â€Å"bilingual education was the preeminent civil rights issue within Hispanic communities† (Penna & Shepherd;   p. 147). Thus, the bilingual education became a key issue that create distress in the Mexican community inside the United States according to different researches carried out by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission ( 1967- 1975). The researches also reveled that the US academic system was thought of as being against the cultural traditions of the Mexican population resulting to a negative effects on the Mexicans including inferiority complexes. It is in this instance that the community traditions and customs’ eradication is no doubt, an abuse of the basic civil rights of these people in regard to community’s linguistic and cultural survival. On the domestic front, the English Only Movement’s amendment in the state of California was a triumph for those who support the use of English as an official language. It gave legal status to an issue that goes against biculturalism and bilingualism. The between 1986 and 1989, voters and legislators in thirty-nine states took into account plans analogous to that of Californian amendment. This led to the appearance of 17 states with English as the official language. The English Only Movement is successful in bringing bilingual education policy to the leading position of national debate that includes questions, the approach of scientific teachings of bilingual education and a federal resolution   that could shed light as to why English should be the official language of the United States.       Melting Pot Theory The current discussion over the bilingualism is hinges on the theory that the United States is an assimilationist society or a form of society embracing many minority groups and culture traditions. And this theory is very old. Though this was the case, there were some exchanging of views forcefully stating that United States is a melting pot, which theorizes that people of various nations settle in America and forced to resemble which means to become an American completely.   Lawmakers Push Official English reported in the Washington Post revealed that the March 14 to 16 poll of 1,007, with a margin of error of three percentage points showed that 63 percent of Americans would like to have their ballots and voting materials only in English as compared to those 35 percent who wanted them printed in English and other languages (Lawmakers Push Official English, A06). The results in this opinion poll adheres to the results of the Myths of the Melting Pot’s study which, though noble as it is, spread all throughout a wrong ideas about languages which are mostly not challenged   nor supported by historical records. In fact, US language policy’s history on the subject– or lack of one – both work at lower consequences than the logical basis for official English language and provide a warning lesson about any actions to restricting languages which are rarely in use. The following are points to ponder in this regard: Unfavorable to the myth, the United States has never been a basic speaking and/or using only one language country. By the period of time, one from eight of permanent inhabitants reported a languages background other than English in 1976, this is variety of nothing new but some skilled persons in languages or study of languages believe that the United States has been the habitant of more persons able to speak two languages than any other nation in the history of the world. As early as 1664, when the colony of the New Netherlands came into possession of British, eighteen different languages were spoken on Manhattan Island, not including the language spoken by the local inhabitants of America which were numbered more than five hundred in North America at the time. Considering the US history, the prevailing federal policy on languages has only maintained tolerance and adjustments. In spite of the language variety in 1787, the famous took no interest to protect or encourage English: United States constituents. Because discussion were held in private and we must depend on James Madison’s informal notes, it is not clear, if any language issues came up during the federal agreement on social behavior in Philadelphia (Farrand 1913). But available facts strongly suggest that our early leaders regarded language laws of any type as a cause of harm to civil freedom from captivity. Recognizing about rarely spoken languages reflected bilingual and non-English – language schools which were ordinary in many districts until the long time period of World War I. In 1710, British missionaries were invited to maintain schools among the Iroquois League of Ally States, with the demand that students should be informed or taught with their national languages. Parts of bible which were translated in Mohawk language were included in the texts used. In 1802, Congress began a yearly devotion of ($15,000) to encourage â€Å"civilization among the old inhabitants (before the arrival of colonists).† This money was devoted to religious schools in which many schools were bilingual. The liberation policy on languages was the best and ideal policy for this country, but it is no upheld especially among people conquered and angry for supposed un-justice; people living in colonies and some racial people. Attitudes of the 19th centuries towards their right of language were considerably less tolerant than say towards speakers of German, French or Scandinavian languages       Conclusion Language is another example of making sure that the class’s position in society prevails. This paper has shown the many ways that minority languages are saved from oblivion in the US. For this reason, it is important to known by the baffling ways in which this is happening.   Official English/English Only’s websites revealed that â€Å"[e]nglish as the nation’s dominant language is no more threatened at the turn of the 21st century than it was at the turn of the 20th. To the contrary, it is all the other languages that are endangered – and would soon die out, if not for the replenishing effects of immigration† (Official English/English Only, n.p.). English as an official US language has been an issue for decades by which some influential groups/people have been trying to restrict other languages and promote English Language.   On the other hand, this policy has not been accepted nor approved by the majority of Americans as it is discriminatory to other equal language. This idea is not hidden. Making English as the US official language is the agenda of White Americans – it also unveils the approach of White American as they don’t want more immigrants from the third world countries. It will be discriminatory to other language and this moved, if ever, is contrary to the hope and aspirations why this country was founded and continued to be strong. Works Cited Cornwell, Rupert. May 20, 2006. At last, America has an official language (and yes, it’s English) Independent, The (London) James Crawford. Language Politics in the U.S.A.: The Paradox of Bilingual Education. Journal Social Justice. Volume: 25. Issue: 3. Year: 1998. Page Number: 50 Maureen E. Harrop. Managing a Non-English-Speaking Workforce – Hispanic Americans – Brief Article – Statistical Data Included. Modern Machine Shop, Nov, 2001   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accessed, April 21, 2007 Lawmakers Push Official English; Bills Tied to Immigration Reform. The Washington Times. Publication Date: April 3, 2006. Page Number: A06. Official English/English Only . n.d.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accessed, April 21, 2007 David Penna and George W. Shepherd Jr. Racism and the Underclass: State Policy and Discrimination against Minorities.Publisher: Greenwood Press. Place of Publication: New York. Year: 1991. Page Number: 145.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mmse in Nursing Essay

A mini mental state examination (MMSE) also known as the Folstein test is a brief 30-point questionnaire test that is used to screen for cognitive impairment in a patient. It’s use I normally in medicine to screen for the presence of dementia. In this case I used it to estimate the severity of cognitive impairment at a given point in time and to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time. Functions assessed are usually arithmetic, memory and orientation (Changsu Han, 2008). I assessed Mrs. Pandey’s state of cognitive impairment using the mini mental state examination. Mrs. Pandey is a young lady suffering from multiple sclerosis. At this point we assume that she has a normal cognitive state and it was proven correct by the mini mental state examination. After my assessment I found that the MMSE was easy to perform in a way that the type of questions to address where given to me already, concentration was nowon effective communicaion with Mrs. Pandey and developing confidence in her to answer the questions to the best of her ability. To some individuals it is difficult to ask some of the questions , an example was the one question were i had to ask the patient to count backwards from 100 by 7. This was because the patient could find it difficult to understand what is required by the question or interprete in a different way, which can affect the accuracy in determining the patient’s state of cognitive impairment. Some of the questions sounded a bit silly which could possibly annoy the patient especially when they have a normal cognitive state (McMurray, A. 2005). This I thought could cause psychological depression to the patient since they might feel they could be so silly enough not to answer some of the questions correctly. The advantage in this examination could be that no answer is wrong; it is just a way of assessing their state of cognitive assessment. Communication was not much a problem. An issue could be misunderstanding the aim or the purpose of the examination; I did do my best I think to explain the purpose of the exam. I really did not need to rephrase most of the questions because Mrs. Pandey is of an English speaking background therefore I just needed to say it as it is. I do not think, though, that my question could help me draw a definite conclusion because people make mistake even if their cognition is normal due to anxiety and nervousness therefore it is difficult to draw an accurate conclusion (Galea, M. Woodward, M. 2005 ) (McMurray, A. 2005). In terms of the video, i was a little disappointed because i was not speaking loud enough so some of the things i said could not be heard in the video. all in all i think i did a good job in communicating with the patuent, i had a profound open posture to the patient and the patient to examiner positioning was perfect in that it gave the patient a state of superiority

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Brothels and Convents During the Renaissance essays

Brothels and Convents During the Renaissance essays In this essay, I will focus mostly on the regulation of both convents and brothels in the time of Shakespeare and the Renaissance. Ruth Mazo Karras, The Regulation of Brothels in Later Medieval England, focuses exactly on this topic throughout England and other European countries during the Renaissance. In regards to the convents I will be looking closely at an article entitled Subjects on the World's Stage: Essays on British Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, written by David G. Allen and Robert A. White. The regulations of brothels during the Renaissance were regarded heavily. Karras says that women within these brothels were basically regarded as evil and as sinners yet they remained occupying the position of prostitution solely because of the sexual appetites of men; these brothels were considered a necessary evil(Karras). The first parallel between women of convents and stews is the aspect of being forbidden from being a part of every day society. Women who lived in convents were completely shut off from the public - no insiders could leave and no outsiders could come in (Allen). The only difference in the secrecy of these two places was the fact that brothels were visited by men. Karras also states that the women of brothels were not given the rights of "regular" women. In some places, she was not allowed to reject any customer, indeed could not be raped because she was considered to belong to all men and thus had no right to withhold consent (Karras). These two aspects of womens lives in this time period play a major part in the drama "Measure for Measure", and especially set up the scene in the opening act of the play. When Claudio sends for his sister, Isabel, to help him get out of jail, in which he was sentenced to death for having premarital (by the eyes of the church) sex with Juliet, Isabel leaves the convent in which she was about to t...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Metric System essays

Metric System essays The Metric system is the most used system of measurement in the world. Americans are not fairly up to date about. Some people believe that the whole world deals with miles, feet, and pounds. Yet, they are mistaken. The whole world deals with meters, grams, and liters. The United States is the only country that does not use the metric system. The metric system official name is the SI or International System of Units. The metric system is the official system of measurement of science. Everything in science is based on metrics. There was a law passed in 1975 by Congress for America to convert to a metric country like the rest of the world. Yet, it fell through and never came to be. In this paper I will explain the many facets of the metric system. How it came to be, how it works, its seven base units, its prefixes, and how to convert metric system units from one to another. History of measurement Throughout Time Measurement has been used in society since the time of Noahs ark. Noahs base unit was called the cubit. It was the distance from a mans tip of his middle finger to his elbow. This was the most efficient because it could be used right away. The practice of using the body for measurement continued on. The foot was developed by using the mans foot for measurement. While the body for measurement the ancient societies found interesting things about the body. An inch was originally the width of a mans thumb. They also uncovered some ratios that existed in the body. The inch was also the length from the tip of the forefinger to the begging of the joint. Twelve times that number was the foot. Three times the foot was the distance from the tip of the nose to the tip of the middle finger. This is the invention of the yard. Two yards equaled a fathom, which was the distance from the tip of the middle fingers from an outst...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Capitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements

Capitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements Capitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements Capitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements By Mark Nichol When are designations for historically significant phenomena treated with initial capital letters, and when are the names rendered with lowercase letters? Exceptions, as always, are available to confound us, but the rules are fairly straightforward. Names of political and cultural periods or events are often capitalized in their original connotations, but when such nomenclature is used by extension in a generic sense, the designations are (usually) lowercased. For example, one should write, for example, â€Å"The arts and sciences flourished during the Renaissance,† but â€Å"The downtown district is experiencing a renaissance.† (However, to describe someone as well rounded in skills or talents, write â€Å"He’s a Renaissance man† even when he is not a contemporary of Michelangelo.) The same distinction applies for such terms as â€Å"golden age† (â€Å"The Golden Age was the first of Hesiod’s Ages of Man,† but â€Å"Jazz music has experienced several golden ages†) and â€Å"belle à ©poque† (â€Å"The period of peace and optimism in France in the nearly half century before World War I came to be known retrospectively as the Belle Époque,† but â€Å"They look back on that prosperous period as a belle à ©poque†). Similarly, one would write â€Å"China’s infamous Cultural Revolution was a decade-long time of great turmoil,† but â€Å"American society has undergone a cultural revolution of late,† and while references to the mid-twentieth-century tension between Western nations and the Communist Bloc capitalize â€Å"Cold War,† any such conflict without open hostilities is a cold war. The Enlightenment was a specific cultural movement in Europe and Britain’s American colonies during the 1600s and 1700s, or a similar era in any one of several countries. Generic usage is as follows: â€Å"In the Western world, the concept of enlightenment in a religious context acquired a romantic meaning.† However, in specific usage, enlightenment is capitalized: â€Å"The Russian Enlightenment is a period in the eighteenth century in which the government in Russia began to actively encourage the proliferation of arts and sciences.† Adjectives preceding names of political entities are often erroneously capitalized. No civilization has ever gone by the official name of Ancient Greece or Imperial Rome, for example; the first word in such designations is generally a mere descriptor and is therefore lowercased: â€Å"The course is a general overview of the history of ancient Greece†; â€Å"This essay will discuss the economic structure of imperial Rome.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and TimesFor Sale vs. On SaleCharles's Pen and Jesus' Name

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Research Paper - 1

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Research Paper Example The article highlights various studies that are being carried out to recognize the conditions and also the means adopted to deal with ADHD cases. Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder popularly called as ADHD, is a developmental, neurobiological state characterized by the existence of strict and persistent signs of inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impetuosity (American Psychiatric Association (APA), 1994). A child displaying symptoms of ADHD portray the high level of distraction, impulsive temperament and hyperactivity behavior. This is well documented between the age of 6 months to 7 years (APA, 1994). There is a behavior difference prevalent between the ADHD and normal individual. In case of ADHD individuals, a very short span of attention is observed, they are less attentive and distract very easily. They are therefore not able to focus on their work for a given length of time instead they display hyperactivity or disruptive temperament. The child also shows prop ensity of doing work without thinking which may fetch danger for the child. Moreover such children get frustrated very easily and show short temperament, such children lack concentration in the class and therefore show poor academic performance. In sports they display impatience and cannot wait for their turn and never go with the rules rather they have their own ways. Such children are more prone to the injuries and accidents (ADHD). ADHD individuals display co-morbid issues as around 30-50% individuals have oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) as well as they display conduct disorder (CD) as well as 20-30% ADHD cases show signs of anxiety while 11 to 22% ADHD individuals display bipolar disorder (Biederman, 1991). Neuro-imaging of ADHD cases display diminished prefrontal cortex thereby they lack in executing prefrontal functions and therefore they have reduced operational memory (Hill, 2002). Schachar et al, (2000) defined ADHD as "a disorder of dysregulation of thoughts and action s associated with poor inhibitory control. The incidence of ADHD is more prevalent in boys as compared to girls. It shows the sign of inheritance as it runs in family (ADHD). ADHD individuals display incapability in their reading, writing and mathematical skills. On the other hand if ADHD is associated with CD then the condition may worsen further as the issues are not confined to academics, instead they are associated with offending or disposition of criminal temperament (Daley, 2010) . According to Daley et al, (2010), there exists a correlation between academic performance as well as executive functioning. Children with ADHD along with poor EFs display poor performance in their academics in contrast to the children with ADHD and adequate executive functioning. When the results were compared with controls then poor EF does not found any co-relation with the academic accomplishments, suggesting that prevailing symptoms of ADHD and essential cognitive shortfalls and not co-morbid be havior predicaments are responsible for academic mutilation. Academic intervention suggests that academic performance does not appear to be associated to co-morbid behavior

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 147

Discussion - Essay Example As much as the Protagoras by Plato fails to identify specific benefits that come with staying within such a community, upholding moral requirements within a community would bring such benefits. The theory’s major argument is that when individuals engage in moral actions that are mutual, or reciprocated, then all of them are certain to benefit from such a relationship. It is important to note that as much as most communities reciprocate an individual’s moral actions, it is only in communities that are well-functioning and cooperative that such reciprocation is assured. Since communities involve individual efforts towards a single goal of development, this theory provides a perfect framework towards which all members of a community can benefit by each acting not in their own but in the interests of others. The society ought to establish collective rules that would govern the intentions of each independent individual towards the good of each of the members of the society. As such, through the Protagoras theory, justice is portrayed as indispensable and

Comparing selections of Saint Augustines Confessions and Confuciuss Essay

Comparing selections of Saint Augustines Confessions and Confuciuss Analects - Essay Example al unit and Confucius has much to say in connection to the treatment of the family, and the relationship of one to another and also to the members of the household. Thus, it is evident that very few men can love and at the same time know the negative side of the one they love (Confucius et al 3). To omit respect is equal omitting affection. In addition, without love, union cannot coexist; ‘without respect then love would be ignored (Bk. xxiv, 9.). In short, the paradox of laxity indulgence is presented as the course of a man who is better in respect to his family. Confucius believed that a good relationship in the family was important in reforming the society and thus at the long run the government is reformed. One disciple of Confucius said; "few people are filial and dutiful toward parents and their elder brothers. In many instances, they oppose their superiors thus creating a civil order. A good man is concerned with the cause and when the root is firm, the way grows. Fraternal duty and filial piety are surely the root of humaneness (Confucius et al 4). Augustine during his youthful age, he was living with his parents. He further explains how his parents dealt with him since they wanted him to become famous. As a result, his life was sinful from point in time he was of tender age and became restless with unclean thoughts. At this age, he presents the ills of the society that made him develop idleness. He was convicted that if people can perform the roles in the family in a proper way, then they would be able to discharge their roles in the society (4:20, Analects). Confucius said that a filial piety involved respect for, obedience, and loyalty to ones parents. A filial man would not go against the will of the father especially in terms of behavioral characteristics and occupation even when the father is long gone. You observe the intention of a man when his father is still alive and observe his action when the father is dead. Both observations are

Infrastructure and Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Infrastructure and Security - Essay Example Network infrastructure consists of single networked computers, cables, routers, wireless access points, network access methodologies, switches, network protocols, bridges and backbones among other devices. In the case of our organization, a closed architecture would be favourable. It is very important to have proper infrastructure in place so that future problems can be avoided. For instance, end user devices should in no way be used to perform any networking functions and conversely it is not a good practice for network devices to deal with functions at Layer 7. The right networking devices should be used in a network so that network instability can be avoided. Mixing of network and application functions can be quite expensive in the event of bug fixes and upgrading and might even bring the whole network to a halt (Stilwell et al, 2006). The arrangement of different network items is referred to as network topology. Network topologies are classified into physical and logical network topologies. Physical topology deals with the interconnection of devices while logical topologies are concerned with how data flows across the network. The company will need a physical star topology layout with a logical bus topology. Star topology is easier to upgrade since it requires upgrading the devices without necessarily changing the cabling. The star topology uses a switch which sends traffic where it is required to go (Stilwell et al, 2006). The figure below shows a logical and physical topographical layout of the current and planned network in an organization Different LAN segments in different floors can be interconnected using a collapsed backbone architecture which is a type of LAN architecture. The LAN backbone is collapsed using Ethernet switch of layer 2. A Fast Ethernet switch with a speed of 1 Gps will be the central device where each LAN segment links to the central Fast Ethernet switch, through two Fast Ethernet connections of fiber optic to each switch. Spanning Tree protocol configures the two switches which acts as backup while the other acts as a primary switch. In case of failure by one switch, the other switch takes over (Stilwell et al, 2006). Laying down the infrastructure layout is half job; network security measures have to be considered. There are specific threats that may target poorly managed network infrastructure security. Some of these risks include loss of data privacy, data integrity may also be lost, denial of service and system compromise. Therefore, better practices are implemented to ensure systems and sensitive information is housed (Stilwell et al, 2006). The main principles regarding network security are better design practices which may be expressed in five ways. The first one is to ensure a secured manner of configuring and accessing network devices. The second one is that network communications should use secure protocols. The third one is appropriate separation of external and internal facing networks, by use of control devices like router access control lists or securely configured firewalls and demilitarized zones (DMZs). Finally, there should be secure management of accessibility of internal networks remotely. Lastly, configuring of internal networks to detect or prevent running of untrusting traffic or

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Passion of The Christ Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Passion of The Christ - Movie Review Example Throughout the film, Jesus undergoes brutality and much suffering. The other leading roles are Caiaphas (the Jewish High Priest) and Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor). Both do not want to see Jesus being crucified, but live in a perilous time, and Jesus is a major threat to them1. The film relies mostly on the Gospel of Mark; the Jewish crowds shown in almost all scenes of the film support this. The Jewish crowd is shown as indirectly protecting and directly supporting Jesus against the authority of the high priest, which opposes him according to the Gospel of Mark2. In Mark 15:6, â€Å"Pilate had established an open Passover amnesty: ‘at the festival he used to release a prisoner for them, anyone for whom they asked’.†3 The ceremony was open because the crowd and not the governor selected the person to be released. Mark notes that Barabbas (a prisoner) and Jesus are presented to the crowd for it to choose who is to be released and who is to be crucified. There are many differences between the film and the story of Jesus according to the Gospels. There are some portions of Scripture that have been omitted in the film. Gibson cuts words of Matthew 27:25 which states that â€Å"And all the people said, ‘His blood shall be on us and on our children!†4 and John 19:30 which quotes Jesus saying â€Å"It is finished.†5 There are portions of the film that are extra-biblical such as the scene in which Satan is seen holding a baby. The most central scenes of the film are where Jesus is brutally beaten using a whip by the Roman soldiers and the 14 Stations of the Cross. Techniques used in the film include steadcam cinematography and narrative. The utilization of steadcam cinematography assists in the provision of quasi-documentary feel and look. The film has used the languages of the region where Jesus was actually crucified and the setting of the movie appears to capture the Jerusalem atmosphere (though the filmsetting was in Italy). The languages used

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Black Muslim movement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Black Muslim movement - Research Paper Example Elijah Muhammad ensured that the Black Nationalist and self-governance (the group called Nation of Islam) ideals were able to reach the poor black people and those in prison. Through his leadership the organization drastically grew from 8,000 members and accumulated over 100,000 members in the 1950s and 1960s especially after the involvement of its spokesperson or minister Malcolm X 2. However, as time went on there was friction and disagreements between Muhammad and Malcolm that resulted in Malcolm being suspended in 1963 and subsequently being assassinated in 1965 most likely by Muhammad followers3. Muhammad finally died in 1975, and ultimately his son Wallace D. Muhammad (Later changed to Warith Deen Mohammed) assumed the leadership and his teachings did not insinuate much violence to black Muslims like his father. Wallace pushed for the organization to adhere to the teachings of international Islamic community that was more inclined to the Sunni Islamic norms while he also change d the group to World Community of al-Islam with its ground in the West, and later it became American Muslim Mission then to American Society of Muslims. In 1977, some members split from this group through the guidance of Louis Farrakhan since they felt that they needed more radical changes. They called themselves the Nation of Islam and they focused on reliving the teachings or footsteps of Elijah Muhammad. The Nation of Islam began accommodating traditional Islamic norms in the 1990s while Farrakhan and Mohammed publicly claimed that they had ended their long rivalry in the year 20004. Background/History of Black Islam Movement The Black Muslim Movement or what is popularly called Nation of Islam (NOI) came into being in Detroit, Michigan through the leadership of Wallace Fard Muhammad in the year 1930. The Black Muslim followers refereed to Fard as the â€Å"Mullah Fard,† â€Å"the Prophet,† he was also known as â€Å"The Great Mahdi† and even â€Å"The Savio r.† His teachings to the black were that they were part of an early and long forgotten tribe called Shabazz. He cited that all white people were â€Å"devils† and therefore, a war would ensue among all races in the world and these â€Å"white devils† will ultimately be destroyed. In 1934, Fard vanished mysterious (possibly murdered by rivals) and in that instant one of his devoted followers Elijah Poole became the leader while he changed his name to Elijah Mohammed. An uprising occurred in the Temple at Detroit and therefore, Elijah had to move to Chicago where he attracted many black followers as they wished to be part of the rebellion against white power5. Elijah had been sentenced to five years (1942-1946) in jail since he agreed with Hitler and Nazi ideas while motivating blacks to refrain from joining the American army. During his time in prison, Mohammed realized that black convicts were especially the best people to support the anti-white and anti-Jewish s entiments in favor of black Muslims. Mohammad embarked spreading a message that encouraged Nazi support and black movement ideologies which converted many blacks to the group by the time he left the prison system. In 1947, a black drug dealer, robber, and rapist called Malcolm Little heard about the Black Muslims group during his time in Michigan state penitentiary. Malcolm Little stopped smoking, gambling and refrained from eating pork in a bid to adhere to the Muslim

Passion of The Christ Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Passion of The Christ - Movie Review Example Throughout the film, Jesus undergoes brutality and much suffering. The other leading roles are Caiaphas (the Jewish High Priest) and Pontius Pilate (the Roman Governor). Both do not want to see Jesus being crucified, but live in a perilous time, and Jesus is a major threat to them1. The film relies mostly on the Gospel of Mark; the Jewish crowds shown in almost all scenes of the film support this. The Jewish crowd is shown as indirectly protecting and directly supporting Jesus against the authority of the high priest, which opposes him according to the Gospel of Mark2. In Mark 15:6, â€Å"Pilate had established an open Passover amnesty: ‘at the festival he used to release a prisoner for them, anyone for whom they asked’.†3 The ceremony was open because the crowd and not the governor selected the person to be released. Mark notes that Barabbas (a prisoner) and Jesus are presented to the crowd for it to choose who is to be released and who is to be crucified. There are many differences between the film and the story of Jesus according to the Gospels. There are some portions of Scripture that have been omitted in the film. Gibson cuts words of Matthew 27:25 which states that â€Å"And all the people said, ‘His blood shall be on us and on our children!†4 and John 19:30 which quotes Jesus saying â€Å"It is finished.†5 There are portions of the film that are extra-biblical such as the scene in which Satan is seen holding a baby. The most central scenes of the film are where Jesus is brutally beaten using a whip by the Roman soldiers and the 14 Stations of the Cross. Techniques used in the film include steadcam cinematography and narrative. The utilization of steadcam cinematography assists in the provision of quasi-documentary feel and look. The film has used the languages of the region where Jesus was actually crucified and the setting of the movie appears to capture the Jerusalem atmosphere (though the filmsetting was in Italy). The languages used

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

A look at Starbucks’ marketing strategy Essay Example for Free

A look at Starbucks’ marketing strategy Essay We have no patent on anything we do and anything we do can be copied by anyone else. But you cant copy the heart and the soul and the conscience of the company† – Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks Coffee. This quote from Schultz could be the â€Å"magic† that has separated Starbucks from the every other coffee shop; an attitude of marketing which is inspired by the company’s commitment. The successful marketing strategies which Starbucks employs are definitely of interest to anyone interested in business marketing can learn about. Serving coffee is a common part of any restaurant business, but a successful marketing mix will cause a common product to become uncommon and unique to the consumer. A marketing strategy for a company requires commitment from the company with all departments and employees working together towards the same goal. This should be a philosophy which is applied to the entire organization, not simply an idea that is applied to the marketing department. The two main functions of the marketing strategy are to identify the target market, and develop a successful marketing mix for that target market. Within the marketing mix are four essential components: product, place, promotion, and price. Starbucks Coffee Company has developed a marketing mix which has proven to be exceptionally successful for over 40 years. Starbucks opened in 1971 by owners who developed a passion for dark roast coffee, and that was basically the main product that was sold in the stores. After about a decade of selling coffee beans, the owners allowed Howard Schultz to join the company as the firm’s Director of Retail Operations and Marketing. While on a trip to Italy, Schultz came across the Italian â€Å"coffee culture† which intrigued his interest; a cafà © where people would gather, socialize and spend time in leisure. Schultz believed this â€Å"coffee culture† could be replicated in the United States serving the Starbucks brand of dark roasted coffee and adding espresso drinks to the menu. This concept was rejected by the founders of Starbucks, and eventually  Schultz bought the company, and proceeded to build it into the largest retail coffee shop chain in the world. The product line of coffee was expanded to include espresso drinks such as lattes and cappuccinos; and as the company grew, the drink choices also grew to meet the consumer’s needs. Starbucks is known for having store locations everywhere in the world; even to the point of shops across the street from one another. Beginning in neighborhoods or in rural areas, and expanding to high traffic areas such as New York City; a Starbucks Coffee Shop may be found in or very near any city in the United States. Within the â€Å"place† of the marketing mix, one considers the type of stores as important as the location. The majority of Americans have two main â€Å"places† where time is spent, either at work or at home. With Schultz’s vision of the coffee shops that inspire the customers to consider Starbucks his or her â€Å"third place†, all of the shops have the brand of ease and comfort. Designed to be cozy and comfortable, the store decor of every shop is similar, if not identical: big easy chairs and sofas, tables for customers to gather at, high top counters with plenty of electrical outlets for those who take advantage of the free internet, and music playing which adds to the ambiance. Some locations actually have a burning fireplace to warm the atmosphere during the winter months. It is very rare for one to see a promotional advertisement for Starbucks Coffee in a magazine, newspaper, billboard, television commercial, or any other typical advertising campaign. Starbucks used the marketing strategy of â€Å"word-of-mouth† advertising; allowing the high quality of products and the legendary service promote the brand. This tactic has played a huge part in making Starbucks Coffee Company a success. The front line Barista (coffee artist) has been trained not only to prepare specialty coffee drinks, but to include the art of providing â€Å"legendary service† to the customer. This strategy includes promotion of personalized service by learning customer’s names, specific drink preferences, customer’s occupations, and often personal information concerning the customer’s family  and life events. In the beginning, the company’s mission statement was: To establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles as we grow. Now, Starbucks has added to the mission statement: To inspire and nurture the human spirit One person, One cup, and One Neighborhood at a time. With all employees working with the company’s mission in mind, the brand is promoted on a daily basis. In no way, shape, or form has Starbucks offered a competitive pricing for the products sold in the stores. One may consider the â€Å"experience† of the Starbucks brand to be included in the price of the products. As stated above, with all front line Baristas working with the company’s mission statement as a guideline, the consumer is purchasing a cup of coffee with the experience of personalized legendary service. While the descriptions of Starbucks Coffee Company’s marketing mix did not include the target marketing objective, Starbucks’ target market includes anyone who is willing to pay a premium price for the â€Å"Starbucks Experience. This decision was made with extensive strategic planning, and with the knowledge that using a unique marketing program such as this was a huge risk in being successful. A good summary about the marketing success of Starbucks is this quote by Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks: We establish the value of buying a product at Starbucks by our uncompromising quality and by building a personal relationship with each customer. The marketing mix that Starbucks Coffee Company developed is unique, unconventional, somewhat risky, but most importantly, extremely successful for over 40 years.

Monday, October 14, 2019

E Commerce And The Importance Of Encryption Computer Science Essay

E Commerce And The Importance Of Encryption Computer Science Essay Web-commerce has grown into one of the fastest-growing area of industry in the past two years. Billions of dollars have passed hands in the process and each entrepreneur wants a slice of the dough. To make this possible, data encryption plays a very central role in ensuring customers that paying for anything online is secure. E-commerce relies on encryption to secure data transmission by controlling data access and protect information on the internet and in the end improve consumer confidence. Encryption is the encoding of data using an algorithm such that it is incomprehensible to anyone in the event that the data transmission is intercepted, unless the key is known to enable file decryption. By implementing encryption, integrity is maintained while digital authentication is enforced, thus, allowing both customers and sellers to verify the identity of the other party, a concept fundamental to secure online credit card transactions. The reliability of an e-commerce website may be negatively impacted if theft of customer information occurs, especially risky since 90% of all online payments are dealt by credit cards. 4. Important of Encryption Cryptography is a method of mathematically encoding used to transform messages in to an unreadable format in an effort to maintain confidentiality of data. Cryptography comprises a family of technologies that include the following: Encryption transforms data into some unreadable form to ensure privacy. Decryption is reverse of encryption; it transforms encrypted data back into original, intelligible form. Authentication identifies an entity such as an individual, a machine on the network or an organization. Digital signatures blind a document to the possessor of a particular key and are the digital equivalent of paper signatures. Signature verification is the inverse of a digital signature; it verifies that a particular signature is valid. Application In order to enable secure online transaction, data encryption plays four important functions: Digital authentication which allows both the customers and the merchant to be sure that they are dealing with whom, the other party claims to be. These is absolutely necessary before sending credit card details to the seller and also allow sellers to verify that the customer is the real owner of the credit card being used. Integrity ensures that the messages received re not changed during transmission by any third party. Non-repudiation prevents customers or merchants denying they ever received or sent a particular message or order. In the event that information is intercepted, encryption ensures privacy that prevents third parties from reading and or using the information to their own advantage. Two methods of encryption network traffic on the web are SSL and S-HTTP. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and its successor Transport Layer security (TLS) enable client and server computers to manage encryption and decryption activities as they communicate with each other during a secure web session. Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP) is another protocol used for encrypting data flowing over the internet, but it is limited to individual messages, whereas SSL and TLS are designed to establish a secure connection between two computers. The capability to generate secure sessions is built into Internet client browser software and servers, and occurs automatically with little user intervention. The client and the server negotiate what key and what level of security to use. Once a secure session is established between the client and the server, all messages in that session are encrypted. There are two alternative methods of encryption: symmetric key encryption and public key encryption. In symmetric key encryption, the sender and the receiver establish a secure Internet session by creating a single encryption key and sending it to the receiver so both the sender and receiver share the same key. The strength of the encryption key is measured by its nit length. Today a typical key will be 128 bits long (a string of 128 binary digits). The problem with all symmetric encryption schemes is that the key itself must be shared somehow among the senders and receivers, which exposes the key to outsiders who might just be able to intercept and decrypt the key, A more secure form of encryption called public key encryption uses two keys: one shared (or public) and one totally private, as shown in Figure. The keys are mathematically related so that data encrypted with one key can be decrypted using only the other key. To send and receive messages, communicators first create separate pairs of private and public keys. The public key is kept in a directory and the private key must be kept secret. The sender encrypts a message with the recipientà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s public key. On receiving the message the recipient uses his or her private key to decrypt it. Digital signatures and digital certificates further help with authentication. Benefits/Advantages Most corporations implement multiple forms of security by using hardware solutions such as routers and firewalls. These devices protect essential data by keeping external threats out of the network. Unfortunately, burglars will employ numerous attacks, specifically targeted at your information. When attackers find a way to enter your first line of defense, data encryption steps up and helps to ensure that your secrets cant be viewed. Encryption has changed significantly over the years, going from a military solution to widespread public use. Whether its hardware or software-based, this method is fast, easy to use and most important, secure. Here some of the key benefits this solution offers: Power: The best in data encryption is based on global standards, able to mitigate potential corruption without flaw. Many solutions are large enough to ensure that an entire organization is in full compliance with security policies. Data encryption allows a corporation to achieve military-level security with easy and affordable solutions. Flexibility: Data encryption can protect your sensitive information whether its stored on a desktop or laptop computer, a PDA, removable storage media, an email server or even the corporate network. This allows you to securely access important data from the office, on the road or at home. If the device is lost or stolen, the information will be protected by the data encryption mechanism. Transparency: It wouldnt be a good idea to employ any security measure that negatively impacts your business. An efficient data encryption solution enables your business to flow at a normal pace, silently securing crucial data in the background. Some of the best options are those running effectively without the user even being aware. There are many benefits of data encryption as this solution provides solid protection in the event of a security breach. Not only does it offer peace of mind, it also frees up resources normally used by your perimeter defenses. Every security measure you set in place is important yet inefficient if confidential data itself is not protected. Limitations Encryption is often oversold as the solution to all security problems or to threats that it does not address. Unfortunately, encryption offers no such protection. Encryption does nothing to protect against many common methods of attack including those that exploit bad default settings or vulnerabilities in network protocols or software even encryption software. In general, methods other than encryption are needed to keep out intruders. Secure Computing Corporations Sidewinder system defuses the forty-two bombs (security vulnerabilities) in Cheswick and Bellovins book, Firewalls and Network Security (Addison Wesley, 1994), without making use of any encryption. Conclusion

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Conflicting Perspective in The Great Gatsby Essay -- The Great Gatsby

The 1920s prove to be an era that brought around some of the greatest influences and some of the greatest controversies. In the 1920s, there began to be a schism in the beliefs of prohibition, personal freedoms, and class separation. Traditionalist believed that people were running ramped drink and being promiscuous. Modernists were out to seek personal freedoms, such drinking, sexual experimental, women coming out of their stereotypical roles of being reserved and prude. Classes divided because some people had inherited wealth and other had work hard to earn their money. In The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald, these controversies that divided the generations of the 1920s included prohibition, and the right to personal freedoms and compares and contrast new money versus old money and modernism versus traditionalism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Great Gatsby, there is social dividing line that separates the aristocracy and those who are â€Å"would be† aristocracy. That diving is visible as well as invisible. It is visible in the form of â€Å"West-Egg† and â€Å"East-Egg†, which are areas of Manhattan that are divided between the people with New Money, West-Egg, and the people have had money for generations, East-Egg. People of the east look down on the people of the west as gaudy in every aspect, their homes are over elaborate, as describe by the narrator Nick Carraway. â€Å"My own house was an eye – sore, but it was a small eye-sore and it had been overlooked† (9-10 Fitzgerald). But the homes of east were not described in such as way they were â€Å"the white palaces of fashionable East – Egg† (10 Fitzgerald). Thus dividing in such a way that was as visible as the sound that ran between them. A more invisible dividing line was the snobbish way that Tom Buchanan treated everyone. He dismissed his own wife at times, to go and be with his mistress, whom he treated like property. Tom, one day on the way into New York, forces Nick off the train into the Valley of the Ashes, to go and retrieve his mistress. Demandingly Tom says to Myrtle â€Å"I want to see you†¦ Get on the next train† (30 Fitzgerald). And that was that no contestation, Nick stood there almost dumbfounded, and the arrogance of Tom was very apparent. This was a display that drew an invisible in between the people of East In 1920 the 18th amendment came into effect, outlawing and banding the sale, ma... ...en and women about sexual dangers of sexual activity and the value of â€Å"social purity†(Henretta 651). The thought was that the more people knew about the risks of their personal freedoms that they might choose to take a more traditionalist approach to the choices. But the modernist of their era continued their promiscuity and even created some birth controls, which was aided by Margaret Sanger. People continued to do what they please and then prohibition was repealed by the 21st amendment. The 1920s brought to society the things people may have felt but could not due to social constraints. Prohibition allowed people to go out and find the alcohol, since it could not be found elsewhere. Personal freedoms such as drink and sexual experimentation were expressed in full force of the modernists. There was a very aristocratic approach to the way people viewed and treated other people, there was much class segregation. That segregation was due to new money versus old money and traditionalism versus modernism. The twenties was a â€Å"roaring† era full of new ideas, gadgets, gismos, consumer items, drinking, sex, and fast-paced times. An era that has shaped the way the United States is today.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Capital Punishment is an Effective Deterrent :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Capital Punishment is an Effective Deterrent Throughout history, statistics have proven that Capital Punishment has been an effective deterrent of major crime. Capital Punishment is the lawful infliction of death among criminals and has been used to punish a wide variety of offenses for many years all over the world (Bedau 16). When the death penalty is enforced, it shows society that committing a capital crime has deadly consequences. In early times, many methods of Capital Punishment were used to deter a variety of crimes. For over a century, the uniform method for executing persons in America was hanging, although starvation was very common also. There were exceptions which included spies, traitors, and deserters who would face a firing squad. Then in 1888, New York directed the construction of an "electric chair" (Flanders 11). It was believed that the new harnessed power of electricity would prove to be a more scientific and humane means of execution. The first electrocution took place in New York in 1890. In the past, capital crimes were much different than they are now. Robbery and the selling of alcohol to underage customers was a serious capital crime (McCuen and Baumgart 21). Rape was also a crime where the criminal was sentenced to death. In America, only thirty-seven states authorize the death penalty. In most of those thirty-seven states, murder is the only capital crime. The Supreme Court requires that two conditions must be met in order for a specific murder to warrant the death penalty (Nardo 32). The first condition is that it must be first degree murder, which is the deliberate and premeditated taking of life. The second is that one or more aggravating circumstances must be present. Aggravating Circumstances refer to those aspects of a crime that increase its severity. An example of an aggravating circumstance would be torture in conjunction with a murder. ("Capital Punishment" 32). Every society has faced the problem of what to do with its most troublesome criminals. Many people in the past have argued whether or not Capital Punishment is justified and necessary. Most societies now believe that a criminal should receive punishment proportional to the crime committed. Most societies believe that such a severe punishment was necessary to install fear in others. While more social structures developed, the crimes developed into public and private offenses. Public offenses such as witchcraft and blasphemy, were punished by the state; while private offenses still were answered by acts of personal retribution. The enforcement of Capital Punishment in the early twentieth century declined drastically because of all of the controversy.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Animals Should Not Be Used for Medical Research

UUB 3023 | CRITICAL THINKING| WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT: ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY NAME| 😠 SIFAJEE | TITLE| 😠 ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH IN MALAYSIA| Abstract There is no doubt that throughout the centuries, animals have played a central role in medical research in Malaysia. Many of the treatments available for serious illnesses we have today have come from animal experimentation. There has been recorded that the use of animals in research has been going on as far back as the Greek writings.According to the history, Aristotle who lived in 384-322 BC was the first to use living animals in experiments; whereas Galen, a physician in second-century Rome, was known as the â€Å"father of vivisection† from his experiments on living pigs. However, these experiments were not conducted in the name of clinical research; they were done to gain knowledge about the animals themselves. In that period of time, man was not set next to animals in comparison of physiology or any other way because man was seen as a creature above the animal. From century to century, new ideas were developed when Darwin came with his theory of evolution.His theory made a path that linked human with animals; and encouraged researches to be done on different animals to learn how human physiology worked. Even though many believed animal experimentation is important for clinical study, some claimed that it is against the humanity. Many debates have been carried out to argue whether the animal testing is crucial or cruel. The writer believes though many have heard of this matter, yet people need to know about the adverse effects it plays in the toxicology field. TABLE OF CONTENTS | | Page| | Abstract| 2| | Table of Contents| 3| Introduction| 4| | Argument 1| 5| | Argument 2| 7| | Counter Argument & Refutation| 9| | Conclusion & Recommendations| 13| | References| 15| Introduction Toxicology is the scientific study of interactions between chemicals or other biohazards to liv ing organisms and their systems; and how to prevent poisoning of such substances in application to human beings. Toxicologists often practice animal experimentations called â€Å"vivisection† in order to identify the effects of certain dose of drugs in animals; whether it is beneficial or become poisonous.Vivisection also include procedures such as infecting animals with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, brain damaging, maiming, and blinding to administer the impacts those acts have on these animals, and then, the theories created later can be practiced to enhance the human well-being. Nowadays, many animals in Malaysia are being used in toxicology field for clinical experiments, which cause more animal extinction in our country. Many people have been aware of this matter and this polemic has led to many arguments on whether it is really necessary to use animals in clinical study.Even though some people had argued that it is necessary to conduct clinical research on a nimals, it is believed that the act is no more applicable. The writer claims that animal testing or â€Å"vivisection† is inappropriate for clinical research in Malaysia because the results can be misleading and cause sufferings to animals. Argument 1 Firstly, an animal has a total different DNA and nervous system from a human and therefore you can’t rely on the results. It is claimed that bypass surgery is conducted to save the life of human beings, but the same bypass surgery can be fatal to animals.Similarly, paracetamol is a well-known medicine to cure headache on human, but it will kill a cat, goat or horse. Many of the animal experiments are not only horrible to the animals, but also unreliable. There are tremendous physiological variations between animal and human. According to a source (http://www. veganpeace. com/animal_cruelty/animal_testing. htm), it is stated that: â€Å"Drugs like ‘thalidomide’, ‘zomax’ and DES were all tested on animals and judged safe but had devastating consequences for the humans who used them.More than half of the prescription drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration between 1976 and 1985 were withdrawn from the market or relabeled because of the serious side effects they had on humans. They had all been tested on animals. † It has long been stated that animal testing can certainly be downright contradictory in the results it provides, as well as merely misleading (Dappleshade, 2012). According to the Medical Research Modernization Committee, human data has historically been interpreted in light of laboratory data derived from nonhuman beings. This had turned out to downtrodden medical consequences.For an example, retrospective studies on human patients, in the early 60’s, had already shown a strong correlation between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Unfortunately, almost all experimental efforts on producing lung cancer in animals had failed (Medical Research Modernization Committee). Likewise, the relationship between alcohol consumption and cirrhosis (a liver disease caused by frequent alcohol consumption) is undeniable in human. However, experimental tests conducted to produce cirrhosis by excessive alcohol ingestion have failed in all animals except baboons.On the other hand, the case of polio research in animal models has directed to a misunderstanding of the mechanism of infection and it caused failed preventing measures and delayed the development of the vaccine. During the experimentation on monkeys, it has shown that the virus was transmitted via respiratory organs. When the vaccine tested with monkey’s cell, it has shown positive results. Eventually, the vaccine did not help in producing expected changes in human, and medical researchers found out later that the viruses of polio disease were actually transmitted through the digestive route in human.In short, it is clear that we should not rely on experimental studies in animals due to lots of misleading results and misunderstandings it catered. In Dr. Andrew Knight's â€Å"The Costs and Benefits of Animal Experiments†, it is stated that in a study of twenty randomly chosen cases, only two proved useful in further developing medicines and consistent with clinical trial data. Medical historians argued that key discoveries in fatal diseases in human were achieved mostly through observation of patients and human autopsy because there are lots of misleading results obtained through animal esting. It causes health warnings to be delayed for years, while thousands of people died of various diseases (Medical Research Modernization Committee). Argument 2 Secondly, animal testing or â€Å"vivisection† is inappropriate for clinical research because it causes horrific sufferings to animals. Masses have been debating on the issue that vivisection process is unethical because the helpless animals are harmed and it caused prolonging sufferings to t hem. Animals being sacrificed in the name of medical testing are not presented in objective ways by animal rights organizations in Malaysia.Hence, the general development of animal welfare-opinions has become more engaging. The fact why animal experimentation is against by the community is because the processes is not ended just by giving an animal a pill and see what it does, this is so much ahead than that. This include the action of applying animals with drugs, infecting it with diseases, poisoning for toxicity testing, brain damaging, maiming, blinding and other painful and invasive procedures (Anti-Vivisection Society, 2012). Furthermore, many people think that only mice and rats are being used in animal testing for clinical research.Most people don’t aware that actually rabbits, hamsters, cats, dogs, pigs, horses, goats, chickens, frogs, birds, monkeys and many more are being killed redundantly each year in laboratories. We can’t imagine what will happen to the a nimal’s population if this activity continues further. In addition, the protocols in animal experimentation turned out to be extremely heart-wrenching, where it includes procedures such as long-term social isolation, full-body restraint, electric shocks, withholding of food and water, or repeatedly breeding and separating infants from mothers.Animals suffer excessively when the medical practitioners break their legs, burn them, cut them open while they’re still alive, poison them and remove half their brains, spray fluids in their eyes and so on (Lithium Queen, 2010). The Anti-Vivisection Society further claimed that essentially, it is using animals in ways that cause distress or death in attempts to test the safety of drugs and biological products or finding treatments, prevention, and cures for human diseases. The other point to be noted is that animals are being sacrificed unnecessarily in order to maintain the human wellness.This is totally a failure of logic. Anim als in laboratories live in an intimidating environment within barren cages and experience unnatural lives of daily deprivation. The highly unnatural laboratory environment constantly stresses them. Most of the animals never get the chance to inhale fresh air nor relish sunshine. They are unable to convey their will, make choices, or exert their natural behaviors and needs. The changes that come into their lives are obviously from the intrusive experiments, which range from comfortless ‘zone’ to excruciation.Yet, they are helpless to defend themselves. Animals are not facing natural deaths in laboratories. The viruses that induced into their cells for testing may infect them vigorously and cause them to encounter death gradually. According to a research, it is stated that the viruses transmitted to animals affects the entire organism by altering pulse, blood pressure, hormone levels and immunological activities to their death. In short, it is totally unethical to conduc t animal testing for clinical researches as the adverse effects it has on the animal itself.Peter Singer wrote Animal Liberation in 1975, which has been a major formative influence on the modern animal rights movement. He wrote that â€Å"there are obviously important differences between human and other animals, and these differences must give rise to some differences in the rights that each have. † This is meant in a way that justifies the needs and rights every animal have. Thus, there is no reason to necessarily give an animal what you would have given a man (Dappleshade, 2012). Counter Argument ; Refutation However, there are those who argue that animals should be used for clinical research in Malaysia.The main reason why animals should be used is that animals are more likely resemble to human and they are more accountable to be in replace of human being for clinical studies. Animals are surrogates for humans. The basic reason for animal trials is to determine two issues before any new compound introduced to a human; safety and efficacy, whether a compound is safe for human ingestion and also whether a product works for its intended purpose (Laura Blue, June 17, 2008). In the perspective of doctors and scientists, animal testing is very important for medication and the humanity as a whole.Advocates of animal testing say that the outcomes of testing on animals are the most credible. Millions of medical discoveries decades ago were achieved through animal experimentations. According to the published journal Animal Testing in Medical Research, n. d, one of the most important discoveries was the discovery of insulin in humans. Insulin is secreted from the pancreas. In 1889, a pancreas from a dog was removed to prove its role in digestion. When the pancreas was removed, the researchers discovered flies swarming around the urine of the dog. They found sugar in the urine which proved the connection between pancreas and diabetes.For the following two decade s a lot of researches were done on dogs to figure out how to keep the dog alive without its own insulin production. Similarly, a lot of medical researches involving animals have been conducted to study the correlation it applies on human, and hence, enhance the wellness of human being. Some of the successful discoveries that has helped human from last centuries are as follows: †¢ Kidney transplants †¢ Replacement heart valves †¢ Polio vaccine †¢ Hip replacement surgery †¢ Heart bypass operations †¢ Drugs to treat mental illness †¢ Drugs to treat stomach ulcers, asthma and leukemia Drugs to control transplant rejection †¢ Life-support systems for premature babies It is affirmed that animal testing is important because in the absence of human data, research with experimental animals is reliable for detecting important toxic properties of chemical substances and for estimating risks to human and environmental health. A medical student from the Ox ford University, Kristina Cook, had argued that if this fundamental research is stopped, we won’t find a cure for cancer, a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, a vaccine for AIDS, a therapy for Alzheimer’s and a cure for paralysis.She insisted that any further advances in medicine and human health are absolutely dependent on animal research. Moreover, if to compare who is better to be used to conduct an experiment, of course people will choose animals instead of themselves, even though they realize that animals are also important creatures in our life (Daniyar, 2012). From the drugs testing on animals, now we have antibiotics and vaccines that have saved many people lives. According to Dr. Jane Goodall, n. , he said that, people got used to take all conveniences from life and forget that all those depend on medical researches on animals. In addition, the remedy that now saves thousands of women fighting with breast cancer was developed through medical testing on mice. According to Batul Nafisa Baxamusa, 2010, in DNA level, chimpanzees' body matches up with humans' in 90%. This big number facilitates successful surgeries and transplantations because of similar inner organs of chimpanzees with human's organs.According to University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC), liver from baboon was successfully transplanted to a 35 year- old man in June 1992. This case was the first known transplantation from animal to human. It is the best example of how animal testing has resulted in saving human lives. In spite of opinion that using animals for people's curing is wrong, we can’t deny that fact that annually millions of animals are killed for food; they are used for agriculture, hunted for pleasure of people and even euthanized (Natalie Kustcher, n. ). In that case, using animals to treat and save people's lives by using their organs in surgeries, wouldn’t be the worst deal. Nevertheless, this argument can be refuted because it has bee n proven that with the availability of modern alternatives now, animals testing can be considered as useless. With the development of technology in science, various new alternatives have been found to replace the experiment on animals. Studies can be undertaken upon human cell cultures and engineered tissues, than testing on animals.According to a published journal, Animals in Research: The Importance of Animals in the Science of Toxicology (2006), one alternate way is by applying ‘vitro’ tests (meaning) laboratory tests using cell or organ cultures rather than whole organisms. In other cases, organisms such as worms or bacteria are used instead of mammals. In replacement of animals, computer models can also be developed to predict outcomes of the test carried out. The viable options were meant to produce more accurate results on the clinical research and to prevent more animals from being harmed.The cloning of human organs and examining within the cell cultures are now scientifically proven to produce more reliable data to human autopsy and therefore, the need for animal testing will be no longer become an issue. Referring to a reliable source (http://www. newscientist. com/article/mg15120450. 300-pioneers-cut-out-animal-experiments. html), a company by the name of Pharmagene Laboratories in the United Kingdom utilises only tissue cultures and computer modelling on its drug development and testing.The existence of this company shows that the need for animal experimentation is now no longer the case. Medical practitioners by all means can now consider replacing vivisection on animals with cloning of organs and safely test on it. By this way, no one gets hurt, and eventually it doesn’t cost as much as animal testing. Many people may believe that modern alternatives are much more expensive than animal testing because that is what the pharmaceutical industry keeps telling them.It indeed costs quite an amount of money to switch from old techniq ues to new ones, but eventually it will be worth it. It is a one-time investment, whereas with animal testing; you have to keep paying for it. The cost to rear, feed and maintain animal subjects is extremely high, whereas the alternative methods are cheaper and thus less burdensome on the economy. So despite what the industry claims, animal testing is more expensive than the use of modern alternatives (LithiumQueen, 2010). Conclusion & RecommendationsTo sum things up, the writer would like to uphold once again that animals should not be used for clinical research in Malaysia. Through time, the welfare of the animals has come into focus, and several legislations have been made to prevent cruelty and unnecessary acts. Even though many medical breakthroughs have been a result of animal researches, we should only be grateful to the animal tests of the past for the benefits they have provided us, without seeing a need for animal tests in the future (Dappleshade, 2012).Despite of the argu ments that animal experimentation must be conducted because animal pathology is similar to that of humans, we should aware more on the consequences that the misleading results animal testing has played, and that using animals in laboratories cause horrific sufferings to them. There are more negative effects imposed by animal experimentation than the benefits it has provided us with. A professor of philosophy, Professor Charles R. Magel made his statement that: â€Å"Ask the experimenters why they experiment on animals, and the answer is: ‘Because the animals are like us. Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: ‘Because the animals are not like us. ‘ Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction. † In Europe, a research foundation called 3Rs is being implemented in order to find solution to the abundance number of animals sacrificed in the name of animal testing. The term 3Rs stands for Replacement, Reduction and Refinement. This implies the concept to replace animal testing, to reduce the number of animals used in testing, or to refine methods to minimise the distress for research animals.This kind of research foundation should be implemented in Malaysia as well, to promote good science with no animal experimentation in future. In conclusion, with the new technology lead to viable alternatives and more humane methods like use of cell cultures and imaging, it is hoped that the number of animals used in medical research can be tremendously reduced. References * Christine Egerszegi- Obrist, 3R Research Foundation (n. d). Good Science with Less Animal Experimentation. Available at http://www. forschung3r. ch/ * Dappleshade, Debate. org (2012).Animal Testing should be Banned. Retrieved from http://www. debate. org/debates/Animal-testing-should-be-banned/1/ * Kristina Cook (April 4,2006). Why Animal Research is Important AND Needed: A Copy of the Speech I Gave on the February 25th D emonstration. Retrieved from http://www. protest. org. uk/2006/04/why-animal-research-is-important-and. html * Laura Blue (June 17, 2008). How Much Does Animal Testing Tell Us?. Retrieved from http://www. time. com/time/health/article/0,8599,1815241,00. html * Lee Bowman, Scripps Howard News Service (2011).Animal Testing: Crucial or Cruel?. Retrieved from http://www. abc15. com/dpp/news/national/animal-testing%3A-crucial-or-cruel * LithiumQueen, Mibba Creative Writing (2010). The Cruelty of Animal Testing. Retrieved from http://www. mibba. com/Articles/Science/3703/The-Cruelty-of-Animal-Testing/ * Marte Thomassen, Ellen Trolid, Tonje Arondsen, Marit Gystol (n. d). Animal Testing in Medical Research- Past, present and future. Retrieved from http://www. nt. ntnu. no/users/clabec/pdf/MedicalResearchAnimalExperiments. pdf Medical Research Modernization Committee (2006). A Critical Look at Animal Experimentation. Retrieved from http://www. mrmcmed. org/Critical_Look. pdf * Neavs. org (n. d). Alternatives in Testing. Retrieved from http://www. neavs. org/alternatives/in-testing * The Society of Toxicology (2006). Animals in Research: The Importance of Animals in the Science of Toxicology. Retrieved from http://www. toxicology. org/ai/air/AIR_Final. pdf * Wanda Embar (2008). Animal Testing. Retrieved from http://www. veganpeace. com/animal_cruelty/animal_testing. htm